The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 – Meet Again

Giuliano painted his face, wore an exaggerated costume made of dozens of different colored fabrics, and held a bamboo flute, posing as a street performer. The market in Zanodia was full of entertainers, and he blended in, as inconspicuous as a green leaf in the forest.

The Reticent’s training helped him a lot. He played the flute, juggled, yelled at the audience, told a few dirty jokes that the crowd liked, and was as skilled as a real street performer, and he even got a lot of money. But his real purpose is not to make money by performing arts. The mansion of Fernando Infonson’s family is located on the east side of the market, and many servants usually go shopping in the market. Giuliano and Enzo lurk in the market, waiting for an opportunity to inquire about information.

He didn’t wait long. The city clock had only struck nine before he spotted a servant in the blue livery of the Infonsons riding past the marketplace. A corner of the envelope protruded from the servant’s pocket. It appears he is a messenger. However, it can be seen from his unhurried speed that it was not urgent, it was probably just an ordinary letter. But being able to intercept a letter from Yinfangsong’s mansion is always helpful.

Giuliano bowed deeply to the audience and bent down to pick up the coins thrown on the ground, which means “the performance is over, thank you for your support”. At the same time, this is also a code sent to Enzo who is hiding in the building next to the square, expressing “ready to act”. As he expected, the curtains on the second floor of a house on the opposite side moved without any wind, and the window was located above the messenger’s only path. Giuliano smiled.

The messenger hummed a ditty, unaware that a flute player in the crowd was approaching quietly. When he passed under a certain window, a shout suddenly came from above his head: “Below, watch out!” Then, a large basin of water fell from the sky.

The messenger yelled curses, and quickly manipulated the frightened horse to avoid it.

“You don’t have **** eyes!”

The person upstairs replied: “Didn’t I tell you to be careful! You are deaf!” After that, the window was closed with a “bang”.

The messenger was furious. Similar things happen every day in the Zanodian city-state, and innocent passers-by always suffer. It’s lucky to be splashed with water, and what’s worse, some people even pour chamber pots out of the window… He checked his pocket, the letter was still there, he hid quickly, and his clothes were not wet. Thank goodness.

The courier didn’t notice at all. When he was busy dodging the disaster above his head, a street performer passed by him, took the letter from his pocket, and stuffed it back with a blank paper without anyone noticing. Unless he took out the letter for confirmation, he would never find out that the letter had been transferred.

Giuliano put the letter into his arms and walked into a dark alley next to him. He had to finish reading the letter before the courier arrived at his destination, and then put the letter back on the courier. There is an inconspicuous door in the dark alley, leading to the second floor of the house. He pushed open the door like the wind and ran up the stairs. Enzo was waiting for him on the second floor.

The room was dark with thick curtains, even during the day. Enzo lit a candle. He sat in the candlelight, his eyes fell on the letter in Giuliano’s hand.

“Good job.” The assassin smiled slightly.

Giuliano also raised the corner of his mouth. As long as it was Enzo’s compliment, no matter how insignificant, it would make him jump for joy for a long time.

The letter was sealed with red wax, and the wax was covered with the seal of Yin Fangsong’s family. Once the letter was opened, the sealing wax would be destroyed. But this is not an obstacle for Giuliano at all. How to skillfully scrape off the sealing wax and stick it back seamlessly is also a compulsory course for the reticent. Giuliano flicked his wrist, and a sharp iron piece slipped out of his sleeve, which was polished so thin that it could even be used to shave. He carefully scraped off the sealing wax and opened the letter. The stationery is pale gold, sprinkled with high-end perfume, and the aroma is so strong that Giuliano sneezes.

“What was written in the letter?” Enzo asked.

“This is an invitation to invite the academic exchange group from the University of Akton to attend the masquerade held by Fernando Infançon.”

“What time?”

“Six o’clock in the evening on the twenty-fifth of Brumaire.”

The two looked at each other. Masquerade! Isn’t this a great opportunity for assassination? Everyone will wear a mask and no one will know their true identities.

“The messenger is leaving. Put the letter back first.”

Giuliano nodded. Enzo took out a bottle of special alchemy adhesive and applied it under the sealing wax. Giuliano folded the letter and carefully glued the sealing wax back on. The entire letter is externally intact. He and Enzo went downstairs and overtook the messenger on a road south of the bazaar. There are not many pedestrians on this road, and it is not as easy to hide as the market, so we can’t splash water again.

Giuliano spotted several children playing on the side of the road. He took out the bamboo flute at his waist and played a cheerful nursery rhyme, which quickly attracted the children’s attention. He threw another handful of candy, and the group of children obediently surrounded him, shouting and making noise. Giuliano played the flute while guiding the child to the messenger. Sure enough, the yelling children startled the horses. The messenger yelled and drove the child away. At this time, Enzo passed by his side like a ghost, and his strike was as fast as lightning. In less than a second, he took the white paper from the messenger’s pocket and put the letter back. The messenger didn’t realize it, and only thought that he was very unlucky today, being splashed with water and meeting an urchin.

After the messenger left, Giuliano sent the child away with candy and met Enzo at the other end of the street.

“The masquerade was a great opportunity,” Giuliano said. The two got into an alley, intending to return to the Silver Seagull Hotel from the alley.

“Indeed. But the other party is not a fool, and must understand the risks of a masquerade ball. He must have set up heavy guards. It is not so easy to sneak into the ball.”

Enzo stopped suddenly. A man stood in front of them. The man wore a golden mask and was wrapped in a sand-blue embroidered robe. They turned back subconsciously, only to find that the road behind them was also blocked—a person wearing a silver mask and a crimson double-breasted dress blocked their retreat.

is the reticent.

Giuliano drew the dagger stuck in his boot, but Enzo grabbed his wrist and signaled him not to act rashly.

“Good day, two friends.” Enzo hooked his fingers around the gold chain around his neck, and pulled out the holy emblem hidden under the folds of his collar.

The Reticent in the golden mask sighed, “You are just like us.”

“Is there any misunderstanding between you?”

The silver mask said: “We have been paying attention to you two since yesterday. I suspect that you are here to hinder us.”

“We have work to do, and so do you. Why don’t you make it clear?”

“We cannot divulge the employer’s plans.”

The first rule of the Reticent: Do not betray your employer.

“But you can’t obstruct your companion for no reason.” Enzo said.

The Second Law of the Reticent: Do not betray your companions.

“Tell me, brother, shall our paths cross and contradict each other?” asked the Golden Mask.

If the Reticents’ missions were contradictory, they had only one choice: give up both, or fight to the death.

Enzo lowered his head and thought for a while: “I don’t know. But I can say with certainty that at least our goals are different. You want to kill General Suweita, but our goal is someone else.”

The Third Law of the Reticent: Tell no lies.

“Can you tell me the man’s name?” the golden mask asked.


“We can all help each other.”


“Such arrogance is really not the way a reticent should behave.”

“I have my own plan. I won’t hinder you, and you don’t want to meddle in my business. We’ll go our separate ways.”

“Fair enough. If we have to fight each other in the end, it can only be said to be the will of the gods.”

The golden mask reaches out. Enzo took his hand solemnly, then stepped aside to let the golden mask pass. Giuliano followed suit. The two masked Reticents retreated to the other end of the alley, with the golden masks facing away from them generously, while his companion retreated vigilantly, as if afraid of Enzo’s sneak attack from behind.

“Let’s go.” Enzo put his arm around Giuliano’s shoulder.

“Are they really going to assassinate General Suveta?” asked the apprentice.

“Of course. And I’m afraid it was at the masquerade at the same time as we did it.”

“Then we…”

“As long as they don’t interfere with our affairs, then we don’t have to worry about them. Now we have to concentrate on how to get into the ball. Are you familiar with the house of the Infanson family?”

“The last time I went was several years ago, but I still remember it roughly. I can draw a map.”

“very good.”

“Because the Fangsong family’s autumn ball is very famous, it is held every year, and celebrities from all walks of life in the city-state of Zanodia are invited. Of course, I haven’t participated, but my parents go there almost every year.”

Thinking of Fernando’s fake smile when he invited his parents made Giuliano sick.

“What do you know about that ball?”

“Not many, I heard it from my parents. Banquets are always luxurious. Because the Fangsong family runs a shipyard and is very rich, they never spare money in this regard. The food and drinks must be the best, and they will invite the most popular artist…”

They walked out of the alley and came to a spacious street, and their vision suddenly became clear and open. The bustling voices are mixed with fishy smell, leather smell, fragrance of spices and salty sea breeze.

“Entertainer…” Enzo muttered.

“What’s the matter? Someone must perform at the banquet.”

“I thought about how we’d get in.”

Giuliano looked at him puzzled.

Enzo pointed forward: “Look, isn’t that our acquaintance?”

A white figure appeared in the crowd. Compared with the mediocre pedestrians next to him, that person is simply outstanding. He leads a horse, and a long bundle hangs from the saddle, showing the corner of a lute. The owner of the horse is wearing a spotless white robe. When he walks, his movements are full of incredible smoothness and elegance. His long hair is as white and light as thousands of fine spun yarns. And fluttering and shaking.

Such a beautiful and unique person, I am afraid there will be no second one in the world.


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