The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 – Leaving Ponto

Enzo knocked the jailer unconscious. He was full of anger and his face was gloomy, as if a storm was coming. The first thing that appeared was the dense black clouds and the lightning flashes between the clouds. Giuliano had never seen him so angry. He couldn’t help being a little timid, afraid that the assassins would spread their anger on them.

Enzo straightened his cuffs, turned his cold silver-gray eyes, and stared at Antoine, “Does the steward live in the lord’s mansion? How close is the mansion?”

Antoine opened his mouth in vain like a stranded fish. “Uh… yes… I mean… yes, the lord’s mansion is nearby, the biggest and grandest one… I think the steward should be there too.”

“What does the steward look like?”

“He’s… not too tall, maybe in his forties, with gray hair, dark complexion, and a mustache.” Antoine tried his best to recall the meeting with the steward, for fear that the description would not be detailed enough, which would cause Enzo’s displeasure —he’s not fast enough.

“I have to retrieve something. You go first and meet outside the city.”

“You’re going to find the steward?!” Giuliano exclaimed, “Are you crazy? It’s important to escape now, forget about those! It’s just a gem, and we don’t lack it!”

He looked to Lei Xi for help, hoping that the poet would speak for him.

“Yes, sir, your companion is quite right,” said the poet in a deep, calm voice, which was especially persuasive. “Gold, silver and jewels are just possessions, and you should leave them alone for now.”

Antoine nodded vigorously, agreeing with the poet: “That’s right! Besides, it’s so late, the gates of the city must be closed. Without your help, how could we get out of the city, and how can we talk about rendezvous outside the city?”

“It’s mine, and I must take it back.”

Giuliano’s head throbbed. When did Enzo become so stubborn? Also said that love of money is his indelible nature? It’s not that he is poor, he shouldn’t care about that mere gem. Although…Although Giuliano also hopes to get the gemstone back, because Enzo said that the gemstone will belong to him in the future, but in the final analysis, objects are not as good as human lives, and it would be a big waste of money to get them back.

“Well, even if you really care about that gemstone, you may have a chance to get it back with your ability, so don’t be in a hurry!”

Enzo glared at him: “I thought you would support me. That’s your thing too.”

“I don’t want it! I don’t want you to risk it for something you don’t have!”

The assassin stared at him, with inexplicable emotions stirring in his silver-gray pupils. After a while, he sighed annoyedly, “Forget it, let’s talk about the gems later. Let’s go.”

The other three breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They all understood that if Enzo really decided to do something, none of them could stop him. How lucky he was to change his mind.

Enzo ordered Antoine and Giuliano to each bring a bundle of ropes, and the four slipped out of the dungeon. The guards in the city are currently short of manpower, and there is no one outside the dungeon, only a patrol passing by from time to time. Even the weather seems to be helping in the dark tonight: the rain is pouring, and there is a faint night fog in the sky. Even with the lights on, it is difficult to see the scene ten steps away. The four of them sneaked to the city wall in the dark, slipped away from under the eyes of the sentry, and climbed over the city wall with ropes. There was only one near-disclosure on the way: perhaps because Rexi’s white robe was so conspicuous in the night that it attracted a watchdog. The dog bit the hem of the poet’s clothes and let out a growling growl. The poet glared at the dog with unspeakable horror, and the dog immediately ran away with its tail between its legs.

It was late at night. The owner of the Romantic Exile Tavern sent away the last batch of guests and was about to close. As usual, he ordered a few guys to clean up, arrange the tables and chairs, and lock the doors and windows. It was really dangerous tonight, there were four suspicious people in his shop, and he almost became a prisoner. He touched his fat neck, feeling terrified. The bard’s luggage and harp were left in the store, and the horses of the other two were **** in the stable. If they don’t come back and the master guard doesn’t come to seize them, wouldn’t those things belong to him? The piano is probably not worth much money, but the horse is one of the best horses in a thousand miles. Whether you sell it or keep it for yourself, it is the best. It’s a pity for the poet. He brought more money to the tavern in a day of performing than in the past week.

The fat boss happily calculated the account, when suddenly, two long hisses came from the stable. Could it be that someone stole the horse? Is the new stable boy asleep? Really useless!

He grabbed an alchemy lampstand, moved his stubby legs, and ran to the stable.

It was raining so hard that it seemed as if the whole ocean was pouring down from the sky. The stable lantern swayed in the wind and rain, barely making out the figure of the lad slumped on the ground. Farther away, two horses have been led out of the stable. The fat boss raised the alchemy lampstand and shook it. In the sudden cold light, he clearly saw that the four suspicious guests who were taken away today were standing next to the horse.

“Ah! You!” The boss screamed, “You… escaped from prison?”

The alchemy lampstand slipped from his hand, and the light suddenly went out. A hand covered the boss’s mouth from behind, and something cold stuck to his neck.

“Shh. Don’t move.”

How dare the fat boss move!

A ray of thunder streaked across the sky, illuminating the earth. In the flash of light, the boss saw that the people beside the horse turned into three—the blond man, the young swordsman and the bard. The remaining one must be behind him, holding a weapon against his neck!

“As long as you are honest, I will spare you.”

“Woooooo!” The boss tremblingly agreed.

“Let me ask you, where is the bard’s harp?”

“Huh? Woohoo!” The boss uttered an indistinct cry. The man behind let go, and the boss said tremblingly, “The violin…is placed behind the counter, the little one didn’t dare to move, and I’m just waiting for the masters to come back and get it!”

“Hmph, glib,” said the man behind.

The blade on the neck moved away. Just as the boss breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, his eyes went dark, his legs went limp, and he passed out.

Giuliano knocked out the fat boss and nodded to the poet: “I’m going to get the lutes, you tie them up and gag them, and throw them into the stables so that no one will find them.”

Antoine had a complicated expression and seemed to want to say something, but Enzo threw a bundle of ropes into his arms and said, “Do as he says.”

The young swordsman scratched his head and had no choice but to do so.

The three of them divided the work, Antoine dealt with the fat boss and the stable boy who passed out, Enzo and Lexi saddled the two horses. Not long after, Giuliano came back. He was afraid that the heavy rain would damage the lute, so he took off his cloak and wrapped the lute in it. The poet took the piano and stroked it lovingly.

“Thank you, in fact, you don’t need to spend so much time on me.”

“It’s okay, it’s very close anyway. And your piano…”

Enzo glanced at them coldly, jumped on his horse, lowered his head and said to Antoine, “Come up.”

“Ah?” Antoine looked blank, “Me? You’re not with Julie…”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Enzo grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the horse without any explanation.

Giuliano noticed the two men in action. He bit his lip, and his eyes seemed to breathe fire. But he held his breath and said to the bard, “Lei Xi, it seems that we have to ride together.”

“Uh… you are so kind, I am not good at riding, and I am worried about what to do.”

“It’s okay, you sit in front of me, and I will never let you fall.”

Giuliano helped Resch mount the horse and rode himself behind, wrapping his hands around the poet’s waist and holding the reins. Enzo turned his head on the horse, curled his lips, and said, “Antoine, you’d better hold me tight, the wind and rain, the road is bumpy, don’t fall.”

“Oh! Good!” Antoine tightly wrapped his arms around Enzo’s waist, like a drowning man hugging a driftwood.

Enzuo kicked the horse’s belly with both feet, and the horse neighed and rushed into the night rain. Not to be outdone, Giuliano let go of the reins. However, the horse under his crotch didn’t like to listen to his command, and was indifferent. The young apprentice was about to vomit blood with anger. The bard suddenly leaned over and whispered something in the horse’s ear, and the horse seemed to understand, spread its hooves and chased after him.

Two horses each carried two passengers, braved the night rain, and fled the range of Ponto City.

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