The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 – Final Commission

Rorjan border. Ponto City.

The two horses walked unhurriedly on the border road. They were going to return, and since the mission was over, and it was the last mission, they were not in a hurry and enjoyed the journey and the countryside at their leisure. They heard all kinds of rumors along the way, about the war, about the truce, about the flying ship sent by the gods, and about the ancient white dragon. They pay special attention to the rumors about a certain young swordsman. Some say that he single-handedly rescued a hostage from a robber, some say that he defeated a ferocious pirate with a single force, and some are talking about his romance with a female mystic. relation. Giuliano and Enzo couldn’t help laughing at these half-truths, half-truths, embellished imaginations and fabricated plots. To this day they still roll with laughter from time to time over the “Antoine was an eight-foot giant” gossip.

But all the news is not as good as the completion of the task. The deal brings them generous rewards, and they can bid farewell to complex political intrigues and live a happy life. Giuliano is anxious to return to Vanessa to join in the work of rebuilding his beloved hometown.

For fear of scaring the tavern owner, they did not go directly into the tavern, but tied their horses in the nearby woods, put on masks, and climbed up to the second floor of the tavern. They came to the westernmost room and got into the house from the balcony. The client was there waiting for them, as always. He didn’t know how long he sat, how much tobacco he smoked, he never seemed to move.

“Welcome, two friends.” The client squinted his eyes and looked through the smog in the room, “The wings of news are faster than the fastest horse. The rumor of the king’s death has reached my ears, and I am very satisfied .”

He put down his pipe. “My master is also very satisfied.”

“It was our honor to serve him.” Enzo saluted exaggeratedly. “And—please allow me to ask a vulgar question—what about the reward? I didn’t see the box in this room. You don’t mean to renege on it.” Bar?”

“You will be satisfied. Everyone can get what they want today, and everyone can leave contentedly. But,” he hooked his fingers, “I must ask first, Reticent, we have cooperated three times, three times The results are all so gratifying. Would you like to cooperate with us for the fourth time? The price is good, it is more than all the previous business combined, probably more gold than you have ever seen in your life. Would you consider it? “

Enzo replied without hesitation: “Please allow me to solemnly refuse, my lord. I don’t have such great ambitions, and the current remuneration has already satisfied me. According to my shallow opinion, let us settle the payment and part ways.” That’s good. As for your new commission… Please be smart.”

The client shook his head, blaming Enzo for his ignorance.

“I begged so sincerely, but you are not moved?” He stood up and walked towards the door. “Then let my master come and talk to you in person, how about it? The master’s eloquence is better than mine, maybe you will be moved ?”

He opened the door and bowed so deeply that his forehead almost touched the floor. Giuliano stared intently at the door, for fear of missing this important moment.

Who is the real master hiding behind the scenes? Did he condescend to meet them in person, did he have any special purpose? Giuliano suddenly came up with a horrifying thought: Could it be that he wants to kill people to silence him?

“Come in, my lord, the guests have been waiting for a long time.” The client said humbly.

One of the most beautiful women Giuliano had ever seen in his life entered the room. Her blond hair was waist-length, her skin was snow-white, and the ink-colored silk dress made her look as delicate as a puppet, but the radiance in her eyes was unmatched by any puppet. Her steps swayed as she walked, like a lily in the wind. Giuliano smelled a faint fragrance from her body. It was not artificial perfume, but some natural fragrance, like the fresh air after the rain.

He stared at the woman intoxicated, forgetting how rude his behavior was. Even though he wasn’t very interested in the opposite sex, and he was already deeply in love, this woman still fascinated him. He can throw away the sexual element and just appreciate her beauty. The woman also seemed to enjoy his attention, so she didn’t say anything to stop him.

However, Enzo’s face turned pale abnormally, and he took several steps back again and again, as if the woman was emitting poisonous gas. Giuliano could tell from the look in his eyes that he knew the woman.

“What’s the matter with you, Enzo? Do you know each other?”

He took Enzo’s arm with concern. The assassin’s palms felt cold, and cold sweat slid down his neck into the collar. Giuliano was surprised to notice that he was shaking.

Enzo was trembling!

What kind of magical power does this woman have that made him nervous like this?

“I am so glad to see you.” The woman’s voice was like the music of a harp. “How long has it been since we met? Ten years? Twenty years? I can’t remember. When you and your mother left, I was still a Child. I can hardly remember her face.”

She walked forward, raised her slender hand, and caressed Enzo’s cheek, “Dear brother.”

A thunderous thunder exploded in Giuliano’s head.

“Brother?” He looked at Enzo, “Is this your sister?” He looked at the blond woman again, trying to find something in common between the two. They’re all beautiful—that’s true. The same blond hair—Enzo’s was lighter, a metallic platinum-blonde, the woman’s was like dazzling gold. Silver-gray eyes—in the current lighting conditions, all glowing with a crystal blue. Other than that, he couldn’t find any more similarities.

“You guys are really brothers and sisters?! Wait… Enzo’s sister… that’s… that’s…”

The client came quietly to the woman and looked at her in awe, as if wishing to crawl at her feet and kiss the ground she walked on.

He said: “This is the Duchess of Balanja, Queen Muchania, the descendant of the Dragon King, the only legal ruler of Fagus, His Majesty Ji Lisa.”

The woman gracefully extended her left hand, beckoning Enzo to kiss him. Enzo held her hand stiffly, but didn’t kiss the back of her hand.

“It’s really you…” He said hoarsely, “Girissa, it’s really you.”

“It’s me, the genuine Ji Lisa, otherwise who else could it be? The reunion of the long-lost brother and sister, why don’t you look happy at all? I’ve been in high spirits for a long time.” Ji Lisha laughed like a child .

“You are the ‘master’ behind the scenes, and everything is planned by you.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Ji Lisa withdrew her hand and combed her blond hair with her fingers, “Who else could it be if it wasn’t me? I’m surprised you didn’t guess it was me.”

“I…I don’t want to think about that.” Enzo’s body began to shake, and if Giuliano hadn’t supported him, he would have collapsed. “You have changed…why did you become like this…”

“Changed?” The queen looked puzzled, “My dear brother, when you and your mother left, I was still a child who didn’t know the world. You never knew what kind of person I was, and now Put on the airs of a brother and teach me a lesson!”

The reunion of the long-lost brother and sister, but there is no tearful scene, there is no warmth between the two, and Giuliano would not be surprised if one of them suddenly jumped over and strangled the other.

“Why are you doing this, Ji Lisa? Why?”

“what do you mean?”

“All of these!” Enzo raised his voice, “your scheme, your client, and the spy Marco…”

“I’m a majestic queen, how can I do the dirty work myself?” Ji Lisa proudly threw her hair back and walked towards the chair where the client had been sitting. The client hurriedly wiped the chair clean with his own clothes for her to sit on.

“How did the Viscount de Ranchocourt provoke you?!”

“You mean our distant cousin who has been separated for eight generations? He is so arrogant and conceited that he wants to find the Dragon God. I will not let him succeed. If he finds something, then my years of painstaking efforts will be all gone. In vain?”

“Where’s Boniwell?!”

“He made an alliance with my dear husband. I cannot allow Clement to win the war and become the last overlord. His power must be weakened, so Boniwell had to die.”

“Your husband…” Enzo seemed almost suffocated, “Clement, your husband! You hired a murderer to kill your husband!”

Ji Lisa had an indifferent expression on her face: “Legal speaking, he is indeed my husband, but so what? To me, he is just a stepping stone. On the list of heirs to the Muchania throne, he is the first In front of me. Our son can rightfully inherit the entire kingdom. Until he comes of age, I will take all power in his place – including his father’s inheritance. Thank you my dear husband for helping me clear the way and unite the army and the princes His banner.” She smiled sweetly, “The princes in Muchania are not willing to obey a woman, but it is different to rule the kingdom in the name of a son, not to mention that I am still a poor widow His Majesty Leman IV’s widow, everyone sympathizes with me, and my extraordinary ability to govern the country will make them respect me even more, and dissidents will be criticized by everyone. Soon, I will be able to unite the country The hearts of the people from top to bottom, send your troops south to avenge your husband – I will conquer the land of Fagus and build a new empire from the ashes. My child will be crowned gloriously, but at that time my power is already over him, and I will abolish He, was then crowned Empress of the world.”

“You’re crazy!” Enzo growled, “You’re even more crazy than me!”

Ji Lisa is not angry at all. “There’s always been a fine line between a great man and a madman. ‘Madness’ is just another way of saying ‘great.’ We are not only descended from the great Darion, but we have inherited an ancient blood from our mother, fused with the blood of man. , endow us with extraordinary power. How many people in the world can obtain such a gift? You are also one of them, but unfortunately you don’t know how to use it at all, wasting your excellent talent in vain.”

“I’d rather be locked up in a madhouse!”

Ji Lisha didn’t seem to have heard his words, and continued on her own: “But it’s not too late, there is still a chance to redeem. My dear brother, why don’t you accept my commission and help me remove the last obstacle? Then I can disclose your identity and welcome you back to your homeland. I can also give you the title of father, anyway, my sons will not need it in the future. We are born to be rulers, and you don’t want to rule this with me the world?”

Enzo’s face turned pale: “What else do you want to do?! Isn’t your feast of blood over yet? Who are you going to kill this time?”

“It’s that hateful guy who killed me halfway to ruin my good things…” The queen’s expression turned cold in an instant, and the sweetness just now disappeared completely, just like the sun was covered by dark clouds.

“I’m going to kill the white dragon Reshtani!”

Enzo laughed dumbfounded. “You want to kill a dragon? Hahahaha…you…you are really sick! Let alone the question of whether dragons can kill, you are the queen of Muchania, but you want to kill the dragon **** you worship?! “

“So what about the dragon god? Dare to destroy my great cause, even if it is a god, I will kill him! Now there are rumors everywhere that the white dragon **** Reshtani has chosen a new hero. No, I can’t let it play any more heroes The brave man’s play house game. I planned everything, and it is a variable that must be removed!”

With that said, the queen returned to her calm and serene demeanor. “Dear brother, help me this time? I propose a commission to you as a queen, and I make a plea as a younger sister. It is reasonable for you to help me, isn’t it?”

“Let me refuse.” Enzo rebuffed coldly, “The silent one can refuse the commission. As an older brother, I don’t want to help my crazy sister, and I promised him a long time ago…”

In the Zanodia Silver Seagull Hotel, he made a deal with Lei Xi.

“Maybe one day in the future, you will receive a commission to assassinate me – please be sure to refuse at that time.”

“I promise you.”

It turned out that he had laid this **** so early in exchange for the promise of life-saving from the Silent One.

“I promised Rishthani I would never kill it. The Reticent never lies.”

“Don’t worry about the dogma of the Reticent, those ancient gods have never helped us. My mother abides by the rules of the gods all her life and is the most loyal believer. In the end, she didn’t die.”

“Even if I’m not the Silencer, I can’t kill Reshtani for you! That’s a dragon! Even the ancient races are no match for it, let alone mere humans!”

“You are not alone. You have so many ‘brothers and sisters’ of the Reticents, go to them for help. Tell them, I will pay as much as they want, and let them form an army of dragon slayers. And you Just admitted it yourself – you know Rishthani! Go hide in the shadows and assassinate it before it is ready! Whatever, kill it for me!”

“I can not do it.”

The smile disappeared from Ji Lisa’s face.

She stood up and turned to the door. Giuliano thought she had been rejected, so he was about to leave in frustration, but she turned around suddenly, and a triumphant smile appeared on her beautiful face again.

“Really, dear brother. Then I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be so extreme. After all, we are brothers and sisters of the same mother. Although you don’t like me, I don’t like you either.”

She clapped her hands.

The sound of armor and sword clashing sounded from all directions. Giuliano ran to the balcony and was horrified to find they were surrounded by an army. Crowds of soldiers appeared from nowhere and blocked their retreat.


“They have always been there.” Ji Lisa said, “Mukania has many mystics, and this time I brought them together. The mystics cast invisibility magic on my personal guards, so you are here Didn’t find them.”

Enzo drew out his weapon and pointed at his sister, “Since you are so powerful, why don’t you do it yourself? Ask your personal guards and mystics to deal with the white dragon!”

“That can’t be done. How can the queen of Muchania openly fight the dragon god, so I must ask others to do it for me, my dear brother.”

“Let us go!”

“Unless you promise me.”

“Impossible, as I said, I have made a deal with Rishthani, and I promised not to kill him.”

“Then you must die here.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll kill you?!” Enzo approached Ji Lisa.

The queen smiled fearlessly and faced Enzo’s sword. Only then did Giuliano notice the resemblance between her and Enzo from her face. They never wavered in the face of danger, but Enzo relied on the courage to face death, and the queen relied on the madness of going her own way.

“Just try it. If I don’t walk out of the tavern safely, the people outside will kill everyone here. And the public purpose of my coming to Ponto City is to visit the city lord, and this new viscount is my fief.” My lord, our distant relative. You can do it to me, but that means you are against the whole kingdom. Try it, dear brother. I am very much looking forward to the ending.”

“You think I’m afraid of death?”

“Oh, of course you are not afraid. You have put life and death aside, so this can’t threaten you. But what about that young friend beside you? Would you like him to be buried with you?”

Enzo hesitated. He has a detached attitude towards his own life and death, but he cherishes Giuliano. He was the one who made the deal with Leixi, and he was the one who died, but if it would implicate Giuliano…he dared not continue thinking about it!

“You want my life. Then take it.” He resignedly put down his sword, “but let him go. Please.”

The queen turned to the client: “These two people are useless, get rid of them, and find others. Remember to clean up the room and don’t cause trouble for the boss.”

“Obey, Your Majesty.” The client bowed his head deeply.

“Gilisa!!” Enzo shouted hoarsely.

The Queen took the doorknob and did not look back.

“I beg you! For mother’s sake! Kill me, just let him go!”

There was the sound of bowstrings being drawn outside the house.

“Wait a minute! I am willing to accept the commission!”

The queen’s movements stopped.

It was not Enzo who made the sound, but Giuliano.

The young apprentice stepped forward, knelt on one knee behind the queen, and bowed his head to her.

“Your Majesty, I am willing to accept your entrustment. I will make Resh Thani disappear from this world, and it will never hinder your career again. In exchange, please save Enzo’s life.”

“You?” The queen turned around in surprise, “If the information I received is correct, you are just an apprentice of the Reticent, and you have not studied under Enzo for less than a year. What skills do you have?”

“I have my own way.”

“Think carefully, don’t make promises casually. If you can’t fulfill your mission, Enzo will still have to die.”

“I will either fulfill my mission or die at the hands of Rishthani. If I survive, please let Enzo go as promised. If I die…you will definitely execute him. But he probably won’t refuse to follow I will meet again in Hades.”

Enzo had never been so panic-stricken in his entire life!

“No!” he roared, “Giuliano, what nonsense are you talking about?!”

Giuliano stood up and turned to his teacher, his friend, his lover.

“I’m saving you. Don’t interrupt.”

“Are you crazy too! How can you challenge a dragon? And…and…” he gasped to Gelissa, “it won’t work! Giuliano is my apprentice—just an apprentice! He’s not the Reticent , he cannot independently accept the entrustment, I will not allow it! He is not qualified at all!”

Giuliano walked up to him. Every time he took a step, Enzo took a step back. Unexpectedly, one day he would be afraid of approaching his beloved Giuliano.

At last he retreated to the wall, and there was nowhere to retreat. Giuliano looked up at him, tears welling in his emerald green eyes.

“Enzo, you once said that the gods have already pointed out the way, and no one can escape.”

He stood on tiptoe and kissed Enzo’s cold lips. At the same time, he took off the necklace on Enzo’s neck, pulled out the holy emblem of the Reticent from his clothes, and hung it around his neck.

“Now I believe it. I was destined to be the Reticent.”

He smiled sadly. A dagger slipped out of his sleeve and landed in his palm.

The queen looked at them both puzzled.

The room was enveloped in an unspeakable silence.

After a while, Giuliano backed away from Enzo. He held a **** dagger in his right hand, and a **** thumb in his left. He opened his palm so that the queen could see the severed finger. Enzo leaned against the wall and slowly slid on the ground. His right hand was bleeding profusely.

“I amputated the thumb of his dominant hand.”

said Giuliano to the queen.

“When the Silencer retires, he must cut off his thumb to show that he will never hold a sword again. Enzo is no longer the Silencer. As his apprentice, I will inherit everything from him.”

He let go. The truncated finger fell to the ground with a “boom”.

“As the Silent One, I accept your entrustment, Your Majesty.” He lightly touched the holy emblem on his chest and stained Enzo’s blood on it, “I will make the white dragon Reshtani disappear from this world forever. “

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