The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 – Antoine’S Journey

Giuliano opened his mouth wide in surprise. What’s the meaning? This young man wants to share a table with them? Why should it be them? Is this some kind of conspiracy?

He subconsciously wanted to politely decline the young man’s request, but Enzo was one step ahead of him, raising his left hand as an invitation gesture: “Of course I don’t mind, please sit down.”

The young man put his wet cloak on the back of the chair and sat down carelessly. Giuliano stared his eyes like a fish, silently asking Enzo for an explanation. The assassin drank silently, not responding to him at all.

The strange young man called the waiter, ordered the cheapest dinner, and carefully asked the price of the wine. After the waiter answered with a cold face, he shook his head regretfully, and only wanted a glass of water. It can be seen that he is short of money and has to do everything possible to save money.

Enzo raised his eyebrows calmly. “Three glasses of mead.” He said to the waiter, “I want the best.” He turned to the strange young man again, “I’ll buy you a drink.”

The young man hurriedly waved his hands: “No, no, how can this work? We have never met before, how can I accept your kindness?”

“I see that you are soaking wet. You should drink a glass of wine to warm yourself up. If you really don’t want to, then forget it.”

“Uh…I…ah…then I’d rather be obedient than respectful.” The young man bowed cautiously.

Dinner and three glasses of wine were served quickly. Enzuo led the toast and shouted “Blessings for Ankang”, and the other two responded to him with their own concerns. After a tour, En Zuo asked politely, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Antoine.” The strange young man’s mouth was stuffed with potatoes, and his speech was a little slurred.

“I’m Enzo, and this is my companion, Giuliano.” Enzo introduced with a smile, his tone light and calm, like ordinary people who meet by chance, ask each other’s names and origins, and wait for them to set foot on the road again. Traveling, going their separate ways, these names will become a wisp of dissipated smoke, and they will never be remembered again.

The young man named Antoine swallowed the potatoes and washed the food down with a sip of wine. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and asked, “Are you two natives of Ponto City?”

“No, just passengers passing through here.”

Antoine let out an “oh”, a hint of disappointment flashed in his brown eyes. Although he didn’t show it clearly, Enzo could still see it.

“Why, you don’t seem very happy? What’s bothering you, why don’t you tell me?” He folded his hands under his chin, with a serious expression and a steady posture. Giuliano couldn’t help but secretly amazed at the assassin’s acting skills. He looked like this, How could strangers not open their hearts to him and pour out their troubles?

An TuoWan was really bewildered by his acting skills. “I… this… I’m sorry to say it,” he scratched his hair with a smirk, “I see that you have an extraordinary appearance, and I thought you must be a person with status in Ponto City, so I asked for something, but… well, Forget it.” He sighed.

“Oh? What’s the matter? Although I’m not a big shot, I hope to help you with my modest efforts.”

Antoine hesitated for a short moment, and then his troubles poured out like a flood that burst a bank.

“I come from a small village on the border of Lorjean, no, no, it is too remote, I am afraid that even if I tell you its name, you will not know its location. It is the domain of Lord Baron de Uvréleuil. Not long ago, we A group of robbers suddenly appeared on the mountain near the village, occupying the mountain as king, and robbing the merchants passing by. Now, no businessman dares to go to our village. Everyone has no choice but to send me to rescue the baron. It was easy to arrive at the castle of the Baron de Uvréleuil, but he said that the mountain occupied by the robbers was not within his territory and was not under his control, so he refused to send troops and asked me to go to the lord of the mountain, De Baron Navion.”

The more Antoine said, the more depressed he looked. Enzo ordered another glass of wine for him. With the honey wine in his throat, the young man talked more and more.

“I thought to myself, how can I go back without getting anything, since all my fathers and folks have pinned all their hopes on me? So I set off for the domain of the Baron de Navigne, avoiding robbers on the way. This is my first time. I went on a long trip… I took many wrong paths, and it took me a long time to arrive at Lord de Navigne’s castle. But I never expected that Lord Baron would pass away!”

He shook his head, as if shaking the ominous thoughts out of his mind, “The steward of the castle told me that the baron died suddenly for no reason a few weeks ago. The steward has no right to send troops, and can only wait for the new lord to inherit the title. But Germany Lord Navion has no heirs or brothers, only a few distant relatives. No one can agree on who should inherit the right. I stayed in the castle for more than a month, and suddenly one day, a well-equipped army It entered the domain of the Baron de Navigne. The commander of the army is the subordinate of the Vicomte de Ranchocourt.”

Hearing the name of “Viscount de Ranchocourt”, Giuliano couldn’t help but gasped. Isn’t this viscount the target that the mysterious client wants them to eliminate? Unexpectedly, I would hear this name from the mouth of a person I met by chance!

Enzo touched his feet under the table and signaled him to calm down with his eyes. Antoine didn’t notice their tricks, and continued: “The commander claimed that the Viscount’s ancestors were related to the de Navigne family, and there is a marriage certificate to prove it, so the Viscount de Ranchocourt should inherit the late Baron. titles and domains.”

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice, as if he was telling an ulterior secret, “Actually, I think that the marriage certificate is forged, not only me, but everyone in the castle thinks so. But what can we do? De Lang Viscount Shaogu’s army is strong and strong, and there is no one to match him, so he ‘naturally’ inherited the title and property of the late baron.”

After speaking, his tone returned to its original state. “In this way, the hill where the robbers entrenched became the territory of the Viscount de Ranchocourt. I asked the commander to destroy the robbers, but the commander said that he only obeyed the orders of the Viscount, and the Viscount is now in the city of Ponto. There is no way, I Only to Ponto.”

Giuliano quietly listened to Antoine’s narration. It can be seen from his expression that his trip to see the Vicomte de Ranchocourt must not be going well. This experience was quite tortuous, but it was not out of the ordinary. Giuliano has seen many plots against each other among the nobles, and there have also been many plots to seize other people’s property in the city of Vanessa. From this point of view, the Vicomte de Ranchocourt’s ambitions, and the murder he incurred, may have something to do with this matter?

“So, have you seen the Viscount?” Enzo asked.

“Of course not.” Antoine was even more frustrated. “After finally arriving in Ponto City, the viscount’s steward said that he was ill and it was inconvenient to see guests, and it would be the viscount’s birthday in a short time. I’m afraid it’s unlucky to use a sword, so I’m asked to come back next month. But how can I wait so long! I’ve been away from home for almost three months. After inquiring around, I learned from two laundry maids that Lord Viscount is not in Ponto City at all! He left the city with a group of subordinates a few months ago and never came back. As for where he went, maid I don’t know. The viscount is not here, and the manager is full of lies, I really can’t do anything…”

“So you’re going home?”

“I don’t have the face to go back if I don’t call for help!” Antoine shouted. His voice was too loud, and the surrounding guests all cast curious or dissatisfied eyes. He covered his mouth and bowed his head apologetically.

“Since you don’t plan to go back to your hometown, why did you go out of the city and come to this tavern outside the city?”

Antoine grabbed the hem of his clothes embarrassingly. “Because… because the hotels and food in the city are very expensive, the ones outside the city are cheaper. I have been out for so long, and the money is almost spent, so save if you can. In fact, I can’t even afford a hotel. It would be good to spend the night in the eaves, if the boss allows me to sleep in the woodshed or the stables, that would be even better…”

He paused, and suddenly blushed: “Don’t get me wrong! I didn’t mean to ask you to borrow money! I definitely didn’t mean that! I just want to ask, can you persuade the steward to send troops, or find Lord Viscount?”

Enzo’s eyes wandered, and he muttered: “It turns out that Viscount de Ranchocourt is not in Ponto City… Now it’s complicated…”

“Eh? What did you say? I didn’t catch it…”

En Zuo was about to answer, when suddenly, there was a loud “bang” sound not far away, and the door of the tavern was kicked open.

It was the second time in one night, and this time the person knocking on the door was obviously rude. The guests in the tavern stopped talking, and the sound of the bard’s piano stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at the door together.

A group of soldiers broke into the tavern, fully armed and murderous. The tavern owner hurried up to greet him, and said with a smile: “Master! I didn’t expect you to come here. This, this, look, the shop is already full… Ouch!” The soldier captain pushed the tavern owner away. The chubby boss screamed, staggered a few steps, couldn’t stand still, and sat down on the ground.

Naturally, the guests didn’t like this group of soldiers full of hostility. Several guests immediately threw coins on the table, settled the meal payment, and left as a gesture. The captain waved his hand, and the soldiers drew their swords out of their sheaths at the same time. Well-trained, sharp-eyed, and well-armed, their uniforms bore the coat of arms of de Ranchocourt, and a golden comet atop a shield of white lilies on a red background.

“Sit down!” the captain said aggressively, “Don’t move! No one is allowed to leave! Whoever leaves is a fugitive. Don’t blame me for being rude!”

Giuliano shrank back subconsciously, but unfortunately there was a wall behind him, and he couldn’t get out through the wall. This troop of soldiers is coming for him! Vanessa’s arrest warrant has been sent to Luo Erran! With so many people in the tavern, he must have been recognized! Did someone sneak out just now and report to the guards? No, he must not be caught without a fight!

The apprentice assassin’s hand slowly moved under the table, grasping the hilt of the sword hidden under the cloak. However, a hand pressed down on his wrist. Giuliano turned his head, it turned out that Enzo moved to his side at some point.

“Don’t act rashly,” the assassin whispered, “don’t think wildly. Vanessa’s arrest warrant cannot take effect in Lorran. They are not here to find you.”

A bone-piercing chill rose from the soles of his feet, grabbing his body like a ferocious giant claw. Enzo squeezed his hand tightly. Warmth came from the assassin’s palm, dispelling the chill. Giuliano let out a breath with difficulty, let go of the hilt, and wrapped his five fingers around the assassin’s fingers, trying to draw strength from the opponent. With Enzo by his side, he felt better. He has seen Enzo’s strength. A faint voice in his heart told him that Enzo would protect him.

The captain scanned the surroundings and strode to the center of the tavern. The eyes of the guests followed him. The tavernkeeper shivered under the table. The captain pulled out the long sword at his waist and pointed it at a corner of the tavern. The sharp edge of the sword reflected the cold light of the alchemy lampstand.

“Come here! Grab that bard!”

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