The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 – Malcolm Speaks

Fernando was pacing up and down in the cabin, because he was too nervous, he began to bite his nails unconsciously, his brows were wrinkled, and the handsome face that had attracted the attention of countless ladies was now covered with a layer of haze, just like the sky over a volcanic eruption. thick clouds. He turned around anxiously, and from time to time he grabbed an item and threw it violently at the wall to vent his anger.

With a “squeak”, the hatch opened. Fernando just stared at the ground, he didn’t care who was coming, and shouted angrily: “Go away! Leave me alone!”

Instead of leaving, the man closed the door behind him and walked quietly to his side.

“Master, it’s me.”

Fernando looked up and saw that it was his servant Marco. Thinking of the achievements of this loyal servant, the anger in his heart subsided a little, and he couldn’t help regretting the scolding just now. If he had found out that it was Malcolm, he would definitely not have spoken in that tone.

“So it was you. I thought it was another crew member.” His attitude was a little slow, “I don’t have time to chat right now, so let’s go down if there is nothing important to do.”

“Master, I’m here to relieve your worries.”

“You? Can you guess what I’m thinking?”

“Of course. Your troubles are written all over your face. You must be worried about those three people returning to land and contact Suveta. Suveta hates pirates, and you are even more at odds with him. If he knew Barsano Your Excellency has rescued you, and will hunt you down at all costs. Even if he doesn’t care about a pirate who slipped through the net, he will never let you go. What’s more, the young master of the Sacon family has a hatred for killing your father and wants you to die , What will he and Su Weita do together, you can think of it with your toes!”

Fernando looked at Marco excitedly: “That’s right! That’s exactly what I’m worried about! I wouldn’t have caught the three of them if I knew it! I really hate myself for being soft-hearted!”

“In that case, why don’t you…” Marco made a gesture of wiping his neck.

“No, Barsano has promised to set them free. If I intervene and kill them, it will appear that Barsano is not trustworthy. Although he is a pirate, he is a man of great integrity. No, I cannot trap Barsano in Unrighteous.”

“But if you don’t do this, you will be disregarding his life!”

“That’s what bothers me!” shouted Fernando impatiently.

Marco calmly gestured for Fernando to sit down. The down-and-out nobleman found a wooden box casually, and leaned against it discouragedly. “Then what do you say?”

His faithful servant bent down and put a hand over his mouth, as if afraid that someone would listen to his advice. “Master, His Excellency Barsano did agree to let them go, but he didn’t pat his chest to guarantee that they would be able to set foot on land safely. There is no guarantee that they will not encounter danger due to the changing conditions at sea.”

“what do you mean…?”

“They will leave in a small boat tomorrow morning. We have a whole night. We can do some tricks on the small boat so that it will be fine when it hits the water, but it will flood in and disintegrate after sailing for a while. Then they will be trapped in the water. In the middle of the sea, the only thing left is drowning. In this way, His Excellency Barsano has fulfilled his promise, and you have solved the serious problem in your heart, isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

Fernando glanced at Marco, quickly looked away, stared at a mildew spot on the deck below his feet, and began to bite his nails again: “This…is a solution, but…”

“If you’re afraid of getting your hands dirty, I’m willing to do it for you, and I’m sure you won’t notice.”

After speaking, Malkor straightened up, looked at his master confidently, and waited for a reply. Fernando thought about it for a while, finally made up his mind, and nodded vigorously: “I can’t spare their lives. Just do as you say!”


“However…” Fernando showed an annoyed expression again, “This can only solve the emergency, but it can’t eradicate the hidden danger. The **** ship failed to reach Shirahama Island, and the Zanodian Navy will definitely send a fleet to investigate. Our whereabouts say It might be exposed.”

“Master, don’t think too much about it, take one step at a time, get rid of those three guys first.”

“You’re right. Just do it according to your method. Be sure to do it neatly. As for the future…I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll do it now.” Marco bowed slightly. When he lowered his head, at an angle that Fernando couldn’t see, he suddenly showed a dark smile. When he raised his head again, there was no smile on his face, but a worried expression.

“By the way, master, can I speak?”

“you say.”

“If you are really afraid of His Excellency Barsano being arrested, why not use the ‘Black Crane Boat’?”

As soon as the words were finished, Fernando jumped up suddenly as if his body was on fire, grabbed Marco by the collar, and forced him to the corner. “Where did you hear that name?!”

Marco forced a smile and said: “Don’t be nervous! I have read books, learned some history, and often went to temples to listen to priests’ sermons, so I naturally know about the ‘Black Crane Boat’.”

“And how do you know I have something to do with it?”

“It was mentioned in your sleep talk after being drunk once. Ah, master, don’t worry, I have no malicious intentions. I was just thinking, whether it is books or priests, it is said that the ‘Black Crane Boat’ is a treasure ship sent by the gods Not only can it fly in the air, but it is also so powerful that even giant dragons are afraid of the gunfire on the ship. If Lord Barsano gets the “Black Crane Boat” and sails on the sea with it, no one will dare Embarrass him?”

Fernando let go of the servant’s collar: “That’s enough, don’t mention it again!”

“Why? Don’t you want His Excellency Barsano to have it? With it, what kind of Suveta, what kind of naval fleet, is not worth a damn!”

Fernando glared at him: “That’s just a dream.”

“Why? Could it be that the ‘Black Crane Boat’ is just a myth and legend, but it doesn’t actually exist?”

“Stop talking about it! Don’t mention it again! This is a secret. I shouldn’t know it, and you shouldn’t know it! It’s just because I was drunk and leaked the secret. You have to forget it, understand? “

“Why? If it really exists, we can **** it. I am also doing it for you and Your Excellency Barsano!”

“I know you mean well, but if you can’t do it, you can’t do it. The ‘Black Crane Boat’ is a secret of Zanodia, and only the consuls of the past are qualified to know its hidden location. The ancestors of my family used to be consuls, because I have selfish intentions, so I secretly told this secret to my son, and then it has been passed down to my generation. If the current consul knows about this, I will have no way out!”

“Since they are so tight-lipped, it means that the ‘Black Crane Boat’ really has magical powers. To be honest, master, you really don’t want it at all?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that there’s no way! The ‘Black Crane Boat’ is not the kind of flying boat you imagined, but…but…according to the teachings of our ancestors, it is a strange creation that mortals can’t even reach. God’s power can make that kind of thing. The ship seems to have a life of its own, and it can recognize its owner like a living thing. Unrecognized people can’t take it at all. Zenodia discovered it hundreds of years ago , but until today, no one has been able to board it, let alone us mortals. Perhaps, as in the legend, only the ancient races who have received the grace of the gods can control that ship.”

Fernando glared at the loyal servant: “So you don’t talk about these Arabian Nights anymore. Don’t leak the secrets and cause death, understand!”

Malcol bowed in awe: “Yes, I see.”

“Go do your thing!”

Malcol turned around and was about to go out when he bumped into a dark mass. With an “ouch”, he jumped back like a rabbit, and a dagger slipped out of his sleeve: “Who is it!”

The black thing was some kind of weird black mist, which flowed into the cabin from under the door, and gradually condensed into a human shape. Fernando hid behind Marco, looking warily at the man in black condensed by the black mist. He was wearing a hood and could not see his face, but he could sneak into the cabin in the form of smoke, so he must be someone who could control spells. Fernando knew that during the Masquerade Ball, there was a female mystic who used secret techniques to repel the assassins, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. Could it be that the female sorcerer?

“Who are you!” Marco snapped.

The man in black raised one hand, palm up, as if to show that he had no malice. His white wrists were exposed from his long black sleeves, and there were no tattoos of mystics on them.

“Don’t be impulsive. I have no intention of being your enemy. I have been looking for the whereabouts of the last ‘Black Crane Ship’, and followed you all the way from Zanodia to this ship. I finally heard you mention the ‘Black Crane Ship’ just now. Boat’, I’m sure I didn’t make the trip in vain.”

His voice was low, obviously a man, his tone of voice was weird, and he couldn’t tell who the accent was.

“Stop rambling! Who are you!”

“I am the holder of the key, and I am also the descendant of the ‘ancient people’ you call me. I am the one who needs and is most qualified to board the ‘Black Crane Boat’.”

After speaking, the man in black took off his hood as if to prove his words.

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