The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 – Masquerade 6

Fernando looked at General Suveta blankly: “I’m late, but there are not many guards in my house, and there are so many guests to evacuate, so I am late, if you blame me…”

“Are you late, or don’t you want to come at all?”

“What do you mean by that? You mean that I am in cahoots with those assassins and deliberately stand by?”

With a sneer in the corner of Su Weita’s mouth, he touched the sleeves that had been cut by the assassin: “It’s more than just sitting on the sidelines… If it weren’t for the help of two friends, my life would be ruined here today!”

Fernando’s face turned cold: “This is a serious accusation! Even if you are a general, you can’t believe it!”

“Oh? Then I want to accuse you of hiring a murderer to assassinate me!”

General Suweita strode to the window of the side hall, took out a whistle from his pocket, and whistled out the window. The whistle was low and long, like a night owl flying into the night. Not long after, the sound of uniform footsteps sounded around, and countless torches surrounded the luxurious mansion.

“Suweita, what do you mean?! How dare you ask the army to surround my house? This is my private residence. Is there any law?” Fernando pointed at Suweita and cursed.

Su Weita put away his whistle: “That’s not my army, but the city-state’s guards, who came to arrest the assassins with a search warrant issued by His Excellency the Consul himself.”

Fernando was stunned: “What…? Did you already deploy…?”

“That’s right! A few days ago, I received an anonymous tip that someone was going to assassinate me on the night of the dance. I didn’t believe it at first, but my subordinates didn’t dare to take it lightly. They specially invited a search warrant from Your Excellency the Consul and ordered the guards to ambush around.”

A group of soldiers in the uniform of the Zanodian city guard rushed into the side hall. Su Weita pointed to the charred body on the ground and ordered: “These two daring assassins are trying to assassinate General Ben, take them back for trial! Besides…”

He stared at Fernando with a half-smile, “I also want to accuse Congressman Fernando Infonçon of participating in an assassination plot!”

Two guards grabbed Fernando by the arms. Fernando tried to break free, but was firmly held down by them.

“You! Suweita! You framed it! You have no evidence at all!”

“Of course I have the evidence. City guards! Councilor Yin Fangsong, please go to the ‘Jackdaw Tower’ to assist in the investigation!”

“Jackdaw Tower” is the residence of the Zanodian city guards, and it is also a dreaded prison and black prison.

Fernando opened his mouth as if to call out to his guards to repel the city guard. But the city guard came prepared, and the number had the upper hand, so he didn’t take advantage at all. What’s more, if you resist at this time, you will be charged with “resisting arrest”.

“Okay, Suveta! I’d like to see what you can do to confuse black and white, and reverse right and wrong!”

Fernando snorted, and let the city guard **** him away. Su Weita looked around and said: “Because the servants of Fang Song’s family also want to interrogate them!”

“Yes!” The city guards responded in unison. Although these guards belonged to the “Jackdaw Tower”, they obeyed Suveta’s orders. I don’t know if they were ordered to obey him, or they had already joined him.

Because the servants of Fang Song’s family were also taken away from the scene together with the master. Unnoticed, one of the servants sneaked out of the mansion, took off his livery, and revealed the dark clothes underneath, blending into the night and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

After dealing with the members of the Yinfangsong family, Su Weita put on a warm expression and turned to Constanzia, Antoine, Enzo and Lei Xi. At this moment Giuliano took Theodora’s hand and hurried into the side hall. When Antoine saw them, he exclaimed: “Oh! Where have you gone! I was still worried about you!” He looked Giuliano up and down, “Is he not hurt?”

Giuliano shook his head.

“How did you end up with Lady Theodora?”

“I…” Giuliano just wanted to make up a lie to get away with it, but he remembered that he couldn’t tell a lie, he could only hope for love. It was Theodora who smoothed things over for him.

“He was embarrassed by a servant when he was looking for a change of clothes. I spoke for him when I saw him. I learned that he was a member of the ‘Frost Poetry’, so I started talking. I just bumped into a group of fleeing guests. Giuliano was afraid of me. I was pushed and trampled by the crowd, so I took me to hide in the corridor, and came in to have a look after the storm passed.”

After that, she took Constantia’s hand and checked the rune tattoo on her arm: “Why did you take off the gloves? Did you use a secret method?”

“Teacher, you didn’t see it! I was so brave just now! Those two assassins are not my opponents at all!” Constantia shook her head triumphantly, but when she thought of the assassins being thrown into the fire and seriously injured, she immediately became unhappy up. She just wanted to trap the assassins and force them to surrender, but she didn’t want their lives!

“This time, thanks to Miss Constantia’s wit, Mr. Antoine’s bravery, and the friends of ‘Frost Poetry’ who rescued me, I was lucky enough to escape. Thank you for saving my life, I really appreciate it.” I don’t know how to repay it.” Su Weita smiled, “If you don’t dislike it, why don’t you go to my house later?”

“This…” Theodora looked at Constantia full of doubts.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to interrogate you. You are my benefactors, and it’s too late for me to be grateful. It’s just that you have offended my enemy if you saved my life. If there are other assassins lurking around, Maybe it will be bad for you. My mansion is guarded by private soldiers and troops. Although it is not impenetrable and watertight, it is safer than inns and hotels.”

Giuliano thought about it seriously. Lei Xi said lightly: “I’m afraid it’s not proper etiquette for us to visit the mansion rashly? Why don’t you send some soldiers to the inn where we live to protect us?”

“That would disperse the troops. Besides, the inn is always open for business. People come and go, and it is impossible for the soldiers to check everyone. There are great hidden dangers.”

It seems that Suweita is determined to invite them to his home as “guests”, but he doesn’t know whether he really wants to entertain them, or is under house arrest under the guise of entertaining them. Giuliano couldn’t figure it out. Antoine and Constanzia fought with their lives to save Suveta. Why should he put them under house arrest? Could it be that they suspected that they were colluding with the assassin, deliberately performing such a show to win his trust? But didn’t he say that he had received a secret report long ago, and that Fernan was the mastermind? Giuliano believed that Fernando could do such a thing. He was in collusion with the pirates, and Suveta was a great hero to destroy the pirates. Maybe he had a grudge against Suveta…

correct! pirate! Even if Fernando had nothing to do with the assassination incident, it is an ironclad fact that he colluded with pirates. This is an excellent opportunity to bring down Fernando! While accusing Fernando of murder, Suweita can also accuse him of collaborating with the enemy and treason, adding to the crime, and Fernando has nowhere to escape!

“I think the general’s suggestion is very good,” Giuliano said suddenly. “The hotel where we live is full of fish and dragons. It’s too dangerous. If the general is willing to protect us, that would be great. What do you think?” He gestured to Enzo. wink.

The silent man looked at him inexplicably, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. But seeing his confident appearance, he must have found some key evidence in Fernando’s bedroom, so he took advantage of the situation and said, “It makes sense. Thinking about it carefully, our situation is very bad. I don’t want to go to bed at night and worry about being plotted against.” .” After that, he lightly bumped Lei Xi.

The bard was speechless. Being pulled onto this thief boat by them, what else can I do but row along with it? “It’s… I didn’t think about it before…”

All three of them glared at Antoine and pressed him silently. The young swordsman had never seen this kind of battle before, and he was frightened immediately, and replied tremblingly: “Uh… since you all agreed, then I…then I…”

He turned to the two ladies. Constanzia looked indifferent, anyway, she was carrying the mystery of the secret technique, so the assassin would not dare to touch her no matter how brave he was. Theodora was very hesitant, and obviously didn’t trust Suveta, but everyone else relaxed, and she couldn’t refuse, so she had to agree.

Suveta had two carriages harnessed, one for the ladies and one for him and four gentlemen. Amidst the neighing of horses and the rattle of wheels rolling over the ground, the two vehicles, escorted by many guards, left the Infanpine mansion and headed for the Suveta mansion.

The carriage has ample space, but it is still a bit cramped with five big men. It would be fine if there were only four familiar partners, but now that there is one more Hean Suweita, Giuliano felt extremely awkward.

It’s hard for the others to think about it, especially Antoine. He sat on the same side as Suveta, with the short sword across his knees, and whenever the carriage jolted, the hilt would hit the general’s thigh. Antoine was terribly embarrassed. Lei Xi glanced at him and stretched out his hand: “Give me the sword.”

Antoine was overjoyed as if he had been pardoned, but when a sword was handed to Lei Xi, his face darkened instantly. “Leixi…I…I broke your piano, you won’t blame me, will you?” He shrank his neck and asked cautiously, like a schoolboy who made a mistake.

The bard’s eyes drooped slightly, his pupils were almost covered by his snow-white eyelashes like a fan, and he stroked the blade of his dagger with both hands, as if he was caressing the strings of a lute, and the music would pour out in the next second.


“But it’s a very expensive violin, right? Is it the work of some master?”

“Ignacio Antillion.”

“That’s right, that’s him.” Antoine scratched his head, “It must be very expensive…”

“I told you I don’t want you to pay.”


Antoine wanted to say something more, but Suweita held his knee with one hand and motioned him to be calm. The general turned to the bard, and asked with a smile, “Is that actually the work of Antillion? At first I wondered why there was a broken sword hidden in the lute, but when I heard Antillion’s name, I understood it.” Yes. It is said that this master has unique ingenuity, and every piece of work has hidden ingenuity. The sword in the harp is the ingenuity of this work, right?”

“Hmm.” Leixi replied scribbled, unwilling to talk to Suweita more.

Su Weita didn’t let him go, and insisted on asking the bottom line. “Antillion’s work, even a simple wooden flute, is hard to find. How can you have a lute made by him?” The implication is: you poor bard How can I afford Antillion’s violin?

“It was passed down from my ancestors.” Lei Xi said calmly.

Antoine shivered like a poor puppy drenched in rain: “Wooooow, I broke the ancestral treasure of the Leixi family…” His heart was ashamed.

Su Weita comforted him: “You have no choice but to destroy this violin to protect me, and I should pay for it.”

Antoine looked at him hopefully: “Really… But you don’t know, Lei Xi’s piano is very expensive…”

“You saved my life, what is a violin worth? I will pay for it even if I go bankrupt. It is a pity that Antillion has long since passed away, and there is no famous master who can compare with him in this world. You can choose any piano store in the city, and I will pay for it, how about it?”

“No. Although Antillion’s harp is precious, it is nothing more than a utensil to me. The best bard can sing the best songs without relying on external objects.”

Suweita looked as if he could wait for a standing ovation. “What an open-minded poet! Talking about monetary compensation with you again, I would be vulgar. But I have to express my gratitude, otherwise my conscience will be disturbed.”

“It was Antoine who risked his life to save you, just thank him.”

Antoine blushed: “What? No, no, no, me, me, I didn’t do anything, I should thank Miss Constantia…”

“Since there is a reward, then so be it,” said Suveta, “the sword must have been broken for some reason. I will ask the best blacksmith in the city to recast the broken sword and present it to Antoine, you how about?”

Lei Xi smiled secretly: “I’m afraid you can’t find not only a luthier to repair a lute, but also a blacksmith to recast a broken sword.”

Su Weita raised his eyebrows: “Oh? Could it be that this sword is also a masterpiece of ancient masters?”

Lei Xi didn’t say anything, holding the broken sword in both hands, and handing it to Su Weita. The general stroked the lines on the blade with his fingers, and muttered in a low voice: “This blade is so cold, like a piece of ice…”

His body shook violently: “The ancient broken sword… Could it be that the sword was given to Emperor Dalian by the legendary dragon **** Reshtani? The sword that was broken in time—’Poetry of Frost’?”

He couldn’t believe it, but also looked at Lei Xi with great admiration. The bard nodded slightly in agreement.

“I can’t believe it… It is said that the broken sword disappeared. The world thought it was lost on the battlefield. It turned out to be hidden in the piano by Master Antillion. This is the origin of your band’s name ‘Frost Poetry’ Go!” Although Su Weita said so, he still didn’t quite believe it. Who would believe that a legend appeared in front of their eyes?

He returned the broken sword to Leixi. “Unless the dragon **** reappears, no one in the world will be able to recast this broken sword. What a pity! However, Mr. Antoine, there are many weapons in my family collection. You can pick one at will, even if it is not as good as the one cast by the dragon god. Excalibur is definitely not bad either.”

Antoine hastily declined: “No, no, no! I already have a saber, which was given by my teacher! It’s very convenient for me to use, so I don’t need to change it for anything else!”

“Your swordsmanship is so superb, Master must be a great swordsman, and the sword I gave you must be a rare and famous soldier. You must not look down on my little collection.”

“No, no, my swordsmanship is not good at all, and my teacher is not an expert, he is just a farmer in the countryside…”

“It turned out to be an expert who is reclusive in the countryside!”

“No, no, no! It’s really just a farmer!” Antoine was about to kneel down to Su Weita and beg for mercy.

Giuliano suddenly felt something was wrong. Su Weita had just narrowly escaped death, and there might be more killers lurking around. He was able to chat and laugh happily with them in the carriage, so he put life and death aside too much! He is a soldier, he has seen too much blood, it is reasonable to be detached in matters of life and death, but he does not mention himself at all, but has been inquiring about their truth… This Su Weita is not simple! His original intention was to take the initiative and form an alliance with Suveta to bring down Fernando. Unexpectedly, Suveta turned against the enemy, and wanted to find out information from them! He made a mistake, and he knew that he shouldn’t be in the same car with him, otherwise he would have to find out about the eighteen generations of their ancestors along the way!

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