The Legacy System

587 Chapter 587

Miss Lu looked at Eric's surprised and startled expression with a pleased expression on her face, as her Madam's face was her face for her.

Furthermore, she felt that Eric looked extremely cute with that expression and look on his face. It was something that she had seen for the first time.

"Beautiful isn't it!?"

"Yes, extremely beautiful! But also a great deal of work, now if you don't mind, can you please show me the way towards the tools I will need!?

I have a lot of work to do!"

Miss Lu was certainly surprised by Eric's quick change of expression, as she couldn't help but look at him with a piercing look as if trying to find his innermost thoughts.

This guy was a true puzzle for her, she had no idea what to expect and when. At one time he would be complimenting her, the next he would be flirting with someone else, and next, he would be solemn and serious.

It was something that she couldn't properly understand how it was possible. Just what kind of man was he in reality!? That made her extremely curious and interested in him.

"I don't have any flowers growing on my face right!? Why are you looking at me that intently for!? Don't tell me that you fell in love with me, Miss Lu!?"

"And what if I did!?"

Eric was thinking of toying with the young woman in order to lead her attention astray, but he didn't expect such an answer, as she looked lost in her thoughts.

Still, he wouldn't be defeated easily by one look. This wasn't the first time that he dealt with such a thing, and even less the first time that he was told such words.

Right away he started looking at her from head to toe with a perverted look, and then said with an extremely welcoming voice,

"If that is the case, then you can immediately join me and my little Wei in bed starting from tonight! I am sure that it will be a night to remember for all three of us!

Just thinking about all the positions, and games that we can play together it makes me have goosebumps all over my body!"

The beautiful thoughts of Miss Lu seemed to have been disrupted completely, as her lost look disappeared completely, and a look of anger and rage donned her face.

"You damned pervert, is there nothing else you can think and talk about!? Just what kind of bastard are you!?"

"The good kind of bastard, I swear! I won't hide and hold my tongue at anything! Whatever I have inside will be voiced outside, it's just that easy.

Where can you find a better bastard than myself!?"

Miss Lu was completely baffled at Eric, she didn't know what to make and what to think of him, and to make matters worse, the more he behaved like this the more attracted she felt towards him.

Still, she couldn't find any words to retort against him, so she was left only with the typical and classical move of stomping her feet on the ground and turning around to leave.

Eric could only look at her leaving back with a complex look on his face, it wasn't like he didn't understand that this beauty was getting truly interested in him.

But he wasn't a man that could belong only to one woman, and this wasn't the situation where he could actually truly try to nurture a relationship with her.

Even in his plans, he had been thinking of this beauty as a way to make his way to her Madam, and it wasn't any sort of feeling involved.

He had never thought that just because he acted cool in front of her once or twice this young woman would truly start thinking about him.

At the same time he understood that what she felt towards him was only curiosity, and interest, it had yet to develop into something more.

Even if it showed signs of developing into something like that, the beauty would try to put a block to them herself. After all, she was one of her Madam's ghosts, her body, life, and soul belonged to her.

Madam Yan Meng would never allow one of her most trusted maidservants to actually fall in love and have someone else in her heart.

If that happened, she would either throw her away so that it didn't bite her back as she might be used against her, or she would have to destroy the love inside her heart.

Most probably she would decide on the second way, but she would certainly be unwilling to lose such an important helper that she had raised from a young age.

Well, Eric wouldn't mind of stealing this Miss Lu on his side, but he could only do so through a slave seal because it was approximately impossible to convince her to join him of her free will.

Brainwashing from a young age wasn't something that could be overcome lightly, and he didn't even know if it would be worth it.

Well, there was nothing he could do at the moment, and only let the future decide what would happen and how it would happen.

As he put all such thoughts to the back of his head, he was finally able to return to his most important job, which was rummaging through the garden.

The real reason why he had actually changed expression and mood that fast, was because he could actually feel that there were a few special herbs in this garden.

Herbs that had grown beyond their capabilities and had absorbed quite a bit of Qi and energy, to actually become spirit herbs.

For that reason what he wanted to do was rummage through the place and find those herbs. Then he would think about an opportune moment and situation to pick them up.

Of course, the most important flower in the whole garden was the Blood Rose, which Madam Yan Meng was told to care about more than her own child.

Without wasting time, he immediately approached that particular flower and fed her a drop of his normal blood, before he actually acted dizzy and fell to the ground for a rest.

In order to make sure that Madam Yan Meng didn't have any suspicion toward him regarding his duty, he had to play the show perfectly.

Of course, in the meantime, he could enjoy the great and rich in energy environment and start cultivating his energy to reach the next Realm.

In but a moment he could feel the change in the outside world, as it was much easier to gather the energy, and at the same time, he was gathering much more energy.

In comparison to what he had experienced until now, this was just like the times when he consumed pills. Only that feeling could describe this.

As he thought like that, he couldn't help but want to try what would happen if he took one of those pills in this place, as he immediately felt the energy invigorate and refresh his body.

Just like a fresh spring breeze, or like a sweet ice cream in the summer, he could feel that every part of his body was slowly being electrified, refreshed, and revitalized.

At the same time, it felt like his Legacy System was broken, as he was actually passing through levels with each passing minute.

He could feel that his body, strength, and prowess were increasing rapidly and didn't seem to have a stop.

Unable to comprehend how it happened, he felt like he was about to fall asleep in the garden, just like that.

"Who are you, what are you doing here!? Who let you get in here!? Guards! Guards!"

Just as he felt that he was actually going to fall asleep in the comfort and warmth of this place, a sudden scream of panic, anger, and arrogance awakened him from that state.

He didn't have to turn his head around and have a look to understand that the one causing a scene was none other than one of the Young Misses of the Long Family.

Without hurrying, Eric slowly stood up from his place, patted his clothes a few times as if trying to clean them of any dust, and then said in a calm and cool face,

"Hello young miss, I am the new gardener!"

At this moment, the guards appeared at the entrance of the garden and were hurrying toward the scene. It was clear that they were alarmed by the scream and wanted to show it in front of this Young Miss.

Eric didn't care much about them, because if they tried he would put them in their place, but just as he was about to not care about them, he actually something that angered him.


Only screaming that word, and nothing else, he launched his body forward. It seemed like he had all the intentions to fight the few guards if they didn't stop.

The few guards seemed surprised by Eric's reaction, but they thought that he was guilty and decided to not show mercy to him.

They were feeling a bit bad about taking this opportunity to show off at the back of Eric, but now everything became so much more simple for them.

They only took a side look at one another before actually increasing their speed and their fierceness, as they prepared to beat Eric black and blue.

The Young Miss was certainly feeling complex at the moment, as her face could clearly show her feelings, as she saw the clash happen.

What she saw though certainly surprised, startled, and shocked her…

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