The lawyers who lie down to assist are forced to rectify the public security, procuratorial and judi

Chapter 25 Closing statement! Liu Ming wrote a suicide note to himself!

Court trial live broadcast room.

"Is this... a defense breach?"

“I stopped pretending, let’s show off my cards, let’s just make a mess on the spot!”

"This woman's outlook on life is shredded and her psychology has been distorted!"

"Emma, ​​crying and laughing now, it's too scary!"

"Whoever wants to marry this guy will have done something wrong!"

"Your wife!"

"Your wife!"

"Your wives!"


The scene of the trial.

Zhen Shanmei lost control of her emotions and broke the defense on the spot.

It made the audience sigh and talk a lot.


The presiding judge Zhou Jie banged the gavel with a stern expression.


"Defendant Zhen Shanmei, this is a court, please control your emotions."

Under the majesty of the presiding judge, the court immediately fell silent.

Zhen Shanmei was still lying on the table, sobbing softly.

Zhou Jie stopped caring about her and continued.

"Does the lawsuit require a supplementary plea?"

Lin Hao returned to his seat and sat down quietly.

Zhang Xiuqi and Li Zhiping looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Seeing that Shuang Da had no objections, Zhou Jie knocked the gavel and spoke again.

"After confirmation by the bench, both parties to the lawsuit have no objections, and the defense session is over."

"In one minute, please present your closing arguments!"

Zhen Shanmei was still wiping tears quietly.

An Hui also lowered her head in depression.

A minute passed quickly.

The presiding judge Zhou Jie knocked his gavel and said.

"Now, let me ask the defendant in the case to make his closing argument."

Zhang Xiuqi stood up, straightened his clothes and said.

"My client, Zhen Shanmei, is a citizen of Xia State and enjoys the rights that a citizen of Xia State deserves according to law."

"I believe that our client enjoys the right to marry and love freely and the right to dispose of property in accordance with the law."

"The death of deliveryman Liu Mingzhi was also a suicide and had nothing to do with my client."

"I do not accept the criminal charges made by the plaintiff."

"I also do not recognize the plaintiff's compensation related to Liu Mingzhi's death."

"I insist that the cause of the case is actually a financial dispute in a relationship and is not suitable to be defined as a criminal proceeding."

Zhang Xiuqi's insistence at this time was entirely out of professional ethics.

He himself also knew that it was too weak to say such words at this moment.

But there is already so much he can do.

On the judgment seat.

The presiding judge Zhou Jie turned to look at the plaintiff's table and said.

"Please let the plaintiff make his closing argument."

Lin Hao stood up slowly and said.

"I'm sorry, judge, but I didn't prepare a closing argument."

The scene was immediately in an uproar.

The presiding judge Zhou Jie could not help but look puzzled.

"But I'm prepared for this."

Under everyone's doubtful eyes, Lin Hao picked up an A4 paper from the table.

"These are the last words written by Liu Ming, a deliveryman who was closely related to the case, before he died."

"Actually, before Liu Ming jumped off Xianmen Mountain, in addition to sending a farewell message to his mother, he also left this last message."

"I found this in the "Notes" on Liu Ming's mobile phone. Due to his father, my client, Mr. Liu, was not familiar with the various functions of the mobile phone, so this last note was not immediately recognized. Discover. "

"As for why Liu Ming did not send this last message to anyone, but let it be stored quietly in the "Notes" on his mobile phone. "

"That's because this suicide note is actually Liu Ming's suicide note left to himself."

When everyone suddenly realized it, they were also curious about the content of this last words.

"Next, let us listen together to see what Liu Ming said to himself before he took the initiative to end his life."

Lin Hao solemnly picked up the last words in his hand and read.

"You are a loser! A complete loser!"

"When you were 15 years old, your mother passed away due to illness, and your father suffered a lot to support you in school."

"When you were 18 years old, your mother was accidentally smashed and broke his left leg at a construction site. It was the compensation from the construction site that allowed you to finish college."

"A few years later, you will be unemployed after graduation and have no choice but to become a delivery boy with no future."

"You have no face to face me, so you work more than ten hours a day, delivering food except eating and sleeping, in order to save money for me to live a good life."

"That's all, but why do you have to go online for dating!"

"You know that online dating is unreliable, but in order to find a beautiful wife and make your kiss look good, you still haven't suppressed your ridiculous thoughts."

"You clearly know that the existence of a beautiful wife is to satisfy your fragile self-esteem and vanity, but you still can't help but get stuck in it."

"At first, that woman looked really good. From the outside to the inside, she looked perfect."

"But since she started asking you for money again and again, haven't you recognized her true face?"

"No, actually you've seen it clearly already! It's because you're not caring!"

"You have already paid a lot for her, whether it's money, energy, or infatuation, you can't stop."

"Liu Ming, you majored in economics. Don't you know what sinking losses are? Don't you know how to stop losses in time?"

"Liu Ming, Liu Ming, have you been eaten by a dog? How can you be so crazy?"

"You actually believe that there is a slight chance that the woman will marry you! You are so naive!"

"No, you are not naive, you are crazy!"

"You are like a possessed person, trying every possible way to make money, and then support a woman who looks down on you. You are such a good dog!"

"When you were bombarded with various debt collection calls and text messages, the woman you supported did not even spend a birthday with you or give you a decent farewell."

"Who caused this result? It was you, Liu Ming! It was you, the dog who had no bottom line!"

"To be honest, do you really love that woman? You have not loved her for a long time! You don't even have the right to hate her!"

"Except for the fact that I was a little moved at the beginning, the rest was all because of addiction! You have become addicted! It is as difficult to quit as drugs!"

" Calm down and think about it carefully. The person who has treated you best over the years, the person who deserves your kindness the most, your father, how heartbroken he would be if he saw you abuse yourself like this! "

"The debt collectors will soon come to your door. Do you still want your lame old father to pay off your debts? Don't you owe him enough?"

"Aren't you a complete loser? Haven't you lived in vain in this life?"

"Don't hesitate any more. If you take one more step forward, you will be free."

"There is nothing to miss about that woman, and your father can't stand your harm anymore."

"If your departure can attract attention to the woman's affairs, maybe you can save a few innocent buddies."

"This is the last contribution you can make to the world."

"That's it, Liu Ming. It's over. Everything is over."

After Lin Hao finished reading, Uncle Liu beside him had already burst into tears.

The entire courtroom was also filled with a trace of sadness.

Putting down the last words, Lin Hao continued.

"This is what Liu Ming said to himself at the end of his life."

"He compared himself to a complete loser. Is this really the case? Maybe."

"But is it really Liu Ming's fault for causing this result?"

"He can say that, but we can't think that, because this is a complete victim-blaming theory!"

"Liu Ming can clearly recognize his situation, but he can't get rid of his predicament, because he is a human being, and he has human weaknesses."

"We should not blame human nature, we should denounce those who use the weaknesses of others' human nature to hurt others!"

"The meaning of the law is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of victims and punish those who maliciously hurt others!"

"People like Zhen Shanmei who maliciously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others, and people like An Hui who use human weaknesses to instigate crimes for personal gain, should be brought to justice!"

As soon as Lin Hao finished speaking, there was applause from the audience.

Even the seven brothers in the witness stand couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

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