The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 – Ancient Race

Balsano opened the curtain of the tent, and was immediately scared by the “laughter and laughter” that rushed out. Giuliano looked at him like someone with dementia, entered the tent himself, and then understood Barsano’s state of mind.

Like a dog going out for a walk for the first time, Antoine curiously circled around the elf, making all kinds of fussing noises, such as “Wow, your ears are so weird, can I touch them”, “Your ears are so weird.” The hair is like silk, I can cut a bunch and play it… Ah no, observe and observe”, “I heard that your heart is neither on the left nor on the right, but in the middle, can I touch it”. The elf was tightly bound by the ship doctor’s bandages, like a mummy in an ancient tomb, so he couldn’t stop him, he could only stare blankly, his handsome face was filled with an atmosphere of lovelessness. Enzo huddled in a corner of the tent, watching them silently, as if Antoine was watching a monkey show, and he was watching the monkey show.

Barsano pulled Antoine away and shoved him to Giuliano: “Take care of your people!”

“I don’t want him!” Giuliano avoided them in disgust.

“Shut him up! I know you have a way!”

“You mean cut off his tongue?”

Antoine looked at Giuliano hurt: “I thought we were on one side! How can you speak for outsiders! What happened when you dug the grave!”

“you shut up!”

Barsano looked down at the elf, carefully studying his pale face, to make sure that he would not die for a while.

“Hey, can you understand our language?”

The pirate chief spoke Imperial, the most spoken language in Fagus today, though he spoke it with a thick Yod accent.

The elf turned to him with difficulty, and the black jade-like eyes made the pirate leader feel a sudden chill in his heart. He couldn’t help but compare Genie and Enzo. Both of them were standard “baby faces” in his mind, but they were a little different. Enzo was as beautiful as gold or jewels upholstered in black velvet, which had a luxurious vibe in itself. Elves are more similar to inanimate but lifelike stone statues, full of artistic and inorganic beauty.

“Yes.” The elf replied in standard imperial language, “I know you must have a lot of questions, please ask as soon as possible, I want to rest.”

Barsano scratched his cheek. He had thought that the elves could not understand their language and had to rely on translators, but the communication went so smoothly that he didn’t know what to say.

But there is a common rule in the world: the first thing strangers do when they meet is usually to exchange names. Think about it, even the ancient races are the same.

“My name is Barsano, the captain of the ‘Owl’. These three are my…uh…” He felt that the word “friend” was inappropriate and seemed too close, “My acquaintances, Giuliano, Antoine Wan and Enzo.”

The elf blinked as a salute.

“My name is Orasha, and I am the priest of the God of Light.”

“The **** of light? What kind of **** is that? I’ve never heard of the **** of light,” Giuliano said.

Orasha pulled the corners of her mouth, as if smiling. A strong sense of déjà vu suddenly surged in Giuliano’s mind. He must have seen this guy before, but he couldn’t remember. Could it be his illusion?

“Your beliefs all come from the teachings of our race. If you have never met the priests of the God of Light, you have never heard of His holy name.”

Oh, so a little-known god. Giuliano thought to himself. But in front of the elves, he definitely didn’t dare to speak out.

“This God of Light is the same as the ‘God of Truth and Deception’ that Enzo believed in, and he is also one of the ancient gods, right?”

Oraxia frowned, and his eyes drifted to Enzo, as if looking for something in him.

“If what you call ‘ancient gods’ refers to the twin gods living in the ‘God Kingdom on the Stars’—then yes. ‘God of Light’ is a collective name for ‘God of Waves and Particles’…”

“Wait!” interrupted Giuliano, “God of what and what?”

“The **** of waves and particles, because light is both waves and particles…” People around showed confused expressions at the same time, but the elves were surprised, “Why? You don’t know?…Oh, I was negligent, your civilization is far inferior to My family is advanced, so I don’t know the principle, in short, light has wave-particle duality…”

“Stop, stop, stop! What light and waves! It’s too far away!”

Barsano yelled impatiently, “Back to the topic! I have something to ask, so don’t interrupt!” He gave Giuliano a look and motioned him to stay out of the way.

Aura Xia sighed, full of disappointment: “Well, I think so too. You humans have a short lifespan, and you are busy trying to survive, so you have no time to pursue the true meaning of the world…”

“Enough! Let me ask you, who hurt you, and who killed Fernando?”

The elf’s expression suddenly twisted, recalling the details of his injury seemed to make him miserable.

“It’s the man named Malcolm.”

As soon as this remark came out, the four humans in the tent showed different expressions—Barsano showed doubts, Giuliano looked relieved, Enzo was worried, and Antoine said in awe: “Look, I’ll just say it.” , It really is him!”

“Why did he do this? He… he is so loyal to Fernando, he even risked his life to save him, how could he betray the master?”

“Oh, it’s very simple. His ‘loyalty’ is all false, just for the purpose of obtaining information. Fernando is probably not his real master.”

“how do I say this?”

“This has to start with the purpose of my travels.” Oraxia raised his broken arm, “You must have heard the legend about my family. When the dragon destroyed our civilization, the gods sent a dragon that could soar into the sky. The ‘Black Crane Boat’ saves us. The ‘Black Crane Boat’ is a magical creation, it takes a huge amount of energy to fly, and this energy can only be drawn from the stars, so there is only a certain kind of strangeness once in a lifetime When the celestial phenomena appear, it can get enough energy to take off. Most of us have boarded the “Black Crane Boat” and left the land of Fagus forever, but a few people have been killed because of the long distance or the dragon. The last “Black Crane Boat” could not take off because of missing the strange celestial phenomenon. So the rest of us chose to sleep and wait for the time to come.

“This sleep lasted for more than a thousand years. Until the exiles of your people inadvertently broke into the sleeping place, awakened the priests who had been sleeping forever, and received their blessings and converted to the gods. In this era, the dragons killed each other , the number is very small, our family is no longer in danger, but the world has long since changed, and it is no longer our familiar homeland, so we decided to take the “Black Crane Boat” to set foot on the road, looking for the first companions. But things change, stars move, The last “Black Crane Boat” has been lost for a long time. I bear the great trust of my people and come to your human world to find its whereabouts.

“I searched many places and many people, and finally locked on Fernando Infantson. I concluded that he knew the trace of the ‘Black Crane Boat’, so I followed him secretly all the way, hoping to find the right time to talk to him. Then One day Fernando and Marco met alone in the cabin, and I followed. They were discussing how to silence you.”

Oraxia glanced at Giuliano and the others, “Fernando was worried that you would reveal your whereabouts and lead to a naval attack, so Marco suggested that he take out the powerful ‘Black Crane Boat’ so that no one would dare to trouble him. I heard that it was time, so I took off my stealth and asked him to tell me where the ‘Black Crane Boat’ is. I have a ring on my hand, which is the only key to start the ‘Black Crane Boat’. Fernando believes in me, and also He didn’t want the ‘Black Crane Ship’ to fall into the hands of the Xanodia consul—he felt that Hean Suweita would be the next consul—so he told the location of the ship. I haven’t thanked him yet, that A man named Marco shot me suddenly and stabbed me with a knife. He thought he could kill me with one blow, but he didn’t know that my heart was not on the left side. I was still conscious at the time, so I had to pretend to be dead in order to survive. Fernando asked him why he shot murder, he said ‘it’s all for my true master’, and cut Fernando’s throat. He also tried to take my ring, but it got stuck on my finger and I couldn’t get it off, so Marco cut me off. One hand. I passed out from the pain, and I don’t know what happened afterwards.”

“Look! It really is Marco! Huh, I didn’t expect him to be so ruthless. You still suspect us!” Antoine shouted.

Oraxia looked at Barsano, who was displeased by being suspected for no reason: “If you don’t believe me, call that man over there, I can swear by the ‘god of truth and pretense’…”

The pirate leader waved his hand in annoyance: “Forget it! I don’t believe you. In fact, I was vaguely suspicious of Malcolm’s identity along the way, and you confirmed my guess. ‘This is all for my real master’. He said so, didn’t he? Did he say who his master was?”

“No, he didn’t mention it. But he…” Auraxia hesitated, “Before I passed out, I vaguely heard him talking to himself, ‘I want to go back to Vanessa’ or something…”

“Are you sure? Vanessa? His real master is in Vanessa?”

“I didn’t say that. I was out of my mind at the time. I can only be sure that he said this, and I didn’t hear everything else.”

Giuliano took a breath: “Vanessa! Do you think Marco’s real master may be Boniwell, the governor of Vanessa?”

The temperature in the tent dropped instantly.

Antoine hugged his shoulders and asked tremblingly, “You mean, the Boniwell who killed your family?”

“That’s him!” Giuliano squinted at the pirate leader, “Since you have such a good relationship with Fernando, you must know when Marco started working at Infanson’s house.”

“I don’t know either! But I also find it strange when you say it. I have never heard of Marco before, and Fernando never mentioned him. It wasn’t until after he was arrested that I received a letter from Marco. I didn’t know that there was such a “faithful servant”. If he was really Fernando’s personal servant, I couldn’t be ignorant of it. After thinking about it, there is only one possibility: Marco arrived during the time I was in prison. Because Fang Song’s family works, and they quickly gained Fernando’s trust in a short period of time.”

“Maybe he is a spy sent by Boniwell to Fernando.” Giuliano said indifferently. Marco lurks beside Fernando, monitors his every move, takes the opportunity to steal information about the “Black Crane Boat”, and kills people if necessary. Even I have to admire the foresight of the governor!”

Barsano gritted his teeth firmly, turning around in the tent like a trapped animal. “But I can’t be sure that it’s Boniwell! Who the hell… Right! Vanessa! I must go to Vanessa, arrest Marco and come back to torture him to see if he confesses!”

“Are you crazy? You are a pirate, and you sank a warship not long ago, yet you still dare to go to Vanessa. Do you think that you don’t have the good fortune to be imprisoned?”

“Then what do you say? You go? Oh, I forgot, you are also a famous wanted criminal!”

Giuliano flushed. “I advise you, but you say that about me!”

“That’s enough. If you want to quarrel, can you go out and quarrel? Don’t disturb my rest.”

Auraxia looked at them coldly, his eyes were like ice. Barsano was furious: “Hey! You figure it out! This is my tent! My territory! If I hadn’t saved you, you would have died a long time ago! If you want to get out, you have to get out!”

The elf simply closed his eyes, tilted his head, and pretended to fall asleep, with the attitude of “I just won’t leave, what do you want?” Barsano was in a hurry, but he couldn’t (or didn’t dare) to be rough on him, so he could only swallow his anger and opened the curtain of the tent. Giuliano shot the elf angrily and walked away. Antoine looked at the elf, then at his departed partner, hesitated to speak, regretted that he could not pull a few hairs of the elf, and chased Giuliano away.

Enzo was also about to leave, but just as he walked to the door curtain, the elf’s voice came from behind: “Wait a minute.”

He stopped, but didn’t look back: “What’s the matter?”

“Are you really a believer in the ‘God of Truth and Pretense’?”

“It’s true. Or, do you want me to swear by the holy emblem and the name of the god?”

“You…much like an old acquaintance of mine. That man is also a devotee of the ‘God of Truth and Pretense’.”

“You must be mistaken, I am an ordinary human, how can I look like an elf?”

Aurashia was silent for a while, and said, “How do you know? I didn’t say that man was an elf.”

“It’s probably a way of thinking. The old knowledge of human beings is human beings, and the old knowledge of elves is elves. Am I right?”

“Are you sane?”

“I offend you? Why scold me?”

“I’m not scolding you, but asking you in a rigorous and scientific manner: Are you a sane person?”

“If I was crazy, would I tell you if I was crazy?”

“I’d love to hear your answer.”

“…It’s really sick!”

Enzo cursed and walked away.

Orrasha was left lying on the bedding alone, staring at the roof of the tent. His lips twitched, whispering an ancient language that humans could not understand.

“…If he is… then his spirit is indeed abnormal.”

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