The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

15: Lesson


I abruptly got up. I was panting and sweating like a pig. What happened? The last thing I remember was…


Lina immediately ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe. That was extremely reckless! What were you thinking?"




"Lina… I'm sorry…"

I failed. I failed to protect the people in Poena village…

"It's all my fault. You were right. We should have just stayed home. Because we left everyone is now dead. I was careless. I didn't think something like that could happen. My barrier was supposed to offer all the protection the village needed but, in ended up getting destroyed. We lost our home… I…"


Lina didn't know what to say. What can someone say in that situation? I was right. Why couldn't I just stay put? Why… 

"Ayaka, you don't have to think that way."

I turned me eyes to Shera.


"No buts, young lady. It's not good to sulk like that, you know? Yes, you made a mistake. We all do. It's what separates us from the Gods. We are mortals. But the important thing is to learn from our mistakes.

Listen, Ayaka, life isn't always pink. Sometimes it gives you a hard punch in the face. You can either stay down or get back up. Letting yourself get trampled is no good. That's why the important thing is to always get up. Learn from those punches so next time you can dodge them.

I don't know you're situation, but from what I can understand, your village was very dependant on you. That's not a healthy life style. People will come in a crisis if you permanently keep them in a bubble and one day that bubble breaks. Like… how should I put this? Don't get me wrong, it's always good to help others, but not to the point where they have to rely on you for anything.

Your home was destroyed you say? Build a new one. Find your place in this world. Continue to follow your dream but at the same time adapt to your surroundings. That's the best advice I can give you."

Tears started flowing from my eyes. Without thinking I jumped straight into her chest and burst into crying.


"There there. You're doing very good. Sulking won't bring back the people you lost. But you have to keep going and the best thing you can do is avoid making mistakes like that. Let it all out!"

I dunno how long I cried after that. But all I know is that Shera's warmth smoothened my pain. She has such a motherly figure…


~Lina's point of view~

"Miss Shera?"

"Yes? What is it? Is the sword perhaps not to your liking?"

"No, it's not about the sword. In fact I would say it's perfect. I wanted to say… thank you."

"Ara? You don't need to thank me. I enjoyed working on it."

She didn't get my intent. I deeply lowered my head and made it more clear.

"No. I'm thanking you… for comforting Ayaka. At that moment I felt lost. I didn't know what I could do for her. Also I didn't want to say something to make her even more depressed. But you… you handled that situation perfectly. Thank you!"

I am not used with these kinds of things. Up until I met Ayaka I have been living on my own. And even after, my only concern was making her happy. I wanted her to be happy. But I think I protected her too much. 

Shera's speech was just what she needed. Although she is an airhead, she is very dependable. She handled it better than I could ever had. This made me realize, that my way of thinking isn't always right. 

Ayaka is a child. She sees the world through the eyes of a child, even more because of her monstrous power. But just because she's a child, doesn't mean I have to shield her. She'll fall and hurt herself. But like Shera said, she needs to get back up again. It's okay to act funny and play games. But she also needs to learn some common sense. 

This lesson was very valuable for her. But most importantly, I am glad she realizes she isn't alone, and she can ask us for a shoulder to cry on.

"Now now, raise your head. You're making me embarrassed. There's no need for that. I just said what felt natural, you know? I got quite fond of her, so giving her a pep talk isn't something you should be thanking me."

"For me it is. You've helped us a lot. I am not suited for stuff like that. I will admit this might be a fault in me. But you have my utmost gratitude."

"Well, you are most welcomed. Ayaka is cute and I grew quite fond of her. I will miss you guys. Speaking of that, have you decided what to do?"

"No. Right now we don't have a home anymore. We have nowhere to go. I let Ayaka to sleep a little longer. That crazy stunt she pulled was a bit too much. Her body is too small to be able to handle that much mana."

"That was actually scary. I've never seen any mortal make a display like that. Even the human heroes who are said to be incredibly gifted… yeah, I just can't picture anyone stronger after that display. Well, until you decide what to do, you can stay here as much as you like. Consider it thanks for avoiding war. I'm sure the elders wouldn't mind. And even if they did, they probably would be too scared of Ayaka to object."

The human heroes, huh? I heard stories about summoned humans. But I never encountered one myself. Even so, it's like Shera said. Hero or not, I can never picture Ayaka losing. This airhead cow... She really acts dependable at times like this. I think she would make a good mother. Probably. Strangely enough I think I'll miss her despite her awkwardness. 

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