The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

28 – The party before the battle

“Welcome, Noela’s hero-sama!”

Approaching the pavilion, the pondering Kaguya was greeted by a cheerful voice.

“My, my, isn’t this princess Serena? Thank you for going to the trouble of meeting me. I am honored to be invited to this occasion.” 

The smiling Kaguya stops her thoughts and speaks out her previously arranged words by reflex. For the sake of not being discourteous, her companions and the nobles accompanying them were taught a few things. The girl kept in mind to use polite words. Because Noela was smaller compared to the Amalthea Empire, formal speech was mostly ignored. Even the king omits it.

The other party is the princess of Amalthea, a major power that possesses at least twice the scale in influence as Noela Kingdom. No matter if she is a hero, as an individual, this person is not someone you can act impolitely. Of course, the reason the Hero Shirayuki Kaguya came to this pavilion was because of a joint operation.

The 2 heroes would finally join forces and attack Urkbezl fortress together. The fortress is an important point in the demon army. It represents the furthest stronghold inside the human territory, and it is also lead by one of the 12 demon generals. Needless to say taking it down would be a great victory.

“I am of the same sentiment. Sorry for having called you out here. We have prepared a little service to you and the people that will be your comrade in arms. This night please gather your strength."

While being perplexed by the rare event of having a royalty guide her, the hero of Noela follows the girl’s steps.

In the round table that was prepared, there were already a number of people seated.

When they saw Kaguya’s arrival, those people stopped their conversations, stood up and met the princess and the girl being guided by her.

“Now, Kaguya-sama, this way please. Let's enjoy the meal without taking ranks into consideration.”

Following the princess, Kaguya is assaulted by a melancholic feeling. It is because of the words that were directed at her. Just how light they were.

Furthermore, the empire is strangely not saying anything about what was said, making her feel sickened. That her own companions didn’t show any sort of displeasure was also eerie.

As expected, Kaguya was guided to the vacant seat directly beside the seat of where the empire hero, Kouga Takeru, is. There were no other places to sit beside this one. To refuse the seat that the princess has guided her to would be an act of impoliteness. Moreover, the ones who said there is no need to mind about ranks, are people that don’t forgive impoliteness.

While sighing in her mind, Kaguya shows the princess a well-made fake smile. And faces Takeru.

“Thanks for your consideration, Takeru-kun. It will be a night warfare but, let’s both do our best.” 

“We are used to night battles so it is okay. We might even be able to cover Noela’s side as well. Don't be afraid to rely on my shoulder.” 

“That is reassuring. We don’t have that much experience in large scaled night battles so I am expecting much from your side.” 

“Moreover, this is a high-boss fight. Let’s end this in one sweep and have the Gods praise us. Ah, I wonder just how much power we will gain from this.” 

Kaguya wasn't too excited by Takeru's speech. To her, he looked totally like a glory hound. His eyes are basically saying "I can do this without you, so just sit quietly on the back seat". Kaguya also felt she wouldn't get along with him. She found out that Takeru was from Tokyo back in Japan, while she herself was from Nara. They never met, but Kaguya feels they couldn't be friends. If Takeru is aiming for power, Kaguya's aim is to return home.

She felt an uncomfortable feeling at Takeru’s “high-boss” words, so Kaguya changed her thoughts once again into hope that one day she will return home.

“Ah, also, what level are you now Kaguya?” 

Takeru suddenly asks Kaguya her level. The other members were being guided by the chamberlains, taking their seats and respectively chat and bring the food that is served into their mouths. Kaguya is also taking part in the meal but can’t properly taste the food. She wasn’t in the mood of enjoying the meal.

The only one that looked uncomfortable was Mina who had the same opinion about having an unpleasant feeling of Takeru. Mina was one of Kaguya's party members and most likely her best friend in this world.

“Me? I am 62 now.” 

“I see. I have become 69 now.”

“Heh~ that’s impressive. And that just shows how much you have participated in the battlefield.” 

“Yeah. That’s why, Kaguya-san, could you please not call me with –kun? There is no need to go as far as calling me with –sama, -san is fine maybe, when talking to someone that is stronger.”

Kaguya desperately tries to hold back the rage she wanted to express. The 100% fake smile on her face was now showing signs of crumbling.

“I-I am sorry. I am still using the customs of the other side to talk. From now on I will be careful.” 

“Nah, I don’t mind it though. Also, I am sorry but, I don’t like formal speech.”  

I really want to shove my boot in this hero's face. He looks more like a playboy than a hero. If you want to be such a big hot shot, leave me out of your spotlight.

“I don’t mind about formal speech anyways, so it’s okay. It is fine to just talk the way you like.” 

“Is that so? Iya, that’s a big help. I was insecure of when I would mess up you see. We are going to do a swift attack on a demon general today, so I was thinking about having you and the others accompany us from the beginning, how about it?” 

In a sense, this is a conversation between the representatives of both countries. This is a link for diplomacy, is what Kaguya thinks. Even so, she felt like her head would split from anemia because of his words.

If this were the other side, the other world, such a person taking that kind of attitude would get a proper time out. Or could it be that the currentschool students are all like this in Tokyo? If that is the case, she is grateful to have been able to come to a different world. There is no better blessing than this. Still, her heart still lies back home.

“… It is a pleasant proposal, but we have to encourage the people of Noela and participate in battle. However, when the time comes, I will rush to your side, okay?” 

While feeling her own expression twitching, Kaguya was somehow able to pass the dinner assembly, also called as the patience test. Her party was finally escorted to their tents where they would be sleeping.

Just one person, Mina, was preoccupied by Kaguya’s state. When the dinner assembly ended and they left the pavilion, they returned to their own camps and the girl worriedly approached Kaguya.

“Kaguya onee-chan, are you okay? Should I serve you tea to calm down?” 

“Mina-chan, geez, just how much of a good girl are you! If that idiot were to have this much courtesy, the story would have been a bit different! I don't think I can get along with him, but I will put up with him for the sake of the joint operation.” 

The other members didn’t understand why Kaguya was angry and could only tilt their heads.

“Kaguya, could it be that you don’t like the food of the empire?”

“If that was the case, you should have told the other party or it will conversely turn as discourteous Kaguya-dono.”

Hearing the words that were way off the mark, as expected, even she had to stop her steps.

“Eh?! Just how serious are you saying that?! How come you didn't notice that the conversation turned into a verbal abuse. Takeru was very rude to me. Isn’t that weird you guys?!” 

Mina also agrees with Hibiki and nods several times.

“W-What is it you are so angry for? Takeru-dono went through the trouble of holding a comfortable dinner assembly, said that he would provide us support in the fight, moreover, he casually pointed out to drop formal speech. And after that, wasn’t his trustworthy proposition nice?”

Leo, the male archer that Kaguya considers as a companion the most in the battlefield, releases words as if counting a short story.

“What were you seeing on that full-throttle rude machine to reach such conclusions?!” 

Kaguya is astonished by her own companion’s words. Even Cassius and Irina, who normally warn Leo when he says too much, were agreeing with his words.

What is this? Are you telling me everyone turns weird when they meet him? That good for nothing excuse for a hero is no hero at all!! Even so, Mina and I were alright. Just what in the world is going on? 

Kaguya didn’t think she would have to ponder about how to talk with her companions in order for them to understand. She began thinking there was some sort of reason for it.

“Well, let’s leave that aside for now. I got a bit out of control. Okay, let’s sleep. The fight is close after all. Mina-chan, let’s sleep together.” 

Pursuing this point at present will not get anywhere. When they sleep and wake up, the war will have begun already. She understands that she should not bring unneeded discord.

When Kaguya returns to her bedroom with Mina, she was deeply moved by how easily she was able to fall asleep. If anything, Mina is the only one that can move her heart before going to battle.

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