The Legacy System

541 Chapter 541

Neither the Cao nor the Ling Family people could stop the Cui Family people from leaving. In fact, the Ling Family people even rejoiced they wouldn't have to fight another tough opponent as well.

As for those from the Cao Family, the Cui Family people didn't matter much, as they were trying to get revenge about their Young Master.

It wasn't like Cui Xie would be able to disappear from this world in a short time, so they could always find a way to get back their money.

p Furthermore, if the Cui Family still stood around then they would always have to be wary of them, hoping that they wouldn't play the fisherman who fished both the clam and the snipe.

As for the Cui Family people, they had something much more important to do and think about right now, as their personal interests were much more important.

Not to mention that there was still the other delegation that seemed to have proposed marriage and sided with the Ye Family.

There were many reasons why the Cui Family had actually deteriorated this much, and the personal greed of its members was the biggest one among them.

The 17th Elder didn't even seem to care about appearances anymore, as he was using his aura and energy to pressure and neutralize Cui Xie.

It was only when they had finally left the Li Family Mansion and had reached at a fairly safe and distanced spot, that the 17th Elder finally released Cui Xie on the ground, and said in a malicious tone,

"Nephew Cui Xie, this old man has to admit that he founds you truly courageous and daunting! You are a true tiger, but even tigers know to pick their moment and time!

Furthermore, you used the name and reputation of my great Cui Family to take that money and antiques from the Cao Family people, so naturally, my Cui Family deserves a share of them, don't you think so!?

I am sure the rest of the Elders agree to this as well!"

The other Elders didn't say a thing, but it was clear that they had the same line of thought as the 17th Elder, they were all trying to make a profit before they returned to the Family Mansion.

Cui Xie just looked around at each and every one of the Elders around him directly in the eyes, before he started laughing.

"Heehaahahahhaha~! You truly never fail to surprise me with your shamelessness and rotten character! Hahahhahaha~!"

At first, it seemed to resemble a malicious grin that slowly started turning into a burst of full-fledged mocking laughter, that took the Elders by surprise.

"Cui Xie, watch your words, you are talking to your Elders! You have to treat us with respect, otherwise, you are going to get punished!"

How could the 17th Elder accept such a reproach, even if Cui Xie's words held truth and meaning in them, he would never accept them.

"Ptui~! You are my Elder!? You ask for respect from me!? I would rather respect a dog than a bastard old man like you!"

"Cui Xieee~!"

Young Master Cui Xie's words certainly seemed to have shocked and enraged the Elders of the Cui Family, and even more so the 17th Elder who took those words personally.

This little bastard had repeatedly gone against him, repeatedly disobeyed him, and repeatedly humiliated him, the 17th Elder couldn't bear him anymore.

At that moment, he forgot all about the current situation, and the reason why he was doing something like this to Cui Xie, as he sent a powerful palm toward Cui Xie's face.

Even if it didn't take his life, this palm of the 17th Elder would surely break Cui Xie's jaw and more than a few teeth.


Unfortunately, the sound of pain coming from the direction of Cui Xie and the 17th Elder didn't seem to belong to Cui Xie, but to the poor 17th Elder.

The Cui Family Elders couldn't understand just what and how it happened, as the 17th Elder was actually lying down on the ground, grabbing his head forcefully, and screaming in pain.

'What the hell did just happen!? What the hell is going on!?'

These two questions were going through each Elder's brains, when they suddenly hear Cui Xie grin in malice and mockery,

"Heheh~! I am sure that you are curious to know just what happened to the 17th Elder, aren't you!? But you don't really care about this shameless bastard, you care only about yourself.

You are certainly considering the possibility that you might be suffering the same fate with him, aren't you!?"

The Cui Family Elders were frightened a bit at this moment as they couldn't help but feel a bad foreboding. Yet one of them, probably wanting to score points with the 17th Elder came forward saying,

"Cui Xie what the hell do you think you are doing!? What did you do to the 17th Elder!? How could someone act like this against his Eld-AAARRRGGGHHHHH~!"

Before he could continue with his bullshit though, Cui Xie seemed to have just turned an eye towards him in disgust and the guy ended up in the same position as the 17th Elder!

"Haiz~! How can some people be so stupid despite their old age!?

Shameless bastards, I think of myself as a patient and practical man. I won't take the initiative to make you suffer, but if you act against me then death will be a salvation to me.

You see, I wouldn't have normally done something like this firstly, but who told you to be so greedy and shameless, leaving me no choice!

I hope that there won't be another one who wants to experience this pain, right!?"

None of the Elders answered, just looking at him with complex feelings and thoughts. They didn't know what to do or how to react in this situation.


Seeing that these shameless old bastards weren't understanding the situation as they should, Cui Xie immediately raised his tone in asking that question, while putting them in pain as well.

It was only at that moment that the Elders found out why the 17th Elder and that other one were unable to stop screaming and rolling on the ground.

An unbearable headache hit them all of a sudden, and they felt like their brains would explode and turn into mush anytime now.

They couldn't even open their mouths to answer Cui Xie's question, as they truly felt that perhaps death would be better than this torture.

With that said, Cui Xie didn't let them suffer for long before he snapped his fingers and the pain dispersed almost immediately, including the 17th Elder.

"Cui Xie, you bastaAARRRRGGGGHHH~!"

Unfortunately, some people didn't seem to have learned their lesson and continued with their stupidity as they tried to scream and insult Cui Xie, who just gave them a look, and the pain returned.

Surprisingly, or expectedly, the one to have done that stupid action was none other than that guy who tried to enter the 17th Elder's good books.

On the other hand, the 17th Elder himself was just looking at Cui Xie in anger but didn't dare to voice out his words, even less berating Cui Xie.

Letting the guy experience pain for another 10 seconds, Cui Xie gave him another look to stop whatever was happening and waited for what he would do.


It seemed like this guy truly didn't know what was good for him, as once again he tried to voice out a scream, before suffering once again.

This time Cui Xie left him in that pain for 5 seconds, before releasing him and just looking around just as earlier.

This old man would have truly lived his years for nothing if he didn't understand the situation. At least now!

Seeing that even the latest idiot had comprehended the situation, Cui Xie showed them a grin, before he started speaking,

"Heh~! This is how it should be, we are all civilized and cultured people here, I am sure that we can talk our differences out of our relationship!

Let me speak first!

The reason why you all are suffering like this at the moment is due to a special Gu-worm called Brain-Eater worm!

This little guy enters your brain through the blood, and once it reaches there it creates a nice comfortable nest for himself!

In natural moments he won't do anything, he will just rest in your brain without much problem, but if it feels danger, or threatened he will immediately try to hide in your brain matter.

Fortunately, this guy's size is extremely small, and he won't cause your death if he doesn't feel that he is about to die! Otherwise, it will release a poison, that can kill even a Realm 6 Master.

Ah but you don't have to worry, I have full control over those things, and they won't harm you! So, now you have two choices in front of you shameless bastards.

First, you become my servants and underlings and I promise that one day I might think of removing these things from your heads.

Second, you chose to not obey me, you chose to fight me, you chose to bullshit me, and I just use these cute worms against you! What do you think!?"

All the elders started looking at each other, not knowing what to say or what to think in this situation, but they didn't want to die so the solution seemed to be already directed.

"Hmph~! Brat Cui Xie, you think that I am afraid of dea-AAAARRRGGHHHH~!"

Some people truly don't understand the situation as they should, as that poor old bastard was thrown into hell once again…

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