The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 – Observatory

Facing the mirror in the room, Giuliano combed his hair a few times with his fingers to make himself look less miserable, and then went down to the restaurant on the first floor. Among the many diners, he found Antoine at a glance, because everyone was there—Antoine, Reci, Constantia, and Theodora were sitting around the same table.

Theodora held a cup of tea and sipped it while reading a small book. Lexi sat on her left, elegantly destroying a bowl of salad. Antoine served Mademoiselle Constanzia very graciously, cutting and buttering the bread, while his lady ignored him, much to the frustration of the young man.

What a warm breakfast picture. Giuliano couldn’t help smiling and walked towards them.


Theodora raised her eyes from the book: “Giuliano! It’s really you! The clerk in the shop said you were here just now, but I still didn’t believe it. I thought it was a mistake.”

She ordered chairs and cutlery to be added, and Giuliano sat beside her gratefully. How long has it been? he thinks. How long has it been since you had breakfast with your teacher? He vaguely remembers it happening every day as a child, with teachers who taught him harsh table manners and who would hit him on the back of the hand with a small wooden stick if he made a mistake, such as laying out the wrong napkin.

Antoine, having received a cold reception from Mademoiselle Constanzia, had to pile the mountain of sliced bread on Giuliano’s plate.

“When did you come? Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

“I probably arrived early this morning. You are all resting. How dare I bother you.”

“Where’s Enzo? Not with you?”

Giuliano’s expression darkened. “We… have to separate for a while.”

“Have you quarreled ‘again’?” Antoine specially emphasized the pronunciation of “again”.

Giuliano glared at him and told him to shut up, but Antoine was blank and continued to ask, “Why? You just returned to Van Nessaille.”

“…no big deal. He took me to that brothel, where I didn’t expect to bump into his old lover, I couldn’t stand it.”

“Old lover!” Antoine was speechless, “Enzo…couldn’t see it!”

Constanzia said angrily: “There is no good thing for a man who visits a brothel. You are still young, Giuliano, so you can’t get into that bad habit.” She said, and she gave Antoine a vicious look. The young swordsman lowered his head aggrievedly: “I didn’t go shopping…”

“Constanzia, you’re about the same age as Giuliano, how can you talk to someone like that,” Theodora said, then turned to Giuliano, “So what are you going to do next?”

The teacher’s eyes are as deep as an ancient well. Giuliano shuddered. She knows what I’m going to do. he thought. She knew I was planning revenge. How can I escape her eyes?

“I… In short, let’s take a long-term plan. How about you? What’s the plan?”

“Today we are going to the observatory.” Constanzia mentioned her itinerary, and suddenly became excited, “Vanessa Observatory is famous all over the world and has the most advanced observation instruments today. We plan to visit the ‘chief stargazer’ of the observatory ‘. Giuliano, do you want to come with me?”

“Uh… well, well. I haven’t been to the observatory yet.” It’s better to be with them than to be alone, and going to the observatory may also help him forget the unpleasant things, “You guys Going to the observatory for academic research? I remember that you also went to Zanodia to find a group of astronomers.”

“Yes, as you know, we specialize in the study of the history of the Dragon Race, and the history of the Dragon Race is inseparable from the history of the ancient ethnic groups. There is a very important time in it, called ‘The Displacement of the Ancient People’, which refers to the history of the ancient ethnic groups. The days of leaving Fagus in the ‘boat of the black crane’.”

“Black Crane Boat”! Giuliano was struck by lightning and couldn’t move. Not long ago, he met a real ancient ethnic group—the elf priest Urasha. He was far away from his own settlement, and the purpose of roaming around was to find the last lost “Black Crane Boat”. Fernando, who knew its whereabouts, suffered misfortune, and Marco, the spy who murdered him, is currently hiding in Vanessa.

Giuliano never even dreamed that he would hear this legendary and ancient name again from Mademoiselle Constanzia.

“The boat of the black crane… is actually related to your academic research?” He asked tentatively, hoping to extract some useful information from the female scholar.

“That’s right.” Constantia had no doubts about him. In fact, she felt very happy that someone cared about her research. “The teacher and I are currently trying to determine the specific time of the ‘ancient people’s displacement’. We found an ancient document, the records in it… Teacher, I will borrow your notes.”

She took the note from Theodora and showed it to Giuliano: “It was written by an ancient elven priest, and we translated it into the Imperial language.’ . . . and we prayed to the gods, and the gods A black ship that can soar in the sky was sent, named “Black Crane Boat”. On that day, the morning star was covered by a comet, and after two sunrises in the morning, the “Black Crane Boat” finally arrived. Each ship is equipped with a There are two keys with different shapes, and only the priest who holds the key can start the “Black Crane Boat”.’ You see, this is about the situation of ‘the displacement of the ancient people’. This document records a strange astronomical Phenomena.” Pointing to a passage of text, she read, “The morning star is covered by a comet, and there are two sunrises in the morning. Do you know what this means?”

Giuliano shook his head ashamedly: “I don’t understand at all. Why are there two sunrises in the morning?” Even though he said this, what Aurashia once said came to mind: “The ‘Black Crane Boat’ is a magical creation , It needs to consume a huge amount of energy when flying, and this energy can only be drawn from the stars, so only when some rare and strange celestial phenomenon appears, can it obtain sufficient energy to take off.” Constanzia said The astronomical phenomenon referred to, is it the strange astronomical phenomenon necessary for the “Black Crane Boat” to take off?

“‘Two sunrises’ is actually a solar eclipse.” Constanzia explained, “If the sun has not yet risen from the horizon when the eclipse occurs, people will see that the sky has just brightened, but it suddenly turns into night, It will be dawn again soon after. The so-called “two sunrises” refers to this phenomenon. Solar eclipses are very rare, and solar eclipses before sunrise are even rarer. We know the place where this document was unearthed, and then deduce the movement of celestial bodies Orbit, we can calculate the time when the ‘two sunrises’ occurred, so as to determine the exact time of the ‘displacement of the ancient people’.”

Giuliano suddenly realized: “So that’s the case, I understand as soon as you explain it. But what if the ‘two sunrises’ occur many times within a period of time? How do you know which one is the time of ‘the displacement of the ancient people’?”

“There is another record. ‘Chaoxing was covered by a comet’. ‘Chaoxing’ refers to the morning star, and ‘comet’ here refers to the ‘Ailar Star’. Ailar is the astronomy of the First Dynasty. Home, made detailed observations on the comet, so later generations named the comet after her. But before her, the ancient peoples had already studied the star. They believed that the comet was sent by the gods The messenger who protects the land of Fagus, a comet will appear in the sky every once in a while, symbolizing that the gods take care of the mortal world regularly. The ancient tribes called this comet ‘Girissa’, which means ‘brilliance’ in the Elvish language. Eye’.”

Giuliano looked at Antoine in shock: “Isn’t Antoine’s sword also called ‘Girissa’?”

Antoine looked blank: “It’s the first time I’ve heard of this allusion… My teacher named it, I don’t understand it at all…”

Constanzia said: “‘Girissa’ is a very common name for elf women, because the ancient people worshiped the comet ‘Girissa’ and regarded it as an angel to protect mortals, so they often gave their own The child had the same name. With the revival of the belief in the ancient gods, some elven culture spread to humans. It is said that in the north and areas near the elf temple, humans often use the names of the elves. Maybe Antoine’s The teacher must have been influenced by some regional customs.”

“Then this ‘Girissa’—I’m not talking about Antoine’s sword, but the comet—is also the evidence of the time of ‘The Ancient People’s Displacement’?”

“Of course. ‘The morning star is covered by a comet’ means that the light of the morning star is covered by a comet. ‘Girissa’ visits the land of Fagus about every five hundred years, and its orbit can also be calculated. Just find If the time of ‘two sunrises’ and the comet ‘Gilisa’ appear at the same time, then that day will be the day when ‘the ancient people were exiled’, that is, the day when the ‘boat of the black crane’ descends on the earth!”

“I see, that’s why you are going to the observatory.”

“The Vanessa Observatory has advanced equipment and a large amount of astronomical data, and the ‘chief stargazer’ there is knowledgeable, not only proficient in astronomy, but also has made great achievements in the history of ancient ethnic groups. We are going to visit him and ask him Aid our research.”

Theodora withdrew the notes from the students. “Well, Constanzia, you’ve said a lot, and Giuliano must be tired of hearing it.”

“No, no, no, I’m fascinated. The history of ancient ethnic groups is really interesting, please take me to the observatory!”

Antoine cried: “I will go, I will go too!”

“What are you mixing in!” Constantia glared, “You don’t understand anything, and going there will only add to the chaos.”

“Obviously Giuliano doesn’t understand…” Antoine dropped his shoulders in frustration, “I don’t want to stay here alone…Lexie! And you! Do you want to go too?”

The bard nodded slightly: “I’m very interested. The history of the ancients is fascinating. Maybe the trip to the observatory can inspire me and let me write a poem about the ‘displacement of the ancient people’. I wonder if the two ladies are willing to reward you , let me have the honor to be a flower protector?”

“Hmph, what kind of flower protector…” Antoine muttered softly, “Constanzia is much better than you, a fire can burn the thief to ashes, so you don’t need you to protect the flower…”

“Huh? What did you say?” Rexi smiled.

Antoine shut his mouth and dared not speak a word.

Theodora sighed: “Okay, since everyone is interested, let’s go together. The carriage can just seat four people. Can Antoine sit in the driver’s seat with the driver?”

“Of course!” Antoine blushed. Giuliano guessed that he would have been willing to tie him under the wagon and drag him if he had promised to go with him.

Theodora pushed the tea cup away: “It’s getting late, let’s go on the road, the observatory is far away, don’t delay any longer.”

Five people got up and left the table, and filed out of the restaurant. At the door of the hotel, Constantia looked around on tiptoe: “It’s strange, why can’t we see the carriage we hired? You obviously asked the coachman to come early today…Where is the person?”

As soon as the words fell, the sound of wheels rolling over the stone pavement came from the end of the street. Everyone looked over there, and saw a carriage pulled by two horses approaching slowly, and the driver was none other than Enzo.

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