The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 – Depart In The Evening

Antoine was shocked: “What did you say?!”

Reshtani said: “Enzo once made an agreement with me…”

“That’s what Enzo promised you, but I didn’t.” Giuliano touched the holy emblem on his chest lightly, “Enzo is no longer the Silent One.”

“Ah… I missed a move.” Reshtani shook his head helplessly, “I was careless because you were still an apprentice at the time. I should have made an agreement with you if I knew it earlier.”

“It’s too late to say anything now.”

“Do you know, Giuliano, in that tavern in Ponto City, I selected three candidates. One is a young swordsman with ordinary background and a fire in his heart, and the other is a young swordsman who has a **** vengeance and walked on the road of darkness.” Lu’s noble son, and another one who is more noble than others and bears the curse caused by two completely different bloodlines. No matter which one I choose, I will definitely be able to compose an epic story. But in the end I chose Anto Wan. Do you know why?”

“Appreciate further details.”

“Because you are assassins,” Rishthani said. “Assassins have no legends. You are a shadow in a ballad, a trail of blood between the pages of a book. You may have done many things, and even affected the course of this world, but you Will never be a hero.”

Giuliano smiled. “I think we have our own stories, which are not enough for outsiders.”

“So what’s your story like? Is there a chapter in it called ‘Dragon Slaying’?”

“My client wants you to disappear from this world, but I will not kill you,” Giuliano said regretfully, “because I still regard you as a friend until now.”

“How are you going to get rid of me?”

“The way to disappear from the world is not just ‘death’. It can also be literal.”

He drew the sword from his belt and placed it at Rishthani’s feet.

“You can leave this world. I beg you to leave Fagus.”

Rishthani grinned. “Leave? Our Dragon Clan came to this world under the guidance of the unknown force, just to carry out our own unique missions. Now you beg me to leave?”

“Do you think you can continue to complete your mission if you stay in Fagus?”

Giuliano looked at Antoine, “You didn’t promise him, did you?”

The young swordsman lowered his head and whispered, “Well, I refuse.”

“Antoine’s answer is the same as Darion’s. You should be aware of it, Rexi. Aura Xia is right, the world has changed. The world no longer belongs to the ancient races and dragons. So… don’t interfere anymore The world works. Human beings have the right to control their own destiny.”

“How dare you say such words! You have been defeated by fate, and you have the nerve to say such words!”

Reshtani grabbed the holy symbol from Giuliano’s chest. In an instant the cold metal became as hot as a branding iron, scalding the bard’s hand. But instead of letting go, he clenched even tighter.

Giuliano sighed. “It’s true that I couldn’t get rid of the shackles of fate, but I can end it. Enzo inherited this holy emblem from his teacher, and I inherited it from Enzo. But this inheritance ends here. I will not Find an apprentice for myself, and will not pass on the holy emblem and sword to future generations. After my death, the inheritance of our line will end in my generation.”

Rishthani let go. His palm was severely burned, but after a few seconds, the injured part began to heal itself.

“I defy fate with death. One day, we will be free from its shackles.”

The bard shook his hand, the scars gone.

“Even you are like this…” He stepped back sadly, “You let me go, but where can I go? If I don’t survive in this world, what can I do?”

“The last exiles of the ancient race plan to leave on the ‘Black Crane Boat’. The flying boat is now parked on a beach near Zanodia.” Giuliano said, “When everyone is here, they Then set off to the country among the stars, looking for relatives who are one step ahead. I think they will be very willing to take you, as long as you are willing to have a good talk with them.”

“Me? With those elves?” Reshtani felt incredible. “Leaving this aside, even if they agreed to take me with them, their ‘gods’ would definitely not welcome me.”

“Are you scared? You’re holding back because things are out of your control?”

Rishthani’s pupils suddenly turned into reptilian slits. “Did you know that I could burn you all to death with one fire?”

“Of course you can. But I know you won’t. Admit it, Lexie, it’s boring to characterize selected humans, isn’t it? You like exciting adventures and journeys into the unknown, because only in that True legends will be born.” Giuliano said sincerely, “I guess you will want to write them down. This time not to write other people’s stories, but your own. You have lived for many years, maybe from the ancient times. You have been alive until today, you have seen countless things, beautiful, ugly, spectacular, terrifying…Those things have been forgotten by the world, but you still remember. This is your story, only your story .Among all living creatures, there is probably no story that can be more magnificent and thrilling.”

The bard didn’t answer right away, but stared at the ruins among the mountains in a trance. The sun was about to sink below the horizon, leaving only a few gleams of light.

The wind swept across the fields. Giuliano and Antoine had to cover their heads against the whirlwind. Soon the air flow died down, they opened their eyes, and the bard was gone, replaced by a great white dragon.

“This time I will write my own story.” Its deep voice was like thunder, like a thousand souls howling in a storm, “Remember, Ann Dumana, mortal mortal, if the journey among the stars makes me feel Boring, I’ll be back.”

It flapped its wings and soared into the sky, chasing the last rays of the setting sun, and flew above the sea of clouds. Even though the night was falling, many people still saw Bailong’s figure. Later, scholars who studied dragons searched for the flight path of the white dragon, and found that it started from a small village in Lorjan, patrolled among the mountains named “Chervignon”, and then flew south. Witnesses told scholars that it first appeared in Vanessa, and then arrived in Zanodia, but it did not stop there, but continued southward, hovering over an unknown island for a long time, as if looking for something. Finally it gave up and returned to Xanodia, landing on a beach near the city.

After another period of time, many ancient ethnic groups rushed to that beach from all directions and boarded the “Black Crane Boat”. In a certain evening, without any warning, the “Black Crane Boat” quietly lifted off, and under the shining of the setting sun, flew to the kingdom among the stars beyond the sky.

No one has ever seen a living Ancient Race since. No one has ever seen the white dragon again.

The stories of heroes end in glory, and the stories of assassins end in peace.

In the countryside of Vanessa, there are many villas dotted around. The wealthy businessmen and nobles in the city always like to go to villas to escape the heat every hot summer. Among them was a villa. According to the servants who worked here, it used to belong to a certain noble family in Vanessa. Later, the family was framed and murdered, and the villa was fined and confiscated. It is said that the youngest son of the family is still alive and finally avenged his parents, but no one knows whether it is true or not. After the air raid on Vanessa, the city was devastated, and many properties were either vacant or sold off. A young and promising businessman claimed to have bought the villa. Since he held a legal title deed, no one doubted his claim. There were also private rumors that the young master was the youngest son of the framed noble family.

The young master hired new servants and refurbished the villa as a residence for his lover. The owner spends most of his time doing business in the city (as for what kind of business he is doing, no one can tell, and many servants suspect that his “business” may not be legitimate), returning to the country house for a short stay every once in a while, Spend sweet time with his lover.

This lover is a handsome man with long platinum hair and looks as beautiful as a **** statue in a temple. He speaks gently and politely, never loses his temper, and treats his servants very strictly. , but the rewards and punishments are clear. The servants liked him from the bottom of their hearts and called him “Master Enzo”. If there is any shortcoming, it is that Master Enzo’s right hand is missing a thumb, which is very inconvenient in daily life. Fortunately, his left hand is also quite dexterous, and there is a servant to help, so it does not affect daily life much.

In recent days, the servants often heard some scary rumors, such as pirates starting to stir up trouble again, and the queen mother of Muchania in the north was assassinated and so on. But there is also good news: It has been several years since Vanessa was hit hard, and the city has been rapidly rebuilt with the efforts of many citizens. Although it may be very difficult to restore the former glory, fortunately, the old pattern has been completely broken. The nobles in the upper city and the poor in the lower city have come together to contribute to their beloved city. News also came from the east: General Suvetar, a valiant general, had been chosen as Archon of Zanodia, and his army had held the Yord coast after driving the invaders back to the mountains to the north.

Master Enzo likes to entertain bards to his house, so the servants are blessed with the latest songs. Everyone loves to hear stories about a young swordsman who has recently risen to prominence. He is said to be a master of swordsmanship, a brave disposition, and a sorceress at his side. The bards nicknamed them the Warriors of the Dawn and the Flamebringers. Some bards compared the two of them with Darion of old and Amandine, the witch of the lake, and wrote many romantic ballads about them.

On this day, when it was the hottest time in midsummer, there were no bards performing in the villa, and the servants were curled up in the house or under the big tree, drowsy. Master Enzo was sitting on the window sill on the second floor with a book of poems on his lap. Every time he read a few pages of the poetry collection, he would look into the distance, as if he was waiting for someone.

The road in the distance was scorched by the sun, and even the light was shaking. A figure riding a horse appeared at the end of the hot stone road. Wearing a sun protection cloak, he kept urging the horse to speed up. Enzo put down the book and called out the servant’s name. The servants were called up by him, and only then did they realize that the master was back, so they immediately got busy.

The rider stopped in front of the villa, and the servant stepped forward to lead the horse for him. He jumped off his horse and hurried up the steps. Enzo pushed open the door and was bumped into by the oncoming young man. The two rolled onto the carpet together.

“I’m back, Enzo, I miss you so much!” The young man waved off his sun protection cloak, revealing his bright red hair.

“I miss you too, Giuliano.” Enzo smiled and kissed him.

Giuliano’s hair has grown longer, and he has also grown taller over the years. Now he is as tall as Enzo. He is no longer a childish boy, but an upright man. He pulled Enzo up and tugged at his collar angrily.

“It’s hot,” he complained.

“The bath water is ready,” said Enzo.

“You are always so thoughtful.” Giuliano took Enzo’s hand teasingly, “Aren’t you…won’t you come together?”

“Happy to accompany you, honorable gentleman.”

The two pushed and shoved upstairs. The servant has moved the bathtub into the bedroom and filled it with clean water. They exchanged tiny kisses as they eagerly undressed each other. Like the first time they made love, they had to have **** in the tub whenever Giuliano came home, or something seemed missing.

When they entered the room, the two of them were completely naked. Giuliano climbed into the tub and sat back comfortably, spreading his legs. Enzo skillfully got between his legs, pushing in without any foreplay. Giuliano let out a cry of pain, but quickly got used to his intrusion.

“You’ve been away for a long time this time.” Enzo said in a reproachful tone while moving in his body.

“Hmm… this commission… is a bit difficult…”

Giuliano raised his head impatiently, and Enzo took the opportunity to bite his Adam’s apple. After Giuliano became the Reticent, he went to the city to do errands when he received the commission, and returned to the country house after the errands, and so on. This is his life now.

“I thought something happened to you, and I almost dropped everything to find you.”

Giuliano ran his fingers through Enzo’s hair. “You are…not…ah…not the Reticent…”

“I know. But I’m still your respectable gentleman, aren’t I?”

Giuliano closed his eyes, relaxed himself, and enjoyed Enzo’s caress. They enjoyed themselves in the tub and then went to bed to continue. Since they haven’t touched each other’s bodies for a long time, both of them are a little hungry and thirsty. They stayed until the night, and Giuliano was so exhausted that he finally fell asleep in Enzo’s arms. The smoked wind of summer night blows through the curtains, bringing a moment of coolness. The insects chirped one after another, making the night so quiet.

This is his life. Giuliano thought dazedly. Maybe one day he would die outside, but Enzo couldn’t wait for him, so he left the villa to look for him, and finally found his body. Maybe one day he will die on the bed, due to illness or old age, Enzo will be by the side of the bed, holding his gradually cold hand. He knew that he would die eventually, and all mortals in this world must die eventually. As an Assassin, his story will end at that time.

The stories of heroes end in glory, and the stories of assassins end in peace.

A heroic story is always accompanied by an earth-shattering battle. When the battle is over, the hero either sacrifices himself and dies, or defeats the powerful enemy and returns with glory. Those who died will be solemnly sent back to their hometowns, and their resting halls will be decorated with flowers and tears. Those who survive will gain glory, win love, and even ascend to the pinnacle of power. And all these people end up as fireside stories, as legends told by bards.

The story of the Assassins is quite different. It ended quietly. The assassins may die in a failed assassination, with their heads stabbed on the point of the spear as an example to others; they may die in a fight against a disease, and their ashes are scattered in the river of their once beloved city-state; He died in the accident and became another nameless dead body in the hands of the black-clothed boatman. Or maybe, some of them have time to retire, live in seclusion in the countryside or cities, and live a peaceful life without contention from the world, take off the gorgeous coat of death, and put on the simple clothes of ordinary people, and they will die just like ordinary people .

Giuliano’s story about the assassin, like all assassin stories, will one day quietly end. No poets sang their stories, so no one knows when their stories ended.

Or maybe their story will never end.

The assassins are still galloping in the city-state under the night, writing their own chapters with blood. No one knows whether the same person is hidden in the gorgeous clothes, and whether the same face is covered by the masks.

Maybe it’s always the same person.

He or she is the only reality, but has ever-changing appearances, countless shadows, and laws passed down from generation to generation. Remember, mortals can never escape the only truth. As long as you live in this city-state, you will encounter them sooner or later.

Because an assassin’s story always begins on the street.

—The Law of the Silent Gentleman End—

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