The Legacy System

635 Chapter 635

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Is this enough to break your resolve and determination!? Were you this kind of weak bastard!?"

Just as Eric was falling deeper and deeper into his stupor, a voice full of mockery, ridicule, and anger suddenly broke through all his thoughts and situation just like a bolt of lightning in a clear sky.


Eric couldn't help but shiver the moment he heard that voice, as he felt like he had received a great electrical shock at that moment.

The statements were short and composed of few words, but each of them struck him directly where it hurt, where it was the most sensitive of him.

Just like placing a salty finger in a wound in order to keep awake a patient due to the pain, he was experiencing, this was the same as that.

Those words managed to wake up Eric, who immediately regained the color of his face and started rearranging his thoughts, this time without falling into the fear and pressure.

So what if the S-Day had happened way before it should have happened!? Of course, it would have been best if things went according to his plans, but that didn't mean he was totally defeated.

In his previous life, he had started from zero and had even wasted quite a few of the early years as nothing but trash, yet he had reached quite a great height.

In this life, he had the information of his previous life, and if that wasn't enough he even had his Legacy System to help him out, which was clearly much better than all the lousy systems out there.

As long as he continued to level up and grow stronger consistently, no matter what came his way would be dealt with appropriately.

Now wasn't the time to curse at his luck, or at the effects of his re-life, now was the most important moment to make the necessary preparations.

"Thank you, my Empress, I don't know what would have happened to me without you! I promise to become a worthy man of you, and never allow this to happen again!"

This time Eric's words weren't only a way of flirting and playing with his Dragon Empress, but true and honest words coming from the bottom of his heart.

He truly meant whatever he said, and the Dragon Empress was even more privy to this truth as she could feel his Soul waves.

"Hmph~! At least you aren't a lost cause!"

Even though she was a Dragon Empress and an existence that had lived for countless years and centuries, she was still a female with a heart.

For some reason after spending so much time with Eric, and hearing this promise from him, she couldn't help but feel touched and think that there was a chance for him to do it.

Despite all that though, she also knew how difficult Eric's path was going to be, and how much he needed to suffer in order to reach that level, and she truly didn't know if she should give him hope.

For some reason, she didn't want him to suffer. Perhaps it would have been better if Eric lived a long and peaceful life, rather than on the path he had decided to walk upon.

With those thoughts in her mind, she just coldly harrumphed and said those words which she immediately regretted.

Eric heard those words, and that voice, but he didn't get discouraged quite on the opposite, he seemed extremely happy and motivated as he said,

"Hhehehe~! You are finally showing some feelings, my Empress! Don't tell me that you have started to take a liking to your Husband!

Very well, you should proceed like this! Heheheheh~!"

Since the Empress would normally speak in a bland, cold, and detached tone to him, what she did this time was an improvement that Eric had thought it would take decades to arrive.

He was fully aware that it would be impossible for him to woo the Dragon Empress even if she were a physically bodied woman in front of him, as he himself wouldn't feel comfortable.

Just like a toad wishing to woo a swan, while it might happen, the changes would still be extremely visible and existing.

Whether the toad wished it or not, it would be too self-conscious of the differences between them, and only when those differences were closed could they finally become a real couple.

With these thoughts in mind, Eric just focused on the outside world with a smile on his face, that seemed to brighten the surroundings.

To Wei QingPing the whole scene she had witnessed it was nothing short of a supernatural phenomenon.

The only way she could explain this was if Eric was possessed by some demon or devil, and that said demon or devil had no full control of his body.

Unfortunately, even if she believed and spread those words she wouldn't be able to gather support as no one would believe her. As for Eric, he didn't really care about that.

Right now he didn't have time to waste on Wei QingPing stupid thoughts, as there were many things he needed to do.

With those thoughts in mind, he immediately took a special smartphone from his space ring right in front of Wei QingPing's eyes and sent a few messages in succession.

The majority of those messages had the same context, sell everything you can, buy whatever resources you can, and then gather in one location with your families, it's time to relocate!

Of course, different people would have different uptakes on that message, and many of them would probably not understand the urgency of the text message despite him highlighting the urgent part.

That wasn't all there was to it though, as there was a lot that he needed to do personally as well.

With these thoughts, he immediately left Wei QingPing and Miss Mu behind in the room, as he made his way toward his partner.

While Eric was deciding on his plan of action, and the immediate reaction to the change, the rest of the planet was in turmoil.

All the organizations, powers, and governments of the planet started a thorough search over their territory to start finding the 'lucky' bastards!

This was done in order to try and incorporate them into their strength as early as possible before they turned into calamities.

While the possibility of the beta-testers for the system were just rumors, they couldn't neglect them easily as the future of their countries, and power was in danger.

The fact remained, that each of those guys was a possible timing bomb that in case of not being handled properly would explode in their back garden and most probably kill them in the explosion.

All secret agencies and all information organizations had their golden moment as they were selling information left and right, while they made their own moves as well.

In a short timeframe, the whole planet was being turned upside down, as the beta-testers were being hunted down like rare and special beasts.

While a small part of them was bought by the conditions and salaries offered, there were also those that had higher ambitions, greed, or vengeance in their hearts.

Those guys rejected the offers as they immediately went underground, trying their best to hide their prints, and leaving no tracker alive.

Those guys weren't the only ones who were mining the big governments, organizations, and powers' efforts though, as their 'forebearers' were doing the same.

The 'spies' that were sent to this planet by those existences of the starry sky not only protected the beta testers' lives from the shadows, but they also intentionally spread information and gave help to these guys to fight back.

In a matter of days from the announcement of the systems, more than 150 of the thought beta-tester candidates were announced as Class D terrorists chased by Interpol and all over the Planet.

Of course, those 150 guys didn't take this information easily either, as they immediately started their counterattack.

With the help of the moles and spies, they started leaving a trail of blood wherever they walked, as they got stronger and stronger with each passing day.

Even though their threat was already considered high, and the bounty on their head was extremely big and attractive, they continued to increase it by themselves.

That level of the damage came as unexpected from the different organizations, governments, and powers as these guys were thought to be at the start of their evolution.

They shouldn't have the strength and power to counter-attack, as their evaluation was already considered high.

That level of damage and disaster frightened all the big guys at the table, so they immediately made a resolute decision of hunting those beta-testers down with their full power.

After all, even a lion used his full strength to kill his prey, even if it was a rabbit! Their decision was extremely accurate, but the problem was that it was too late.

To be more accurate, it looked like lady luck wasn't on their side, as the next day another big announcement was made to the worldwide public.

'The beta-testing time had come to an end, and the system feature would be opened slowly to the whole world!

From that moment forth, every day there would be more than 1000 new applications accepted! 'God' was giving all humanity an opportunity to grow stronger, live longer, and reach higher!'

This marked the proper end of the planet's society and power as it was known, and humanity was thrown into a new Era' of madness, and chaos, where their inner demons came to be.

Upon receiving this information Eric had already gathered all his people and was ready to take them away…

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