The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

10 – The dungeon boss is a big kitty

So far so good. Everything was going a bit too smooth. Sure, it's true, this floor had various traps placed, but it wasn't something I couldn't handle. Arrows flying towards us? A small puff and they were easily scattered. Rolling boulders? Pff. Please. Hit them just like you would hit a football and it would easily break into thousands of pieces. Deadly spikes? They aren't sharp enough to pierce me.

"You know Lina, I'm surprised that we haven't encountered any monsters on our way here. Usually dungeons should have monsters."

"Umm… but Ayaka, we did encounter monsters."

"We did? Are you messing with me? All we encountered were bugs and lizards."

"Those actually were monsters."

Huh!? True, their size was equal to a cow, but no matter how I looked at them they were just bugs and lizards. Seriously, a simple forehead flick move was enough to send them crashing into the walls and clear the path. 

"There's no way those were monsters. Isn't a monster supposed to go "Now bow down before my might" or "I'll slaughter you all" or something like that?"

Lina's face twisted into a forced smile.

"I think you're more likely describing a Demon King."

"Anyway, let's keep going. I'm already seeing valuable minerals and metals, but it's said that the good stuff is at the very end."

I say that but the moment we took the next step… the entire floor collapsed. 


I could see sharp stakes deep below. Normally this isn't an issue. I can react fast enough and cast my levitation on me and Lina… but that wasn't necessary. Before I realized it, our fall was abruptly stopped. I could feel that something grabbed onto me. And both of us were pulled back up.

"Ara, ara! That was dangerous, you know? You sure like falling from high places."

I turned around. The voice was very familiar.

"You are…"

It was the same minotaur girl that broke my fall with her oversized boobs. 

"I don't think we have been properly introduced. So let's start over, shall we? My name is Shera. And you two are?"

"I'm Ayaka and this is Lina."

"Pleased to meet you. What are you two doing down here?"

"Well, we're looking for some rare metal. And I could ask you the same thing. What brings you here?"

"Ara? I often come down here, you know. Although this is the first time I went this deep. I noticed that up till now most traps were disabled so I just followed the path, when I stumbled onto you two."

Well that's convenient. I guess. I shouldn't actually be surprised. I mean, I'm sure that minotaurs come often here so there's no reason to be surprised. Since we're all here now…

"Hey Shera, do you want to come with us? Shall we go together?"

"Together? Sure. I'd love some company. But we need to find another way around now. The floor is gone. I think if we go back and take a different direction we might…"

"Not happening. Sorry, but I don't have the patience to take the long road. Freeze before me."

I extended my tiny hand and an ice bridge instantly formed across the giant pit. There's no way I am turning back when we're this close. This is easier and I made it width enough. Even if you accidentally slip, you won't fall off it.

"Ara, ara. I've never seen such impressive magic. Maybe I misjudged you, little miss."

"Don't call me that. Just call me Ayaka."

"Fufu! You're terribly cute. Makes me want to squeeze you in my chest."

"I'd probably die from lack of oxygen if you do that."

One thing I can tell just by looking at her, is that I also misjudged her. She's not just an airhead cow. She harbors a large physical strength. If Shera and Lina where to do an arm wrestling match, I'm 70% sure that Shera would win. There's a large hammer attached to her back. The pole is almost as long as her body and the hammer itself is as big as me. Well, I could wield it, but the difference in size will make it weird. So she is strong. Stronger than most minotaurs at least.

For now our small party went deeper and deeper. And of course, the remaining traps were easily dealt with by me. Until we eventually reached a large room that looked similar to an ancient temple. And the one to speak first was Shera.

"Amazing! This is beyond my wildest dreams! Such rich resources. Such rare metals. This is truly a place of ancient civilizations. Even if we mine for 10, no scratch that, 20 years, we still wouldn't be able to deplete this mine. Incredible!"

"Well, I'm glad you're happy. Anyway, we better just get what we came for and be on our way."

That being said we each started to dig out the metals we needed. I didn't have issues pulling them out with my bare hands. Although I have no clue how good each metal is, Shera pointed towards a few that were especially good for sword making. And in the meantime she also grabbed the minerals she needed.

"I guess that's all. We can head back…"


Lina's words were interrupted. The earth started shacking. What gives? I know I didn't pull that hard to cause this place to collapse or anything. We found our answer soon though.

"None shall leave this place alive."

A bright purple light erupted in the middle of the room. And when it settled down a large figure could be seen. If I were to describe it, it would be a chimera. A large 7m tall humanoid body, with charcoal skin, a lion head, bat wings, a snake tail and 4 arms was standing before us. Now that's what I call a monster.

"I am the guardian of this place. This treasure is not meant for foolish people like you. For laying your filthy hands on them, the only punishment is…"



The guardian was surprised with my tone.

"Kitty. You're just a grumpy kitty. Were you perhaps lonely and just want to play right now? Cause I get that feeling."

A vein popped on his forehead. Did I say something wrong? I mean, I would feel lonely too and wouldn't mind a little rough play if I were left alone in a place like this.

"Insolence! You will pay!"

A large gust of wind was released from his body. Oh, maybe he got too excited and is trying to cool off a bit.

"Ayaka, we need to get back! He's dangerous!"

"Shera is right. That's a superior demonic being. I've never faced one before, but I heard their strength is absurd."

"Huh? There's nothing to worry. Just step back for a bit. I'll take care of this."

I then took a step forward.

"Okay, mister kitty. I'll play with you for a bit. Show me what you got!"

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