The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 – Confession

According to the chief mate of the “Shengyue”, it is not suitable for sailing to Shirahama Island at this time, the weather is often not beautiful, and we can only rely on ocean currents. In previous years, there were even pirates cruising in the nearby waters. They were so daring that they even dared to attack warships. This year, due to the contribution of General Suweita (the first mate was full of admiration when he mentioned Suweita), the life of the sailors was much easier without worrying about pirates, but it still took about a week to go to the place of exile one way.

Antoine’s condition was good and bad, sometimes he could get up and take two steps, and go to the deck to have a shower (by the way, he was mercilessly laughed at by the crew), and sometimes he could only collapse on the bed like a dead dog, vomiting sporadically, and eating nothing. Unable to eat, he lost a lot of weight. When he arrived at the place of exile, he might be treated as a tortured prisoner.

When Giuliano wasn’t taking care of Antoine, he hung out with Enzo on the ship, chatting with the sailors and learning how to tie a sailor’s knot from them. He had also been on a boat when he was a child, but it was only a short voyage, and he had never spent so many days at sea like this. Life at sea was very novel to him, and enjoying the sea breeze with Enzo and watching the magnificent sunrise and sunset on the sea filled his heart with sweetness and joy. He thought they were like newlyweds enjoying a beautiful honeymoon at sea—except that they couldn’t make love. After all, Antoine lived in the same cabin as them, and it was not easy to do such and such things in front of others. But in the corner of the cabin, where no one else could see, Giuliano would seize every opportunity to make out with Enzo quietly, exchanging fiery kisses and tender caresses. This furtive pleasure excited him even more.

However, no matter how hot the love is, it will be cooled by the boring voyage day after day. On the fifth day at sea, Giuliano was already tired of the same sky and ocean, and was always looking forward to reaching land. Any black shadow on the sea horizon would make him excited for a long time, but that shadow was often just a piece of water floating on the sea. Wood, so Giuliano’s mood quickly fell back to the bottom. Even Enzo’s warm comfort could not make him smile again.

On the evening of the fifth day, the first mate said worriedly that they might encounter a storm. The “Rising Moon” is very strong, and there is no need to worry about ordinary storms, but a sudden change in wind direction may cause them to deviate from the course, and the voyage may be delayed for a few more days. Giuliano was in a worse mood, and of course Antoine was worse. When he heard the news of the postponement of the voyage, he burst into tears.

“When will…” He sobbed, “There is still a storm! An ordinary ship is already bumpy enough, and now there is still a storm! Ah! Just let me die!”

Who told you to follow… Giuliano slandered. But on the surface, he still had a pleasant face, and comforted Antoine: “Don’t worry, you’ve already survived half the voyage, and you’ll be fine in the next few days. Would you like some sleeping pills?”

Antoine had had enough of the medicine, but he couldn’t find a better way, so he could only drink up the extra sleeping pills given to him by Giuliano, and fell asleep. Within a few minutes, his breathing stabilized, and he muttered illogical sleep talk, such as “the meat floss buns are delicious”.

Giuliano shook his head, and put the glass into the fixed holder on the table. The cabin door opened, and Enzo tiptoed in.

“Is he asleep?” the assassin whispered.

“Yeah. I just fell asleep after taking sleeping pills.”

The assassin suddenly hugged him from behind, and the dense and lingering kisses fell on his neck like raindrops. Giuliano dodged him, giggling. “Don’t make trouble! Antoine is here!”

“He took sleeping pills anyway.”

“He is asleep and not dead! It will wake him up!”

Enzo couldn’t help but push Giuliano against the wall and take off his pants. “Then keep quiet.”

He knelt down and knelt slowly in front of Giuliano. The corners of the young apprentice’s mouth almost reached his ears. By gods, he likes this. Enzo sucked his **** in his mouth, his tongue dexterously swirled on the head of the penis, and slid across the delicate bell mouth. Giuliano raised his head, his whole body was pressed against the wall, his whole body was tense, and a faint moan leaked from his teeth. He was terrified, he didn’t know how effective the sleeping pill was, would Antoine be woken up? If he woke up at this time, Giuliano could only jump into the sea with shame.

“Roasted chicken legs… so delicious…” Antoine turned over in his sleep, calling the name of some kind of food in his dream, and continued to sleep in the dark.

Giuliano breathed a sigh of relief, but Enzo suddenly sucked hard as a prank, he let out a short cry, his lower body let out like a gulp, and all the **** shot into Enzo’s throat. The assassin grabbed his throat and coughed. Giuliano quickly pulled up his trousers and glanced nervously at the bed—Antoine was sleeping soundly, drooling on the pillow. The effectiveness of sleeping pills is really not covered.

Enzo choked on the semen, but he didn’t dare to cough loudly. Giuliano hastily grabbed a water glass and handed it to him. Enzo spit out the cloudy liquid, rinsed his mouth, scratched his throat, and drank a few sips of water. Giuliano leaned on him with a red face: “You are too brave, how can you be here…”

“I hate boats. There is no privacy.” Enzo frowned. “What kind of water is this? It smells like a drunkard’s vomit.”

“Uh…” Giuliano glanced at the table, “Oh no, that’s Antoine’s sleeping pills! Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn’t pay attention…”

Enzo wiped his mouth: “Sleeping pills? Does it really work?”

“Isn’t Antoine a heavy sleeper?”

“But why don’t I…”

bang. The cup falls to the ground. Enzo rolled his eyes and passed out.

“The effect of the medicine is too fast!!”

Giuliano wanted to rush to the ship’s doctor for a theory. This is not a sleeping pill, it’s simply a sweat medicine! What did the ship’s doctor give them! He already had an unconscious Antoine, and now he had an unconscious Enzo. He picked up Enzo, dragged him to the bed with difficulty, and secretly decided that no matter how seasick Antoine was from now on, he would never let him drink sleeping pills.

Just as Enzo was settled, there was a knock on the door of the cabin. People on a warship have little privacy, and the doors are never locked, but sailors knock politely to show respect.

“Come in!” said Giuliano.

The door opened. The cell guard stood at the door with a smile on his face, rubbing his hands like a big summer fly.

“My lord, good news, good news, the prisoner can’t bear it anymore and is willing to confess.”

It is indeed good news, especially compared to the current tragic situation of Giuliano. “Let’s go.” Giuliano covered Enzo with a blanket, and went down to the lower deck with the guard. He rewarded the guard with a gold coin and told him to stay outside while he went to see Fernando with the alchemy lamp.

His cousin was still chained and looked miserable, his complexion was worse than when he met a few days ago, his cheeks were sunken, his lips were chapped, and tired blackness appeared under his eyes.

“You can’t handle it, Fernando? I thought you were a tough guy, but it turns out you’re so vulnerable.”

Hearing his voice, Fernando raised his head, the corners of his mouth curled ironically, and then drooped weakly: “It’s just a trick, I thought you had some special interrogation skills, and the result is that you don’t give food… Oh, I just… don’t want to It’s just continuing to deal with you, anyway, I don’t have any secrets that I have to keep, why bother with you brat…”

“Even though your mouth is hardened, anyway, no matter how brave you are, you still confess honestly?”

“Hmph, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I don’t know why Bonniewell wanted to kill your parents. It’s useless for you to torture me.”

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