The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 – Carnival 1

The most luxurious and grand festival of the year in Vanessa city-state is coming!

The two weeks starting from the tenth day of the rainy month are days of celebration. Inside the high walls of Vanessa, the streets and alleys are crowded with countless masks: gold-plated, silver-inlaid, decorated with colorful and exotic bird feathers, hanging with gauze as thin as onion wings, cast into animals, Engraved patterns, inlaid multicolored glass, and even real gems. The mask is matched with dazzling and exotic costumes: a clown suit with gold trim, a long skirt with a waist full of lace, a wide-brimmed hat piled with exotic fruits, and a cloak made of countless bird feathers…

There is only what you can’t think of, and there is absolutely nothing you can’t see. Indigo velvet robes and gold masks, ruby collars and glass high-heeled shoes, and satin roses piled up on the shawls. A peacock green fan, an ocher red belt, a blue bow tie, a golden ribbon, tassels as white as snow, and boots as black as night. Coupled with scarlet gloves, silver-blue headscarves, ivory embroidered parasols, strings of agate necklaces are like spider webs with water drops after the rain. Everyone dressed up in splendor, put on the most exaggerated and gorgeous costumes, took to the streets and joined the parade. Wrapped in a complicated costume and wearing a luxurious mask, only a pair of eyes are exposed in the whole person. Those dark, dark brown, water blue, dark green eyes of thousands of colors reflect this city full of dazzling brilliance, and the city is also colorfully reflected by the light reflected in the eyes.

As the most famous entertainment place in Vanessa, “Flower Spring” is naturally not far behind. The interior and exterior of the brothel are decorated with vermilion and dark gold silk and satin that were popular in those days. During the festival, there will also be a traditional feature event – a beauty contest. It’s just that what is selected is not their appearance and figure, but their masks. The prostitutes wear all kinds of novelty masks and are naked from the neck down. The guests take turns to judge and choose the “most beautiful mask”. The winners will ride on a luxurious float specially made by the brothel, and receive the worship and applause of the crowd like a king or queen. Of course, there are countless guests who spend a lot of money just to spend the spring night with the “King of Dress-up”.

Brothels, of course, have other activities besides beauty pageants. Whenever Giuliano stands on the stairs overlooking the hall, he can see groups of naked men and women wearing masks around a certain guest. Let him guess the real identity under the mask based on his body features. If you get a kiss, you will be fined if you guess wrong. The “fountain of flowers” during the carnival became a sea of white flesh, contrary to the people parading in costumes outside, the brothels celebrated the annual festival by stripping naked. Everyone is addicted to **** and carnality, in a lustful **** – only Giuliano is not infected in the slightest.

In fact he wasn’t happy at all. Bonnieville’s banquet was scheduled for the evening of the seventh day of the carnival, that is to say, a few days before the fateful moment. Giuliano did not dare to relax, and started to think about strategies from the moment he woke up in the morning every day. He either repeatedly discussed the details of the assassination operation with Enzo to ensure that everything was safe, or he exercised alone to avoid unfamiliar skills. The closer he got to the final moment, the heavier he felt.

“What are you sighing for?”

Enzo’s voice woke Giuliano from his thoughts.

“No, nothing,” Giuliano muttered. He lay on the railing of the corridor on the second floor, watching the new round of beauty pageants. A parade of naked prostitutes in ostentatious masks filed onto the stage. Many guests gathered in the hallway, yelling and blowing obscene whistles from time to time. Giuliano, on the other hand, seemed listless and out of tune with the boisterous crowd.

“Don’t like beautiful women? Huh?”

Today, Enzo is wearing a silver-blue tunic, a white cloak, and a bronze mask on his face. He turned his back to the hall, put his elbows on the railing, leaned towards Giuliano, and whispered, “I prefer men? The next round will be male prostitutes. You can feast your eyes.”

“…not interested.” Giuliano turned his head away in embarrassment.

“Don’t let them hear that, or you’ll be bludgeoned out—no sense.”

“…” Giuliano turned around, “I’m going to practice the sword.”

Enzo grabbed his wrist unexpectedly: “It’s a rare day, let’s relax today.”

“How can I have that leisure time!”

Giuliano shook off Enzo’s hand and glared. Enzo was not angry either, and grabbed his hand again, this time tightly clasped his five fingers so that he could not break free.

“Let’s go for a walk.”

Then he could not help but pull him out the door.

Vanessa at the festival was so radiant that it outshone the two Reticents. There is laughter, music and dancing everywhere. Giuliano grew up in this city-state, and he is very familiar with the carnival. It is so grand and lively every year. However, his parents who spent the festive season with him every year were gone, and he turned into a hateful avenger, ready to pay homage to the dead with blood.

How can he not be sad? The excitement is someone else’s, and what is left to him is only the burden in his heart.

He was dragged by Enzo all the way out of the brothel gate, and the two of them walked to the Delan River and walked upstream along the riverside avenue. Passenger boats on the river are also dressed up for the festival, with bright and bright banners that stand out. On the side of the avenue facing the river, there are many street performers performing arts. Every time you walk a section, you can meet jugglers or dancers, attracting many tourists; on the other side are row upon row of shops, each selling masks and costumes. Do your best to attract customers. The weather is still cold, but the streets are in full swing.

Giuliano understood that Enzo wanted to take him out to relax. He was very grateful for the assassin’s calm concern, and to be honest, he did feel a little better. Enzo held his hand all the time to prevent the two from getting separated. Giuliano’s face flushed slightly under the mask. Strolling the streets with lovers at a carnival sounds like the stuff of a third-rate romance novel.

But he unexpectedly liked this feeling.

“What are you laughing at?” Enzo asked suddenly.

Giuliano was taken aback. “I didn’t…” he stammered, “How do you know I’m laughing? I’m wearing a mask.”

“Your eyes. I can see it,” Enzo said. “Think of something interesting?”

“I remembered a book—Madelaine and Lorenzo.”

“Madelaine and Lorenzo” is a long narrative poem popular by Vanessa three or four years ago. It tells the love story of a man and a woman with disparity in status and status. Madeleine and Lorenzo, who were originally impossible to communicate, met at the carnival celebration. Because they were wearing masks, they didn’t know each other’s identities, and they couldn’t take off the masks because of customs. They meet secretly, spend a passionate night, and say goodbye after dawn. After a long time, Madeleine reunited with Lorenzo unexpectedly. They felt that they had known each other, but they were not sure that the other party was the one who had a romantic relationship at the carnival. In the end—the reader’s favourite—the two get into bed again, identifying each other physically. The story of Xiangyan draws a perfect ending with the combination of the two breaking through the barriers of status.

“Ah, of course I know. But it’s a pornographic book, right? I can’t imagine that the young master with strict family rules would read that kind of book…” Enzo giggled.

Giuliano blushed even more. “I… I watched the drama version!”

“Madelaine and Lorenzo” was later adapted into a play. Since it could not be too explicit in the theater, the part where the hero and heroine identify each other by **** was changed to a kiss.

“…Well, whatever you say is what you say.”

“Is it true?”

After “Madelaine and Lorenzo” became popular, many young men and women in Vanessa imitated the contents of the book and turned the carnival into an excellent opportunity for a tryst. Giuliano had also looked forward to a romantic encounter like in the book, but now there is no chance. His encounter with Enzo was not romantic at all. If he “encountered” with someone else, God knows what Enzo would do.

The assassin patted him on the shoulder suddenly.

“Look over there.”

Giuliano looked in the direction Enzo pointed, and saw only a bridge across the Derain River and a sea of people on and off the bridge. He winked at Enzo in confusion, and the assassin said, “There’s a flower girl over there.”

Giuliano looked into the distance again and finally found his target in the crowd. At the other end of the bridge there was a short little girl who probably couldn’t afford gorgeous attire, so she only wore a simple mask and peddled along the street with a small basket full of flowers.

“You go and buy a flower now and come right back and I’ll time you.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Special training! Go!”

“Wait, why suddenly…”

“The clock has started!”

Giuliano ran away. He couldn’t understand Enzo’s thoughts, but since the assassin said that this was a special training, let’s just trust him. The teacher must have his own reasons.

The bridge is not long, and Giuliano estimated that it would take at most five minutes to run back and forth, but he miscalculated the obstruction caused by the density of the crowd and the heavy clothing. He was dressed in the extravagant costumes of the carnival, not less than those of the Reticent. Although the clothes of the reticent are gorgeous on the outside, they are actually modified inside to facilitate activities. The costumes of the carnival only consider the appearance, and it is really difficult to walk like flying in them. Plus the busy streets are not conducive to running at all. Giuliano kept bumping into passers-by, apologizing non-stop, and at one point nearly knocking a fire-breathing performer into a river, nearly burning his clothes.

After finally squeezing in front of the flower girl, Giuliano dropped a silver coin, pulled out a winter rose from the flower basket, turned around and ran away. The simple flower girl called out “Sir, your change” to catch up with him, and forced a handful of coins back into his hand, which wasted a lot of time. Giuliano could only thank her with a wry smile.

It took Giuliano more than half an hour to complete the itinerary that was originally planned to be completed in five minutes. When he returned to the original place, Enzo had long since disappeared, and he was the only one left holding a branch of winter rose blankly.

Did he wait too long and Enzo got impatient? Or was Enzo angry at him for moving too slowly, and simply left him alone?

Giuliano had a sore nose, tears filled his eyes, his shoulders collapsed unconsciously, and he couldn’t even hold a flower with his trembling hands.

Dong Qiangwei slipped from his hands and fell into the soil under his feet.

“Oh, what a beautiful flower, why throw it away?”

Pick up flowers with one hand.

Giuliano sniffed and looked at the man who picked up the rose in puzzlement. He…should be Enzo, right? Judging by his body shape, he was right, and his unique pair of light gray eyes could never be mistaken—but the clothes were different. Just now Enzo was still wearing silver-blue clothes, but now he has changed into a scarlet dress. Where did he go? Just to change clothes? What kind of clothes should he change into?

Enzuo looked at Dong Qiangwei: “Since you don’t want it, can you give it to me? Because you are so beautiful, even the delicate and beautiful flowers in full bloom are compared to you. I can’t get such a beauty, so let the flowers accompany you.” Let me be around, take it as a small relief.”

— Enzo, what’s wrong with you! Why did you suddenly say such inexplicable words? are you OK? ! Wait, these words are somewhat familiar, as if I have heard them somewhere…

Giuliano suddenly remembered. This is a line from “Madelaine and Lorenzo”! When Madeleine was playing alone, she accidentally left behind the flowers she had just bought. Lorenzo, who was passing by, just picked up the flowers and said the above lines.

…Which song is Enzo singing?

Giuliano was speechless. Enzo pinned the rose flower to his neckline, took his hand and shook it, as if waiting for a different response from him.

What should I do? Giuliano was drenched in sweat. Should it follow the example of “Madelaine and Lorenzo”? Why are they acting? What are you doing? By the way, what did Madeleine tell Lorenzo?

“Uh…I…I wear a mask, how do you know I’m beautiful?” Giuliano struggled to recall the lines in the play. That’s probably what it said…

“Because of your eyes. A person with such beautiful eyes must be a beautiful woman. Although I can’t see your face, I feel extremely honored just to be watched by you.”

Enzo raised his arm and motioned for Giuliano to hold it. “May I have the audacity to invite you to visit this beautiful city? With memories of the fun times I had with you, this Mardi Gras will become a festival I will never forget.”

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