The Legacy System

553 Chapter 553

As for Eric, he didn't really care whether he could control the Cui Family or not because that would be short-lived at best.

The S-day wasn't far and what he needed now was all the resources that he could buy, in order to increase the strength of his people.

The biggest truth in this mortal world was strength, as long as someone was strong enough even if he said that the sun rose from the west, no one would dare to question him.

That was what Eric wanted to do, but that was certainly for later. He had his priorities clear and right in front of his eyes, he wouldn't let things turn bad.

With these thoughts in his mind, he was actually rummaging through the internet for anything that might seem useful and the biggest news that attracted his attention was a great auction next month.

Of course, it would be difficult for him to actually find an invitation for that auction, but it should be fairly easy for Cui Xie.

Without wasting time he immediately told Cui Xie to get him an invitation to the auction and prepare all the money he had at his disposal.

It was unnecessary to say that Cui Xie wasn't happy to hear that news as that money was extremely helpful and necessary for him, but unfortunately, he didn't have much of a choice.

Cui Xie's money coupled with what he personally harvested the night of the 'Great Tragedy' at the Li Family, it should be enough for him to receive what he wanted to buy.

As chance had it, it turned out that the Cui Family did have an invitation to the auction and was previously thought to have Young Master Cui Hu attend the auction.

But with what happened the slot was now open, as the Family Head couldn't insist on sending his unworthy son go there.

Still, he managed to place a really good excuse, saying that the bastard he had disowned had actually taken the invitation away and that it wasn't in his hands anymore.

Knowing this Eric certainly felt a bit displeased with the old fox, but at the same time, he didn't really care much. In fact, it was for the best not to go under the Cui Family banner as those guys would try to claim his treasures.

After racking his brains, he found the perfect way to enter the auction. There were two ways to actually participate in this auction.

The first was clearly being invited by the people organizing it, which was the China Chamber of Commerce, and the other one was to actually become a seller in the auction.

Everything that Eric could take out of his Legacy System would be a great treasure to these people on Earth, but that would be just too wasteful in comparison to their value in SP points.

For that reason, Eric decided on another possible way, by concocting pills himself. He had just got his hands on an Energy Refining Pellet recipe, a 2-star pill.

Now that he thought about it he had actually not practiced his alchemy for some time and he might have gone rusty.

He couldn't allow something like this to happen, because Alchemy was extremely important for his path, for two big reasons.

First, it was its help in cultivating the Soul and the Mind, something that was vital for him, and secondly due to the great rewards and wealth it brought.

The path to the peak of the world was bound to be a consuming one, burning through money even faster than burning through simple paper.

With that in mind, and with the need to have something for the auction Eric entered secluded retreat to work on his Alchemy while telling Cui Xie to constantly provide herbs for him.

While Cui Xie was actually working on his Alchemy and concocting pills, the world outside was slowly driven to chaos.

Young Master Cui Hu, the disowned son of the Cui Family Head had started looking for him all over the place.

But he wasn't just looking for him, he was destroying everything on his path while doing so. Many small families had fallen to him, and many women had been spoiled by him.

The ones to suffer the most were the Yun Family, and especially Young Master Yun Zhao, who were not only been thrown out of business but even lost their honor and family members.

A lot of their descendants would either end up in terrible situations and problems or would be raped and spoiled while they returned home from school or outings.

Young Master Yun Zhao was the first to go missing, and his body was found only one week later with clear marks of torture and suffering.

The police claimed it to be a brutal torture and murder, but they didn't have any lead so they couldn't actually act upon the case.

Since he had been guilty of their latest downfall the Yun Family didn't care much about him, but only the next day after his death, there were multiple cases of rape and torture.

It was more than clear that someone or better said a psycho was actually targeting their family in special, and they didn't have an escape.

Knowing that the Yun Family Head sent a personal letter to the Head of the Cui Family, asking him to reign over his son otherwise, the Yun Family would retaliate.

The answer he received though was that Cui Hu was no longer a member of the Cui Family, and they could do whatever they wished.

The Cui Family Head wasn't worried for his son, because he had already set a security measure beside him in the form of a Realm 5 expert.

Even if the Yun Family sold everything they had, they wouldn't be able to hire someone equal to him, so this matter was nothing but a great joke for him.

After receiving that news, the Yun Family immediately started arranging quite a few campaigns against Cui Hu, but all their efforts were turned to dust.

They couldn't even injure him, while more and more people of the Yun Family were suffering every day, something that was sending the Yun Family Head into despair.

Fortunately for him, at his most desperate moment, an anonymous helper appeared, giving him enough money to hire a high-level expert.

The hired expert fought against the security guard around Cui Hu, and gained an upper hand, while the Yun Family Head took Cui Hu's right hand.

He wanted to take even more from him, but the moment that he was about to cut Cui Hu's little brother, another expert appeared and took Cui Hu away.

Still, this night brought two important changes. First, it was the Yun Family's resurgence, and retake of their companies and wealth.

Second, it was the enrage of Young Master Cui Hu who would never be able to forget this shame, fear, and pain he had gone through.

His anger towards the Yun Family was boosted quite a bit, as he right now held Eric and the Yun Family on the same level of hate.

With new resolve, determination, and hate, Young Master Cui Hu changed his way of approach, as he started bombing all the important locations of the Yun Family.

All of a sudden it had turned into a battle of gangs, rather than a battle between two families. It looked like a battle between Triads.

The next day, Young Master Cui Hu even introduced the newest power in the capital, the Green Dragon Triad, claiming that the underworld belonged to him from that day on.

That claim made a lot of people unhappy, as they all wanted nothing else but to kill that bastard, but after witnessing the battle between Cui Hu and the Yun Family they decided to take a wait-and-see approach.

No one wanted to jump on the pit first, especially when they had no idea just how deep the pit truly was.

The other big families didn't think much of this situation though, because in their eyes this was nothing short of Cui Hu playing houses.

There was no way that he would be able to keep his standing in the underworld if he dared to mess with one of them.

While this new title might scare common people, to them it was nothing but a big joke. Cui Hu seemed to understand that as well, for that reason he didn't poke the beehives around town.

No matter how much he wanted to act against Mo Qing and Su Die, there was nothing he could do, because Mo Qing had actually taken Su Die under her protection.

That wasn't because she believed in her, and her reasons, but because Su Die was one of the few people alive that had seen Eric's face that day.

Only she could actually recognize him, as Mo Qing had been just too delirious to remember anything.

The situation was certainly getting tenser and tenser, as Yun Family was looking for help from all over the world, while Cui Hu acted like a little lord.

A storm was brewing in the country, and it seemed really close to setting off, destroying the peace and calmness of the capital.

Like that four full weeks passed by, and Eric finally came out of his secluded retreat with a terrible look. An unshaved face, an anorexic body, and some terrible black bags under his eyes.

He looked closer to a zombie than a human being, making even Cui Xie, Li Yao, and Madam Li worry about his health.

That last one, while she didn't show much of a worry, she certainly seemed to change the expression on her face…

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