The lawyers who lie down to assist are forced to rectify the public security, procuratorial and judi

Chapter 58 Three objections! Everyone is trembling!

Haining District Procuratorate.

In a small conference room, there were more than a dozen participants.

Except for Lin Hao and Ding Hongfei.

They were inspectors sent by the Haining District Police, Procuratorate, and the Procuratorate of Shanghai.

After the police explained the investigation and interrogation situation.

They began to discuss the charges and punishment recommendations.

An officer said.

"In view of the fact that the people involved in the case actively cooperated with the investigation and had a good attitude of admitting guilt and accepting punishment, it is suggested that a lighter punishment can be considered."

A prosecutor continued.

"Other personnel can be considered for lenient treatment, but the former deputy director of the Public Security Bureau He Wencheng and the police officer of the first detachment Sun Xiaolong should be punished as the main punishment!"

"He Wencheng, as the person who issued the order, can be regarded as the perpetrator of this case."

"Sun Xiaolong is the perpetrator of torture and forced confession in this case. The means are extremely cruel and the circumstances are extremely bad."

"I think this person must be severely punished!"

The prosecutor of the police station, Quan Zhihui, nodded in approval.

"That makes sense. Tell me what you think."

"I think He Wencheng and Sun Xiaolong should be held responsible in this case."

"According to the sentencing range for the crime of torture, it is recommended that the sentence be between two and three years."

"The other investigators are secondarily responsible, and it is recommended that the sentence be controlled within one year."

"As for the prosecutors involved in the case, the circumstances are relatively minor, and I think they can be considered for probation or exemption from punishment!"

"Does anyone have any objections to this public prosecution opinion?"

After the prosecutor finished speaking, most people nodded in agreement.

Only the victim and the inspection team remained silent.

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly raised his hand to signal.

"I have an objection!"

Everyone looked at Lin Hao and was very surprised.

Everything Quan Zhihui said made sense and there was no problem.

It was hard for them to imagine that Lin Hao could have any objections.

Quan Zhihui was a little surprised, and he asked in confusion.

"Lawyer Lin, please tell me what you object to."

Lin Hao sat firmly and said calmly.

"I have some objections to the prosecution opinions of all prosecutors."

"First, I have no opinion on the sentencing suggestions of others, but I have something to say about Sun Xiaolong."

"As the executor of torture in this case, Sun Xiaolong is cruel and his actions are extremely heavy!"

"I believe that Sun Xiaolong tortured my client and caused serious injuries to my client!"

"According to Article 180 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, judicial personnel shall "If torture is used to extract confessions, a sentence of up to 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention shall be imposed."

"But if serious injuries are caused to others, the crime of intentional injury stipulated in Article 100 of the Criminal Law shall be punished more severely!"

"Article 100 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that if someone intentionally injures another person and causes serious injuries, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years but not more than 10 years!"

"That is to say, Sun Xiaolong should be punished more severely according to the crime of intentional injury causing serious injuries, with a sentence of 10 years!"

When Lin Hao said this, everyone was shocked.

Is this person a demon?

Must he be sentenced to the maximum penalty?

Quan Zhihui explained.

"Lawyer Lin, we know what you said."

"But now it has been so long, there is no permanent injury on Ding Hongfei's body, and there is no way to go back to examine Ding Hongfei's injuries!"

"Although there is testimony from Sun Xiaolong himself that he did hit him hard on one occasion, it is difficult to make a serious injury determination without corresponding evidence!"

What Quan Zhihui said is indeed the truth.

Testimony alone without evidence cannot convict.

But Lin Hao was not panicked at all, he said calmly.

"Have you all forgotten? We have evidence!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what evidence Lin Hao was talking about.

Seeing the confusion on everyone's face, Lin Hao continued.

"Do you remember the interrogation video of Ding Hongfei being beaten?"

"If you enlarge the video screenshot, you can see that after Ding Hongfei was beaten, although the scars on his body were covered by clothes, his face showed obvious bruises and swelling."

"According to the country's standards for identifying serious injuries, the victim's facial block scars with a single area of ​​more than 6 square centimeters, or two or more with a cumulative area of ​​10 square centimeters, can be identified as serious injuries."

"Ding Hongfei's facial scars at the time can fully meet this standard!"

Quan Zhihui suddenly realized.

"I see, it was our negligence. We will arrange for a forensic examination immediately!"

"But in this case, Yao Cheng, who fought with him at the time, should be counted together."

Without waiting for everyone to be surprised, Lin Hao said again.

"First, Sun Xiaolong and others are so skilled in torture and forced confession. Do you believe that this is their first time committing a crime?"

"Torture and forced confession is a habit in handling cases. I believe it is not something that can be formed overnight."

"Such a case-handling atmosphere will definitely affect more than just these few investigators."

"If a thorough investigation is carried out, I am afraid that few people in the entire Haining District police have clean hands and feet!"

"Of course, if a large-scale thorough investigation is really carried out, the impact is estimated to be very large, so I don't expect you to miss no one."

"Since only these few people are being arrested now, at least dig out all the historical crimes of these people!"

The Haining District police and the procuratorate stared at each other.

Considering the impact, they really didn't plan to dig deeper.

So at this moment, they were a little embarrassed to be exposed by Lin Hao.

The people in the inspection team nodded one after another.

This lawyer Lin is really bold!

Quan Zhihui asked embarrassedly.

"Then what's the second point?"

Lin Hao continued.

"First, I think the judges of this case should be included in the scope of public prosecution."

Quan Zhihui was surprised.

"Ah? The judges of this case don't seem to have obvious violations of laws and regulations, right?"

"It's a bit of judicial overreach to rashly prosecute them all together, right?"

Others agreed with Quan Zhihui's opinion.

Seeing this, Lin Hao said disdainfully.

"Do you all think that the judges of this case are not responsible?"

"The parties who have never found the evidence of the crime and have firmly changed their confessions..."

"Do the judges dare to say that when they were conducting the trial, they firmly believed that there was no doubt about the case?"

"Isn't it extremely irresponsible to the parties for the judges to make arbitrary judgments under such circumstances?"

"Is the occurrence of an unjust, false and wrong case just because of a problem in one of the links?"

"No! In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent!"

Lin Hao's righteous look made everyone present twitch their eyelids.

They were all scared in their hearts.

Why is this person like a mad dog, biting everyone he sees!

I hope he will never target me!

Their worries are justified.

Even the most fair-minded people will inevitably make mistakes sometimes.

What if Lin Hao accidentally catches their handles?

They are really afraid that Lin Hao will not let go.

Even the people in the inspection team have a new look at Lin Hao.

Before, I just heard that Lawyer Lin is good at upholding justice.

Now it seems that Lawyer Lin is the embodiment of justice!

Quan Zhihui looked at the whole audience and found that everyone frowned.

He was not interested for a moment and could only look at the inspection team.

He said to the head of the inspection team, Lei.

"Commissioner, you are the leader of this inspection team. Would you like to express your opinion?"

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