The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 – Black Crane Ship 4

“The cation cannon on board is charging.”

In the hall on the top floor of the “Black Crane Boat”, Phantom spoke esoteric and difficult words in an emotionless tone. The light and shadow on the wall combine to form a vast overhead view, which is exactly what the “Black Crane Boat” sees from the sky overlooking the earth. At the moment of the solar eclipse, the “Black Crane Boat” immediately gained enough energy to crash into the cave and get out of trouble. Clement ordered his men to **** Enzo and Giuliano and make them kneel aside. The king himself stood in front of the round platform with his hands behind his back, enjoying the spectacular overlooking scenery with great interest.

“Which city should we attack first?” He looked down at Enzo, “Let’s start with Zanodia. It is his honor that Hean Suweita died under the artillery of the ‘Black Crane Ship’ It’s a pity that I can’t see the panic expression on his dying face.”

“Your Majesty,” the king’s bodyguard stepped forward, “Your Majesty dares to speak up, please do not destroy Xanodia.”

“Why? Hean Suveta is our worst enemy, shouldn’t we get rid of him first?”

“Zanodia has the best deep-water harbor among the city-states of Yod. If we occupy this city, our country will have access to the sea and a powerful navy. Destroy it and nothing will be left. Besides, Hean Suweita is An outstanding soldier, if he can be brought under his command, His Majesty will surely be even more powerful. The subordinate suggests attacking other city-states first, and let those unruly people see the power of the ‘Black Crane Boat’. They know they can’t match it, so they will Obediently submit to His Majesty’s heavenly power. Then His Majesty will be able to gain the city and the army without a single soldier.”

King Clement thought for a while, and then showed a satisfied smile.

“It makes sense. A king should rule over his subjects, not ruins and corpses. So where is the best way to attack first?”

“It’s very close to Vannessa. Vannessa’s geographical location is not as good as that of Zanodia. Even if it is turned into ruins, the loss will not be that great. Moreover, it is also the base camp of pagan believers, so it is perfect for surgery.”

“Okay. ‘Black Crane Boat’, turn around and head for Vanessa!”

Giuliano blurted out: “No!”

Clement lowered his head and stared at him with a cruel look in his eyes: “Why are you so excited? Are you from Vanessa?”

Giuliano gritted his teeth and remained silent. But his expression already answered King Clement’s question. The king looked at the changing light and shadow on the wall in his spare time: “Keep your eyes open and watch how your heretical city is destroyed. If your screams satisfy me, I might let you go.”

Giuliano wanted to jump up and wring Clement’s neck on the spot! But Enzo winked at him, telling him not to be impulsive. He had no choice but to hold back his killing intent, waiting for the assassin to give him a signal to act. Before that, Oraxia brought them two pocket daggers, which could be hidden in their sleeves, allowing them to assassinate King Clement at close range. However, there were guards watching, and Clement never approached them, so they couldn’t find a chance to make a move.

The magnificent city walls of Vanessa soon appeared in sight. Giuliano was amazed at how fast the “Black Crane Boat” was flying. If it is used to transport troops, Clement’s soldiers and horses can appear anywhere in Fagus at any time, and no one can stop his offensive. Coupled with powerful weapons… conquering the world is not a problem at all.

“‘Black Crane Boat’, blow up the Governor’s Mansion of Vanessa.” King Clement confidently ordered, “Destroy their administrative center first, and make them leaderless.”

“As ordered. On board the cation cannon, ready to fire. Countdown, three, two, one.”

The dazzling light forced Giuliano to close his eyes. He heard the roar like a landslide and tsunami, and even the hull of the ship was shaken by it. When he opened his eyes again, tears blurred his vision. All he could see was the raging fire and billowing smoke. The lips were bitten out of blood, and the taste of rust filled the tip of the tongue. The dagger slipped out of his cuff, and he could rush forward to fight Clement at any time.

The king clapped his hands and laughed.

“It’s great! I’m really impressed! With this weapon, the whole world will surrender at my feet!” He stared at the Deran River that runs through the city, “That’s the transportation hub of Vanessa?” Black Crane ‘, attack the docks on the river, and destroy their water supply lines!”

“Follow the order. The cation cannon on board is charging.”

The king turned his head and looked at Giuliano with a triumphant smile. “Look at your expression, it really makes me happy physically and mentally! Vannessa could have escaped, I promised Boniwell to be the Supreme Governor of Yod in exchange for military intelligence and Vannessa’s surrender. But Boniwell Since Nivelle is dead, our agreement will be cancelled. If you want to blame, you can blame those **** assassins in your city for killing your only life-saving talisman!”

Giuliano blushed. What irony! He worked so hard to kill Boniwell, a treacherous traitor, but he didn’t expect that his death would lead to a greater disaster! Did he do something wrong? Shouldn’t he have killed Boniwell? But when he attacked, how could he have expected the situation today?

“Don’t move!” Enzo whispered, “Calm down! Now is not the time!”

“How long will it take! My hometown will be destroyed!” Giuliano stared at Clement.

“It’s not the time yet! Wait a little longer! Going up now is tantamount to dying in vain! Wait a little longer! He will always show his flaws!”

A ray of light landed on the Delan River!

The pier suddenly turned into a sea of flames, the river water was evaporated, forming a thick fog, and the ships caught fire, turning into fireballs floating on the river. Only then did the citizens of Vanessa realize that a catastrophe was imminent. The city guards were quite worthy of the salary they received. Not long after the first attack, they gathered together. The archers shot arrows at the flying ship in the sky, but the arrows either couldn’t reach the flying ship at all, or were blocked by its hard shell. Bounced away without causing any damage. After the second attack, the city guards were so frightened that they threw away their helmets and armor, and many soldiers directly became deserters. Even the officer’s whip could not make them return to their posts. And the officers were busy planning escape routes. If facing an ordinary enemy, even if the enemy has ten times the strength of his own, the officer will not be afraid. But the current opponent is not something they can fight against! That’s not mortal power at all!

The wharf has been destroyed, and the only way out of the city is the land gate. From the upper city to the lower city, every city gate is full of people. Even if the gates are fully opened, it is impossible to evacuate the astonishing number of people. More and more people crowded at the gate of the city in an orderly manner. When fleeing, they didn’t even care about carrying their luggage, they just wanted to leave as soon as possible. Many were trampled to death, and the corpses stumbled many more. The nobleman’s carriage couldn’t move an inch. Some people even tried to climb the city wall with bare hands, but their end was nothing more than a pulp.

The roof of the Copper Carp Inn was equally crowded. Panic-stricken guests jostle and scramble down the only exit. The gate was squeezed, the stairs collapsed, and some people simply chose to jump from the roof.

Antoine took off his sword and used it to stand in front of Constantia and Theodora, protecting the two ladies. The crowd has gone crazy, they can’t go down normally at all, and of course they can’t jump off the building. The “Black Crane Boat” was still hovering over the city, not knowing where the next attack would land.

Constanzia took off her gloves and pointed her hands to the sky, the tattoo on her arm glowed blood-red.

“What are you doing!” cried Antoine in horror.

“I’ll try to see if I can attack it with the secret method of fire!”

A pillar of fire shot out from the female scholar’s palm and shot straight into the sky, but before it got close to the “Black Crane Boat”, its power was exhausted. Constantia snorted dejectedly: “It’s too far! If only I could fly up!”

“Forget it, Constantia, don’t worry about it.” Theodora said, “Your secret technique is certainly powerful, but the ‘Black Crane Boat’ is the creation of the gods, and mortals are beyond their capabilities to challenge it. “

Everyone looked up at the black shadow in the sky in despair.

“Is it really impossible to stop it…” Constanzia murmured, “Is it true that only the power of the dragon race can match it? The ancient race had so many ‘Black Crane Ships’, but they still failed to drive away the dragon race In the end, they could only escape on a flying boat. The giant dragon must be able to defeat the ‘Black Crane Ship’, but they have long since disappeared from the land of Fagus…”

Another ray of light falls!

The dead light of this destruction fell on a place very close to the “Bronze Carp Inn”, right in the middle of the city guard barracks. Most of Vanessa’s military power was wiped out in an instant! The shock wave of the explosion spread in all directions like ripples, followed by overwhelming dust and a strong pungent smell. Antoine and Lexi threw the two women to the ground, protecting them with their bodies. The explosion wind wrapped the wreckage of a large tree and passed over their heads, and countless gravel and debris rained down on Antoine’s back. He coughed in the smoke.

“Antoine, are you okay!” Constantia asked nervously.

“Ahem, it’s okay…”

Antoine struggled to get up, seeing ruins and flames in sight, and only wailing and crying in his ears. A woman, pinned down by a collapsing wall, desperately calls for help. A lost child hugs a doll and howls with fear. A man who lost his family frantically scraped through the ruins, calling out the names of his wife and children. A gray-haired old couple huddled under the collapsed roof, waiting for the death sentence. The clear blue sky was reddened by flames, and the bright golden morning sun was obscured by thick smoke. The city that was still singing and dancing just now has turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant!

—Who will save them!

Antoine screamed inwardly.

—Who will save us!

Those legendary heroes, great men in ballads, why is there no one here! Those chivalrous men who always appear on the scene in times of crisis, and heroes who always turn the tide in desperate situations, why are none of them missing! Are those exciting stories a lie! why! Why did this city suffer such a catastrophe! Why no one came to save innocent people! where are you! where are you! where are you! !

A hand suddenly pulled him up!


Leixi’s voice exploded in his ears like thunder.

“Cheer up, Antoine! Don’t you want to be a hero!”

He frantically shook the young swordsman’s shoulders.

“If there are no heroes, you become a hero!”

Antoine opened his eyes wide, and the frost-white figure of the bard was reflected in the tea-colored irises filled with tears.

“Answer me, Antoine! Do you want to be a hero!”


Tears fell down uncontrollably, and two white marks rushed out on his dusty face.


He yelled with all his might:

“-I think!!”

travelling poet…



“That’s the answer I was waiting for.”

He patted Antoine on the arm encouragingly.

“Remember what you said today, Antoine.”

The bard dragged Antoine with lightning speed and jumped off the roof!


Constanzia tried to grab them, but couldn’t even touch their clothes.

“He’s crazy! Lexi is crazy! He jumped off Antoine!”

She lay on the edge of the roof, looking down.

The whirlwind rises from bottom to top and rushes towards the sky.

Constantia forgot words. She saw a scene that she would never forget in her life, a nightmarish horror, but a sight that was so magnificent that she couldn’t breathe—

A white dragon fluttered into the sky. Its figure is so huge that it gives people a sense of coercion like mountains pressing down on top. White scales, like frost and snow, covered its whole body. Every time it **** its wings, it will set off a tidal wave of wind. In the amber eyes, the pupils were as thin as pinpoints. It opened its mouth, revealing two rows of gleaming teeth, and its sharp roar tore apart the sky of Vanessa.

“White Dragon, Reshtani…” Constanzia said to herself in shock, “Reshtani…Reshi…so he is…he has always been!”

A small figure lay between the white dragon’s horns. Antoine panicked and grabbed a piece of dragon scale, for fear of being thrown off by the dragon.

“What’s going on… What the **** is going on… Rexi? Where did Rexi go? What is this?!”

The white dragon deftly turned around in the air, facing the “Black Crane Boat” hovering above the city.

“How ironic! The descendants of the Dragon Emperor ride the ancient god’s spaceship to fight against the Dragon God himself. Nameless force, is this your secret arrangement!”

The dragon’s deep laughter was like rumbling thunder.

“As I said, the moment of choice is over. Of the three, I choose you, Antoine!”

It took the young swordsman a while to realize that Bailong was talking to him.

“Choose… me? What do you mean?”

His throat was dry and his voice was hoarse.

“Lexi, is that you?”

“Of course it’s me. I’m Rexi, and I’m also Laetia. I’m the white dragon Reshtani. The world respects me as one of the dragon gods, and my fellow clan gave me a nickname—the writer of legends. Antoine, From now on, when people talk about your story, they will say that it all started in that rainy night in the tavern. It was at that time, at that place, that I made a decision!”

The white wings rise with the wind.

“That was the beginning of the legend!”

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