The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

3 – Stats and the fluffy fox

Emilia-chan brought up behind the counter a crystal ball.

"This is meant to measure your power and display your stats. We use a coloring system. Nothing will happen to the crystal if there’s no magic at all. If there’s magic, and its Green, from there Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, Black, all the way to White, the color will come out according to the quantity of magical power. Green is the lowest, White is the highest. The average of the people in this world is Orange. If someone is talented, Blue or Purple should pop up. Black is on a monster level. You understand?"


"Put your hand on the crystal, then please.”

I put my hand on the crystal.

Although Emilia is looking with eyes full of expectation――――――the crystal simply broke into pieces.

“Eh…? What is the meaning of this? It's never done such a thing before.” 

"Umm… no offense, but isn't the crystal ball too small? Maybe it can't take in all my mana."

"I'm really interested now. Wait a moment."

Emilia went into a back room. She then returned shortly with a huge crystal ball. If the first one could fit in your hand, this one is probably 4 or 5 times bigger and needs two hands to carry.

"This is the largest one we have. Can you please try with this one?"

Once again I placed my hand on the crystal. This time it, a bright white light flashed. It was so bright that it forced both me and Emilia to close our eyes until it faded away. When we managed to open our eyes, Emilia was left speechless. A window like in a video game popped up and displayed my info.


Name: Ayaka

Age: 21

Race: Warbeast

Class: Elementalist Battle Witch

Level 99

Attack Power: can not be determined

Defense Power: can not be determined

Magical Power: can not be determined

Speed: can not be determined

Intelligence: can not be determined

Magic: Levitation, Dragon Slayer Magic, Weather Change, All Element Mastery, Mind Control, Dispel, Poison imunnity, Transmutation, Enchant, Mana Absorption, Language Comprehension, Magical Creation

Special Abilities: 70% damage cut, Ageless, G@#s%`M*%#@


"Eeeeeeh!!!! I've never seen anything like this! It's absurd that even the highest crystal can't completely fully determinate all your stats. One of your special abilities can't even be read. You're seriously too strong! Probably the strongest in the world!! Are you by any chance a Goddess or something!?"

"No no. I'm not a Goddess. Are you sure this crystal ball is working right?"

"Absolutely. Moreover, for you to have the Ageless skill… I mistook you for a child, so please forgive me."

"Ageless… does that mean I'm immortal?"

"You don't know? No. Immortality is a totally different skill. It means your appearance won't change with age. Warbeasts have an average lifespan of 300 years. This basically means that even when you'll be 300, you'll still look like right now."

You mean I'll be a loli all my life!? And here I was hoping I could get a chest maybe around Emilia-chan's size. This sucks. But I guess at least I'll be eternal cute this way. 

"Does that mean I can live around here?"

"Yes… although currently there aren't any available houses."

"How about if I build a house on top of the plateau just outside the village. I don't like crowds anyway. It seems peaceful for my lazy life plan. Also could you please keep my stats a secret? I don't want to go through the trouble of explaining to everyone that asks me about them."

"Umm… sure. Nobody would believe me anyway. But please don't go to the plateau. I didn't mention this, but one of the main reasons that this village doesn't have any monsters is because we have a shrine at the top. A guardian lives there. We ocassionally bring food and pay our respects and in return, the village stays safe and pleasant."

"Ooh! Sounds like the perfect place. Free food! I don't mind having a roommate. Kaa, Laa, let's check it out."

"Hey wait! Were you even listening?"

I couldn't care less what she said. I turned around, left the guild and directed my attention to reaching the plateau.


Well, I will give up on being surprised by my own superhuman specs. I'm saying this because I was so excited that I ran all the way to the top. And when I say ran… I probably had the speed of racing motorcycle, although I still felt that I was taking it casually.

I was also curious. Putting aside the food offerings and all, there’s no one who has seen this guardian. This is the first thing that got me wondering. That meant that no one alive has met him. Before long, I did see a japanese looking gate. This is probably where people stop. But I went further.

However before I could get that far inside, mist settled down like magic and a strong tremor. Eventually, I could see a figure even I recognized. With an enraged facial expression showing its fangs…a huge grey kitsune-sama had descended.

I could clearly tell that it would bite me to death at any moment! This must be her way to greet people.


"So fluffy!!"

Fangs that would easily crush a human being were approaching me right in front of my eyes. Does this kitsune-sama want to play like a puppy? Well, for now I just want one thing. I put power behind my legs. The fox was confused because I suddenly disappeared.


"Mofu, mofu!!"

I was clinging to one of its tails. Aww. So fluffy! I could get used to this warm sensation.

"Blasphemy! How dare you!"

"Ehh!? Why did you pull away? I want to Mofu mofu you some more."

~Kitsune's point of view~

I am a great fox spirit. The fact that I have nine tails is makes me stand above all. Only one in 100 thousand foxes can manage to reach the rank of kitsune. I decided to make my den on this top. The villagers pray to me and bring me food. And all I need to do is scare a few monsters. 

Among my kind I am truly invincible and nobody dares to cross my gate. Just because a child walked in, doesn't mean I will be lenient. But something is wrong. What's with this kid? I never saw such speed before.

I even created this mist. It absorbs mana and inside it, I can even bend the law of physics and reality. It is impossible for me to lose under such conditions.

Still, I've been trying to bite her a few times, yet she always dodged. That shouldn't be possible. Can she see me? How can she evade me in this mist that is supposed to wane all senses. Is that just a coincidence? This just means I have to hunt her more diligently.

I prepared 9 large fireballs. 1 on the tip of each of my tails. She can't escape this barrage. 

"Take this!!"

"Huh? You aren't being nice at all. Those are just in the way."

"No way!!"

This little girl just waved her staff and a gust of wind forcefully extinguished all my fireballs.

"If you want to shoot fire it's more efficient to continuously shoot them. Like this!"

What? 6 fireballs were now spinning above her head. Is that the charge shot Barid? No wait!!


Tremendous pain assaulted my body she's launching multiple Barids and charging new ones at the same time. A continuous circle that shoots flames. She can keep shooting forever if her mana lasts! My fur should be fire resistant but this fucking hurts!!

I quickly shifted the space to escape. Damn it. For the first time in many years, someone made me screem. I'm going to murder her!! All I have to do is twist reality and…

"Hey, this mist is getting annoying and I don't want to ruin your fur. So let's get rid of it."


She tapped her staff two times on the ground and my mist who only responds to my will… vanished in an instant.

Who the hell am I up against?

Nani = what

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