The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 – Bard And His Orchestra

The proprietress squatted furtively outside the door of the albatross suite.

She didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Of course she knew that her behavior was wrong, but she just couldn’t restrain herself from squatting at the door with her ears pressed against the door. This is also for the good of the guests. she thought. There was a fierce quarrel upstairs just now, what should they do if they fight? As the hostess of this inn, she must take precautions!

She didn’t have the good hearing of the mute, and could only vaguely hear two people talking, but she couldn’t hear what was said at all. After the quarrel ended, the two did not fight as she expected, but chatted for a long time, and then—unexpectedly, the proprietress—fired panting and moaning came from the room, and the bed creaked Fortunately, the downstairs room was uninhabited, otherwise the guests would have protested angrily.

Which song is this song from? The proprietress was puzzled. They were still arguing just now, and they got into trouble after a while? Having said that, didn’t Enzo mess with that bard just now? Why is he talking to his apprentice again… He must be too energetic!

The movement in the room is getting louder and louder, even if you don’t pay attention to it, you can hear it clearly. Giuliano screamed and groaned wantonly, Enzo laughed and encouraged him with provocative words. From the creaking of the bed and the slapping of flesh, it is not difficult to imagine how violent they were doing.

The proprietress is already married and has had several children. She would blush when she heard those lewd words. No matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn’t take it anymore, turned around and hurried downstairs. The new servant boy poked his head out of the kitchen stupidly: “Why are you in such a hurry? What happened?”

The proprietress grabbed a rag and whipped him: “Mind your own business! Go do your job!”

About an hour later, the bell to summon the servants rang in the albatross suite. The proprietress hesitated for a moment, and instead of calling the waiter over, she went there herself. She climbed the stairs to the albatross suite and knocked timidly on the door.

It took a while for the door to open. Enzo held the door frame with one hand, and leaned lazily on it. He was wearing a loose nightgown, tied loosely at the waist, naturally naked, with blond hair messily draped over his shoulders, his collarbone, chest and abdomen were all exposed, and his skin was marked with scratches and teeth marks. There was a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth, like a big cat that had eaten and drank lazily lying on the grassland, yawning and wagging its tail.

“Uh… that… what do you need?” The proprietress’s legs were weak. If she had been ten years younger, Enzo’s words would have captivated her.

“Hot water. I need a bath,” he mumbled.

“Oh, uh, okay, I’ll ask the servants to boil the water.”

“-Wait a moment.”

The proprietress was about to leave, but was stopped by Enzo.

“Get another tub.”

“Huh? There should be a bathtub in your suite…”

“I want a big one.” Enzo explained, “the one that can accommodate two people.”

The proprietress tried her best not to show a weird expression, and nodded calmly, showing that she was a person who had seen the world. It was a common and common thing for guests to play in the water during the daytime. It’s no wonder.

In the early morning of the next day, when the fishmongers in the Zanotia Bazaar started selling the freshest live fish of the day, Giuliano and Enzo came to the Golden Trout Tavern on the pier to visit Lei Xi who was staying there.

Giuliano felt very embarrassed when he saw Lei Xi. Yesterday he mistakenly thought that Leixi had some dirty thoughts about him-it turned out that he was thinking too much. The misunderstanding has been resolved, but Giuliano still feels guilty that he misunderstood Rexi. The bard didn’t show much, and invited them to the attic of the tavern politely and reservedly as usual.

“I’ve made a deal with my boss to use the attic as a practice room—it’s not usually used anyway.”

The attic is full of large and small wooden barrels, all kinds of boxes are piled up into hills, and the dilapidated brooms are everywhere, and they are all full of dust. The ceiling was too low, and the three adults had to stoop to get into the small space. Giuliano looked suspiciously at the dense cobwebs on the beams, and was very worried about the strength of the attic. Will the sound of their playing music directly shake this broken place down?

An open space was cleared in the center of the attic, and a few cushions were placed on the cleaned floor, and some musical instruments were placed beside it. Giuliano recognized Resch’s lute (he’d left his treasure in such a **** place exposed!), as well as a mandolin, a lyre, and a hurdy-gurdy , several flutes of different lengths and a tambourine.

Leixi sat down first and picked up his lute. Giuliano and Enzo sat across from him. The bard waved his hands casually at the pile of musical instruments beside him: “Which one will you play?”

How contemptuous of people! What is “will” play which? There are so many I “know”! At least you should ask “what are you best at”! Giuliano thought dissatisfied.

“Giuliano can play the flute,” said Enzo.

Giuliano squinted at the assassin. Why mention others first? Can’t you show off your talent first?

Leixi picked out one of the flutes and threw it to Giuliano: “Blow it and listen.”

…Knowing that you are highly accomplished in music, but you don’t have to speak in such an arrogant manner, right?

Giuliano brought the flute to his lips, blew it a few times, and tested the sound. The sound of the flute is melodious and melodious, with a moderate pitch, suitable for both soothing and soft music or quick and brisk minor tunes. A mere wooden flute could not trouble Giuliano. As an aristocrat, music is a compulsory course, and he can play more or less common musical instruments twice. Yesterday he was also working as a flute player to scout for information.

He blew a little song that everyone is familiar with, the melody is beautiful, and the technique is not difficult. Enzo said nothing, but Leixi suddenly covered his ears while listening.

Giuliano stopped playing. “What are you doing! Is it ugly?” He blushed and shouted.

“Don’t you think it sounds good?” Rexi asked back.

“My standard is definitely not as high as yours, but it’s not bad, right?” After that, Giuliano turned to Enzo, expecting him to speak for himself.

Enzo silently looked away, pretending to admire a spider hanging from the ceiling.

Giuliano was furious. “What do you mean? I performed at the market yesterday and earned a lot of money!”

“How much reward does ‘a lot’ mean?” Leixi asked.

Giuliano recalled: “Well… about… a dozen copper coins?”

“…beggars earn more than you.” Leixi held his forehead in pain.

“I’ve only seen beggars who couldn’t get even a single copper coin a day.” Enzo seriously refuted Leixi’s fallacy.

The bard rolled his eyes: “Aren’t you his teacher? You never taught him how to play the flute?”

Enzo suddenly gave a weird laugh: “I feel sorry for him, and I hardly let him ‘bloat’.”

Giuliano became furious, threw away the flute, and roared in his heart: I really misread you Enzo! You actually tell such nasty jokes in front of Leixi, I never thought you were this kind of person! And there’s no such thing as “almost never”! Obviously last night still… still…

Pointing at Enzo’s nose, he said angrily, “You can do what you want! Don’t just talk about it!”

Enzo shrugged his shoulders, picked up the flute, wiped it with his sleeve, tried a few notes, and then played a brisk tune. He was skilled and obviously practiced, but Giuliano didn’t think he was any better than himself. Where to go, because after listening to a paragraph, Leixi showed a bad stomach after eating breakfast. Even if he ran away with the excuse of going to the toilet, Giuliano was not surprised at all.

The bard at least understood etiquette, and patiently waited for Enzo to finish playing before expressing his opinion: “I understand it. No… I should have understood it when I heard Giuliano play just now. As expected, ‘a great teacher makes a good student’.”

“…What do you mean?”

“In my humble opinion, let Giuliano play the flute.”

Enzo looked at him in shock, as if he was a talented and peerless artist whose elegant pursuit of art could not be understood by ordinary people.

“…Then what am I going to do?”

Lei Xi handed the tambourine to Enzo: “You can play this as hard as you can.”

Giuliano couldn’t hold it back, he laughed loudly, and the dust on the beams was shaken down by his laughter. In retaliation, Enzo “punished” him on the bed that night. At practice the next day, the owner of the Golden Trout Tavern had to donate all the cushions, otherwise Giuliano would not have sat on the hard floor for even a minute.

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