The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 – Captured

A basin of cold water was poured over Giuliano’s head. He woke up immediately.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that the sky was bright. During his coma, the night and the storm had passed, and now the sky was blue and clear, and the sun was shining freely on the sea, dispelling the chill on his body. He was sitting on some kind of bumpy plank with a big log behind him. He moved his hands and found himself tied to the log. There were chaotic footsteps and human voices around, and he couldn’t tell them apart for a while, but after a while, his vision gradually became clear, and he realized that it was a ship.

But not the “Moon Rise”. He was tied to one of the three masts of the ship, which was larger than the prisoner’s warship. Enzo and Antoine were tied beside him, still unconscious.

“Hey, look, who is this? Master Giuliano Sacon, who was a majestic interrogator a few hours ago, is now a prisoner!”

A high-spirited voice came. Giuliano raised his sore neck with difficulty and found his cousin Fernando Infantón standing in front of him. He had given up his prison uniform, and had changed into a luxurious silk dress with a fur collar. He was carrying a bucket in his hand. He was the one who poured water on Giuliano’s head just now.

Fernando will appear here, indicating that this ship is a pirate ship that hijacked prisoners. Giuliano glared at his cousin angrily, wanting to burn his eyes through his false smile. “How did we end up on a pirate ship?”

“It was I who kindly asked someone to pick you up. Those military friends of yours were not so lucky. You see, I care more about family ties. Shouldn’t you kneel down and kiss my hand in gratitude?”

“Bah! Even if I drown, I don’t want you to save me!”

“Oh, then I’ll just throw you back into the sea.”

Fernando dropped the bucket, called a pirate nearby, and ordered him to throw Giuliano and the others into the sea. The pirates were about to do so when there was a commotion on the ship. “The captain is back!” someone shouted.

The pirates gathered on the port side of the ship and threw the rope ladder down, presumably there was a small boat parked beside it. After a while, a man came on deck. He was tall, with long, wavy, light-brown hair, skin tanned like a seaman, and he wore gold earrings, as is the custom of sailors in the Yord cities.


Fernando immediately left Giuliano and the others behind and faced the man.

Oh, Barsano. thought Giuliano. That’s “Mr. B,” Fernando’s fellow pirate.

Barsano put his arms around Fernando, kissed him deeply, and hugged him around in a circle. The surrounding pirates booed and whistled. Fernando was smiling all over his face, and he didn’t care about the eyes of others at all, as if he had gotten used to it. Pirates surrounded Fernando and Barsano like kings of the sea. Fernando had brought them so much wealth through dirty means, and of course they respected him.

Behind the pirate captain, another man climbed onto the deck. When Giuliano saw him, a chill came over him. That man was Marco, the servant next to Fernando. He was also present at the night when the Sacon family was killed. In any case, Giuliano couldn’t shake his disgust. More people boarded the ship one after another.

“Aren’t you injured? Those soldiers must be difficult to deal with.” Fernando asked with concern.

“Of course not! A group of stragglers tried to resist in a lifeboat. I ordered someone to shoot a round of arrows, and they were finished. Now their bodies have sunk in the sea, and they are going to be fed to the fish.”

Barsano’s words sounded understated, but his tone was proud. Giuliano’s heart sank. The soldiers of the “Rising Moon” did not escape the clutches of the pirates, and were overtaken even in the lifeboats. At this time, An TuoWan and EnZo also woke up leisurely. Giuliano whispered to Enzo: “Can you untie the rope?”

Enzo moved and shook his head: “The blades and wires I hid in my sleeves are gone. They searched me. Only the holy emblem is left, but it’s not very useful.”

Giuliano shook his neck. His necklace is gone, must have been taken by pirates. But they left Enzo’s holy emblem behind. It is surprising that they still know how to respect the gods.

The pirate captain strode toward Giuliano and the others. “I heard you picked up three men, didn’t you?”

The three miserable fellows looked at the captain together.

“Why keep them alive? Just kill them all!”

Fernando trotted to keep up with the pirate captain: “Those three people have a relationship with me. I originally wanted to save their lives, but they would rather bend than bend. I was just going to ask someone to throw them back into the sea.”

With his hands on his waist, Barsano looked down at the three captives. The tall shadow fell on Giuliano, making him shudder.

“No, kill them first, and then throw them back into the sea, lest they get lucky and return to the shore.” Barsano drew out the sword at his waist and pointed it at Giuliano’s throat, “Those eagle dogs in Zanodia don’t know yet The news of my return must not let them leak my whereabouts.”

“Wait a moment!”

Barsano was about to cut Giuliano’s neck when Antoine screamed.

“What?” the pirate’s hand stopped. “Are you going to surrender? There are always a lot of pirates who are defectors from the navy. If you are willing to swear allegiance to me, it’s okay to spare your life.”

Antoine puffed his cheeks like an angry little animal: “The sword in your hand! That’s mine!”

Balsano picked up the long sword and looked at it: “You were holding this sword in your hand when you were picked up. You are my prisoner now, and your things are my trophies. What should I do with it?”

Antoine blushed: “Get your dirty hands away! It was a gift from my teacher, you don’t deserve to touch that sword!”

“Oh, I’m so scared!” Barsano exclaimed exaggeratedly, “What are you going to do? Do you still want to take it back? My God, I met a pirate!” He held a sword flower in the air. The crew members around laughed.

“I’m going to grab it back! Shameless villain, take advantage of others! If I hadn’t been unconscious before, you would have never had a chance to get that sword! Untie me if you have the ability! Duel with me! I just want to grab one for you Look!” Antoine struggled desperately, almost jumping up.

“Do you think I’m stupid? Who will untie the enemy!”

“Antoine, don’t tell him.” Enzo said in a low but audible voice. Although he was facing Antoine, he was obviously speaking to Barsano, “In my opinion, his His swordsmanship and courage are far inferior to yours, and he only dares to take advantage of the fire to rob you, so he dare not duel with you openly, because he will definitely lose. How could he make a fool of himself in front of his subordinates and his lover?”

Barsano sneered: “Don’t be aggressive with me, I won’t take this kind of trick.”

“Oh? I don’t think you dare. This is your boat, and your people are everywhere, and it’s in the middle of the sea, with no land on all sides. If you let go of Antoine, he won’t escape even with his wings. Obediently fight with you. With such favorable conditions, you still dare not fight openly, which only shows that you know that your skills are inferior to others, and you don’t want to make a fool of yourself.”

Antoine responded, “That’s right! I think you’re scared!”

Giuliano understood what Enzo meant. They were all bound to die sooner or later, but if Antoine could be set free, at least there was hope. He said loudly: “Antoine learned from a master swordsman who returned to the mountains and forests, and his skills have reached the pinnacle. You, a mere country bandit, are no match for him at all.”

Barsano said: “Do you think you can provoke me? Haha, if this kid is really as powerful as you say, why didn’t I see his heroic figure when I attacked the ‘Moon Rising’?”

“That’s because Antoine was seasick. He took sleeping pills and was still asleep. Otherwise, today’s victory would be reversed!” Giuliano said.

“Master Pirate Captain, don’t you dare to challenge a prisoner who is seasick and has not eaten for several days? It turns out that you are not only bad at swordsmanship, but also as cowardly as a mouse!” Enzo turned The surrounding crew members said, “Hey! Did you hear that? I see that there are many heroes among you, so why should this coward be the master? All of you can replace him!”

There was no sound on the boat, but there was an indescribable atmosphere pervading the crowd. A deep furrow formed between Barsano’s brows. He is very confident in his own strength and will never lose to this young swordsman. But fighting him is risky after all. He doesn’t want to make extravagant problems if he can. If he had faced these captives alone, their rhetoric would certainly not have angered him. But now the whole ship heard them. Although his subordinates are loyal, who can guarantee 100% that none of them is rebellious? Barsano was not afraid of being tricked by himself, but he was afraid that his subordinates would fall into the trap.

He grinned, showing his white teeth: “Hmph! You’ve been rambling on and on for a long time, don’t you just want to fight the beast? Well, I’ll reward you with a chance. That young man named Antoine, I’ll untie you , return this sword to you, and you can use it to duel with me.”

“Okay!” Antoine promised proudly, “If I win, you must not only return our belongings, but also set us free!”

Fernando grabbed Barsano’s sleeve nervously: “No! If they run away, they will definitely leak your news!”

The pirate captain waved him away: “What? You think I can’t beat them?”

“No, I just don’t want to take any chances…”

Barsano raised a hand, signaling that he should say no more. “I won’t lose, so of course they can’t escape. Don’t worry.” He walked towards Antoine and looked down at him. “I promise you, boy, if you win, you will be set free. But if you lose, But it’s not as easy as killing a hundred. I’ll cut off your limbs first, goug out your eyes, pull out your tongue, and make you suffer for three days and three nights before finishing you. As for your companion,” he said Pick up the chins of Giuliano and Enzo with the point of the sword in turn, “You are pretty. Everyone is lonely after being out at sea for so long, so let them reward everyone. When they are being eaten, you just listen to it and make you feel good too.” Cool.”

Wretched laughter rang out all around.

Barsano cut off the rope on Antoine’s body with a sword: “Get up! Let me see what you are capable of!”

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