The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

25 – Let’s get myself a horsey

First a fox, then a cow, followed by a dog. And now I want a horse. If I think about it, I'm just getting myself a petting zoo… but who cares. The mountain was pretty steep. There was indeed a trail and various platforms on it, but to get to those, you have to climb a good chunk first. I wish we could just fly, but Rena told us not to do it, as that could startle the wildlife and inevitably the Sleipnier.

Of course, I was casting my heating around around me, mommy Shera and big sis Lina. Otherwise we would freeze out here. Rena on the other hand was still dressed skimpy, but the cold didn't faze her. I wonder if that's because of her fur. Speaking of fur, after this adventure I am going to owe Lina a big mofu mofu, just to comfort her. 

Before we left she asked me who was better. Her or Rena. My answer was Lina. Her tail is much more fluffy-er, but Lina's hair is hair at the end of the day and because our contract. Rena's hair is actually fur. So I had more stuff to mofu mofu. This kind of made Lina upset, so I promised her that I would fondle her tail longer than usual to make up for it. She eventually calmed down. Of course, Shera giving her another headbutt also helped.

But let's get back on track for now. We finally reached a road that went all the way to the mountain top. Rena quickly signaled us to get behind a tree with no leaves. She then whispered in a really low voice:

"Over there. That's it. That's Sleipnier."

She was pointing towards a pond. Near it, there was indeed a horse that was drinking water from it. And it's size wasn't exaggerated. It really was twice as big as a normal horse. As for it's looks… it does resemble a galarian rapidash.

"All right, listen up. According to my nose there aren't any other creatures around. In order to capture it we must block all its escape paths. So, Lina, you go in from the front. I'll sneak around and try getting behind it. Miss Shera, you try blocking the cliff edge in case it will try making a jump. And you Ayaka… Eeeeh!?"

Rena got shocked. I guess because I wasn't standing in the same place. I could imagine her only spotting my outline and wondering were I went. But the truth is… we don't need a complicated plan. We just need to ask it politely. Good words will always make the world a better place. Just be straightforward and avoid schemes.

"Hello there, horsey!"

"That's not what you're supposed to do!!"

Rena was angry, but the horse didn't mind. I could tell it was a mare. She tilted her head, but was still suspicious of me. I wonder why though? Is it the norm in these parts to be scared of lolis?

She took a few steps backwards. I could tell she wanted to run away. So I tapped my staff twice. Imediately, we were surrounded by a circular ice wall. We were basically in a bowl now. The horse was startled.

"It's okay girl. Listen, I don't want to hurt. I just want you to be my horse. I got a lot of traveling to do, so I could use a fast transportation service. So what do you say, wanna be mine?"


It spoke! Wasn't expecting that. But that makes things easier.

"Lightning is my mother. A great one such as myself… to become the pet of a child? Absurd. Know your place little one!"

She fired a lightning strike from her horn. Is she perhaps trying to swat the insects around this place? I'm in the way, though. Oh well, can't be helped. I simply slapped the lightning away as if it was nothing. It tickled a bit, but the voltage wasn't dangerous at all.

"What!? It seems you are no ordinary child. I wanted to go easy on you, but… battle mode… engage!!"

Various armor appeared on her body. She looked almost like a mecha horse. Well, medieval plates would be more accurate. Won't all that metal slow her down, though?

"Now, get ready to pay!"

"You wanna play?"

"I said PAY!!"

The moment her hooves left the ground she vanished. 5 blurry figures went round and round around me.

"Did you really think you had me surrounded? I'm the one that's surrounded you!"

Wow. This is actually crazy. She's so fast that it's almost like she's using the shadow clone jutsu. You could fool people with this. But I think surrounded is a bit exaggerated.

"Hey, horsey, you say you surrounded me, but all you did… was enter my striking range. It's better to watch your step."

"Wha…!? Aaaah!!"

Yeah. I extended my staff forward and made her trip. She rolled around on the ground until her momentum stopped.

"You… you little!! That's it! Lightning, grant me strength!"

She charged once again, but this time she made 10 clones.

"Witness the fastest speed!! You're history!!"

"Okay okay. Since you want to play tag that bad, I'll comply… so just for 5 seconds… I'll get serious."

~Sleipnier's point of view~

I am Sleipnier, daughter of lightning. For as long as I remember I fled from the 2 legged races. They all saw value in me. Either they wanted my horn for it's magical properties or they wanted to use me for war.

But this kid in front of me… she says she just wants me for transportation? It's a trick. I can't trust her. 



Just what kind of monster is this girl? She's no ordinary mortal. Her eyes followed my movements. She could see me. Is that because of her warbeast traits? No matter. I will overwhelm her here and now!!

"...just for 5 seconds… I'll get serious."

Her expression completely changed. What's this? Why am so scared? It's like my instincts are screaming to run away, but at the same time they're telling me there's nowhere to run. I can't stop this charge now. I'll strike her down with lightning.

But the moment she kicked the ground… she vanished. I couldn't see her at all. Yet my ears heard a windy noise. I was… the one surrounded. Red flashes shattered my clones and forced me to stop. I couldn't see her, but the flashes were constantly swirling around me. This speed… is almost like the speed of light. I can't submit… 

"Tag! You're it!"

I felt a firm slap on my butt. 


Before I realized strength left my body and… I was sent crashing into the ice wall. My conscience faded away… and the last thing I saw before blacking out… was her tiny footsteps approaching me. Mother… I'm sorry. This was an opponent… I couldn't escape from. Just… what will become of me?

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