The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 – Teacher And Student 2

Giuliano returned to the room and found Enzo actually inside. He stretched himself out on a deck chair, basking lazily in the sun.

“Why are you here?” Giuliano asked.

Enzo propped his chin with one hand: “What did that woman tell you?”

“Are you following me?!”

“When the two of you came out of the garden, I just saw it.” He narrowed his eyes, “Unexpectedly, you like older women?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, she was my former tutor, I just had a chat with her.”

Enzo sat up with strange eyes: “What did she say to you?”

Giuliano shrugged uncomfortably. “I told her about my family. I can trust her. She won’t reveal the secret.”

“I was asking—what did she say to you?”

“What else? Just talking normally.”

“As soon as you came back, you didn’t look right at me. What did she say?”

“What do you think? She told me to be wary of you. She saw you were the Reticent.”

Enzo hummed: “I see. So she is the female teacher who hates Iniesta.”

“If you want to argue an academic point, I’m not going to accompany you. I’m so sleepy, I want to sleep. Aren’t you going to your room?”

Enzo got up and whispered as he passed by him: “Don’t listen to her. She doesn’t know anything. You don’t need to beware of me, I will never harm you.”

He goes to the door. Giuliano felt pain in his heart. He believed that Enzo would not harm him subjectively, but what if Enzo did act against him, but he didn’t think it was “harming” him? Like that time with Lexie. If Enzo had been a perfect Reticent, he would have seen nothing wrong with selling him to Rexi. He can even sell his own body, let alone others?


Giuliano called to him.

The assassin stopped.

“There is something I have to tell you first,” Giuliano stared at the ground, not daring to turn to look at Enzo’s face, “I will continue to take revenge, I need to continue to learn your skills, you can charge whatever reward you like Okay, money, my body…” He paused, “As long as you think you need it, you can take it. But I will not be a silent one. Never.”

He thought Enzo would be angry. He tensed his shoulders, waiting for the assassin’s wrath to descend. If a scolding or even a beating would end all of this, he would be more than happy.

But Enzo was not angry. The assassin’s deep laughter came from behind, full of ridicule and helplessness, and also a little sad.

“It’s up to you.” Enzo said softly, “You have already embarked on this path, whether you want to or not, you will not escape your destined fate after all.”

“Because this is the will of the gods?!” Giuliano yelled.

“I made a choice, and one day, you have to make a choice too. At that time, you will find that no matter how you choose, there is only one future waiting for you.”

“I do not believe!”

“Try it if you don’t believe me. Besides—”

Footsteps came behind Giuliano. The young apprentice shrugged his shoulders, mentally preparing himself for rough treatment. Then a pair of strong arms wrapped around his shoulders, and a soft kiss fell on his forehead.

“—do you think I’ll let you escape?”

Giuliano’s legs went limp. He had never been able to resist Enzo’s magnetic voice when he was flirting. As soon as Enzo spoke in this way, he could only obediently surrender. Enzo is really an evil assassin who only picks on other people’s weaknesses.

The fiery breath brushed against his ears. He turned his head embarrassingly, and said with difficulty: “Don’t do this with me.”

Enzo pressed close to his ear, whispering like a lover’s whispers on a pillow, “Aren’t you afraid that I’ll walk away? There is no rule that silent people can’t give up the mission halfway.”

“You, you threatened me?!” Giuliano opened his eyes wide. Enzo knew… knew he couldn’t live without him. Whether it is for revenge or personal affection, he cannot do without him. What a despicable guy, he can take advantage of anything, even other people’s emotions are just a bunch of chips that can be valued in his eyes.

But when Leixi made the request, why was Enzo reluctant? He used to think that Enzo cared about him and regarded him as a special person, but was that really the case? In Enzo’s mind, what was he? A bunch of special chips? Can’t take it out easily?

The arms around him loosened. Enzo walked around in front of him, forcefully lifted his chin, and made him face himself.

“Why are you crying?” His tone was without warmth, “Could it be that you have taken a fancy to me?”

Giuliano cried even more bitterly. What the **** kind of question is this? What the **** do you need to ask? If he had no feelings for Enzo, would he be so sad now?

Enzo laughed at himself: “It’s ridiculous…We are just weapons, just tools, even we think so, but we actually regard each other as more important than siblings…” He rudely erased Giuliano’s words Tears, “Stop crying. You look better when you smile.”

Giuliano twisted his mouth and forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and new tears immediately came out.

“What the **** do you think I am? Why do I have to be the Reticent? Why does it have to be me?”

Enzo sighed: “That day… the day I met you, I went to the temple to pray to the gods. They gave a revelation: I will meet someone, and he is my successor.”

“Your successor?”

“There are unwritten rules within the Reticent. If you want to exit this business safely, you must cultivate at least one heir.”

Giuliano pushed him away. Before he was just sad, now he is furious!

“So that’s it! I finally understand! It’s you who don’t want to be a silent person, that’s why you do everything possible to accept me as an apprentice!”

“I don’t want to be a Reticent. I’m happy doing it, it’s just that the time has come.”

“You are despicable! You pat your **** and leave, but you push me into the fire pit and make up a bunch of high-sounding reasons! You make me feel sick!”

“I don’t think making you the Silent is pushing you into the fire pit. As I said, I will never harm you.”

“This is harming me! You are doing the business of collecting money and killing people. You have a glamorous appearance, but you are more despicable than ants! Isn’t this harming me? Are you sick?”

“If you really don’t want to do it, then you can also quit. According to the rules, you just need to find an heir.”

“Then what? I’m going to entrap others for my own happiness? I’m sorry, I’m not as ‘noble’ as you!”

“I didn’t hurt you. You haven’t officially become the Reticent, you haven’t penetrated into our world, you don’t understand…”

“I wouldn’t be so sad if I didn’t understand anything! I trust you, I obey you, and I regard you as the most important person among all living people! But what did you do to me? You treat me as A springboard for a safe exit!”

Enzo shook his head: “That’s not the case…”

“Then what do you say?!”

“Can we just put the question of ‘whether or not to be silencers’ aside for a moment, stop talking about our differences and focus on our common goals at the moment? Wouldn’t it be nice to just let things happen naturally? We didn’t get along well before. Pleasant too?”

He is right. thought Giuliano. They are very compatible, the only disagreement is on the issue of “whether to be the silencer”. That aside, their relationship is wonderful. Yet it was this single disagreement that created an irreparable rift between them. He thought it didn’t hurt, how could Enzo pretend to turn a blind eye and ignore such a huge gap?

Enzo took a few steps in embarrassment, then took off the necklace from his neck, and held the holy emblem in his palm. He walked over to Giuliano, who stared at him warily. He took Giuliano’s hand, placed the holy emblem on the palm of his hand, and then covered it with his own.

The Holy Emblem is icy cold, and has not been infected with human body temperature at all.

“You are holding the holy emblem now, and so am I. Do you know if I am lying?” Enzo said, “I am definitely not trying to harm you. Ever since I met you, I have never had any intention of harming you in my heart. If we If both of you are in danger at the same time, I will give priority to protecting your safety.”

The holy emblem is still cold. Giuliano lowered his head, tears welling up again. “What’s the use of what you say… what’s the use!”

“I want you to know that in my heart you are not a tool, not a bargaining chip…”

Giuliano withdrew his hand. The holy emblem fell onto the soft blanket on the ground, making a dull sound.

“You are so pathetic.” He said with red eyes, “You don’t even know whether you are telling the truth or lying. You have to rely on an item to confirm it. You are so pathetic!”

Enzo bent down to pick up the holy emblem, held the cold metal tightly, and left the room silently. As soon as the door was closed, Giuliano slumped on the ground, hugging his knees, and cried helplessly.

He was so lonely and desperate. He wished so much that Enzo would come back.

Enzo returned to his room and locked the door behind his back. He was still clutching the holy symbol, the hard metal edge hurting his palm, but he didn’t care.

“That’s it?” He shouted into the air, “Are you satisfied? This is what you want to see? This is the path you have planned? When I prayed to you, why didn’t you send me a revelation that day ?Why didn’t you tell me what to do? Why let me go? Why should I choose?”

He stopped, turned to the wall, and said to some non-existent figure: “You’re living a comfortable retirement now, aren’t you? You’d laugh at me if you saw all this. Ah, what a similar situation!” When I kicked you out of Vanessa, I would never have imagined that I would have such a day!”

Then, as if he had lost his strength, he knelt powerlessly on the ground. His invisible mask called “The Reticent”, which was always perfect and exquisite, collapsed at this moment, revealing the pale true face under the mask!

“Juliano…Juliano…” He held the holy emblem tightly, pressed it to his chest, and called his apprentice’s name. But the other party couldn’t hear it. No one can hear. His teacher was driven out of the city-state by his own hands. His apprentice questioned everything about him. His **** let go of him. No one listens but himself.

“It’s not what you think…you don’t understand…” he mumbled, “I won’t hurt you, I will never hurt you, you are special, you are the most important person to me…I am to you… It’s true…”

The holy emblem is still cold. Since the gods did not send down punishment, it means that what he said is all true. He was indeed very pathetic. Wearing the mask for too long, I can’t even tell whether my own voice is true or false.

Platinum hair fell down, covering his eyes, but couldn’t hide the tears on his face.

The Silent One knelt in the middle of the room, weeping silently.

Volume 6 Judgment and Exile

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