The Legacy System

515 Chapter 515

Even though it was probably extremely shameful to accept that the line of thought of a young man from the third generation was better than theirs, the Li family Elders couldn't find fault in them.

Cui Xie's thoughts and proposition had truly been enlightening for them, as they had seen a surefire-proof way of going about this matter.

Like this, their Cui family would be the true winner no matter what, and they couldn't help but praise Cui Xie a bit in their hearts, despite not being willing to.

This young man was truly a shining star! Unfortunately, he didn't understand the basic truth that he shouldn't reveal his shine without being strong enough to protect himself.

Basing his trust in the family's protection was probably his worst decision. Well, it was most probably hereditary as his father had done the same, only to end up scre*wed by the same family he trusted.

It looked like Cui Xie's fate would be the same, as many Elders inside the room turned their eyes and attention toward Cui Xie's First Uncle.

The guy's face was extremely ugly and dark, and he was clearly making his ploys and schemes to send Cui Xie to the same end, and he had a great opportunity in front of him.

'Clap…, clapp…, clapppp…'

With those thoughts in mind, he finally seemed to have come to his senses a bit, as he stood up while clapping and said,

"Nephew Xie, you have truly opened this Master's eyes and mind today! I am ashamed to admit that I am inferior to you in thinking about this matter!

For that reason, I have decided to rely more on you and your wisdom from now on and send you as the head of the delegation to the Li family!

I wonder what you think about it!"

It was clear that this narrow-minded guy, who would never bow his head to anyone was planning something.

If all the Elders in the room could understand that, then the old Patriarch and Cui Xie could understand that as well.

The old Patriarch Cui wanted to make a move and say something. After all, he had already left one son to die just because he thought of the whole family, but one gaze from his son stopped him from doing so.

He was clearly telling him, to not think that he could fix things now when he couldn't do so then.

The Elders supported him, and if he didn't want to destroy the Cui family, then he better sit there and shut up.

Cui Xie understood everything perfectly as well. Not to mention that he remembered every detail of his father's story, but he still pretended he didn't as he said with an indifferent tone,

"I would have it no other way!

I don't want to be arrogant and presumptuous, but I don't think that there is anyone who is better suited to this mission than me.

Furthermore, I am truly curious about what is being cooked in the Li family, so I gratefully accept the mission that First Uncle has set upon my shoulders."

Cui Xie's remarks clearly didn't please First Uncle, and a large portion of the Elders, but none of them made it too obvious. After all, they had quite the experience in these games of politics and show!

"I don't doubt it nephew Xie, you truly are a dragon among the young generation. Since it's like that, this First Uncle will talk directly to you!

If something goes wrong in this mission, it's a great possibility that the Li family won't let you off, even if you belong to the Cui Family.

Furthermore, if they torture you too much First Uncle worries that you will have no choice but to hand over everything you have to them!

For that reason, I think that it would be better for the family if you write some sort of will, where you leave everything to the Family should something happen!

After all, even if you die you will be a ghost of my Cui Family!"

Hearing those words, the whole room couldn't believe the face thickness and shamelessness of that potbelly guy! Not only was he planning to send the guy to his death, but he was also asked to leave his bones behind.

Each and every one of the Elders in the meeting was expecting Cui Xie to jump and start cursing at his First Uncle, as it was clearly infuriating.

But to their surprise and shock, Cui Xie not only didn't do such a thing, but he even seemed to have heard a great idea, as he said,

"This is a great idea First Uncle!

I am ashamed to accept that all this time I have been thinking lowly of First Uncle, but right now I understand that I have been too stupid.

It's just as First Uncle says, times are troubling lately, and there is a chance that each and everyone faces a life-threatening tribulation.

So, it's more than advisable, that not only me and First Uncle personally but that each and every one of the Elders in this meeting does the same!

After all, upon our death, we are still going to be ghosts of our Cui Family!"

Once again Cui Xie had involved the whole crowd in his matter. Furthermore, he had even intended that it wasn't him the only one who could die, but all of them as well.

,m Of course, for old people like them, that had lived for quite some time, death was the scariest of realities, and they didn't like it in the least being reminded of it.

But before the others could jump and spoil First Uncle's plans, the guy showed an ugly smile as he said with a forcefully controlled tone,

"But of course, nephew Xie is truly a farsighted person, we should do the same as well! I completely agree with you, it's just that we already have our wills, leaving everything behind for the family."

While First Uncle seemed extremely honorable, and righteous as he said that there was something that he didn't specify.

Or to be more precise he generalized something specific. To be more exact, First Uncle said that they had all written a will to leave everything to the family, but they didn't specify the Cui family in general.

What he was saying was that each and every one of those elders had a will to leave everything to their families of closest related people, like their sons, daughters, or even wives, not to the Cui family as a whole.

This was an ingenious way to put it, as this still counted as leaving it to the family. After all, their family members were still part of the Cui family.

Of course, Cui Xie could think of doing the same, but there was no one in his family. He was left all alone and lived all alone.

Even if he decided to leave those shares to some sweetheart of his, they only had to make sure that they forced her later to transfer everything to them.

The way they saw it, they had fully caged the wild lion Cui Xie, and he would have no other choice but to leave everything to them.

"What a surprise First Uncle we truly do think the same way, this junior has already written his will, leaving everything to my little sister Cui La!"

Unfortunately, since they hadn't seen Cui La lately, they forgot about her existence, and it was only now that they were reminded of it, and they couldn't help but look like they had just swallowed shit.

"Nephew Xie, I know about the love and care between you and Niece La as blood siblings, it's just that she is far away, and some foreigner might try to cheat her later.

You surely wouldn't want to create trouble for the family, right?"

"First Uncle must be joking. My sister Cui La is an extremely intelligent and bright young lady, she is most certainly able to stay away from swindlers and troublemakers.

Furthermore, she has the support of her Master, nothing of sorts will happen!"

"But still you can't say that the possibility is zero!"

"Then can't I just say the same about you, First Uncle!? Or about each and everyone else in this meeting!?

But I am not a stubborn and unreasonable fellow, as long as you show me the path to walk upon then I will certainly do so!"

The meaning is clear, you do it first and I will follow after! Something that these guys could never do!

"Since Nephew Xie has gone so far then this First Uncle can only hope that nothing happens and wish you a safe and grand return!"

No matter how angry and indignant he was, the First Uncle could only accept the situation, and hope that it would be much easier to deal with Cui La once she returned if she ever did!

Cui Xie understood this as well, but he didn't say anything extra and left his First Uncle to dream about the possibility.

Unfortunately soon he would wake up to an extremely bitter reality!

The next day, Cui Xie was accompanied by 3 Elders of the family, the 7th, the 8th, and the 17th Elder, and five servants, to go and check the situation of the Li family.

Upon arrival they were welcomed as if they were in-laws of the Li Family already, receiving all the courtesy and respect they deserved.

It didn't look like the Li Family was already in a fight against the Ye Family. Or to be more exact, it looked like they were already celebrating their win…

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