The Legacy System

645 Chapter 645

"Heheheh~! You got shot down darling, I told you so! Josh is quite the hypocrite guy, after all!"

Just as Josh was thinking of how to disappear and take this woman down by surprise, he suddenly heard a voice behind himself, and he felt something sharp pierce his chest.

He couldn't believe his eyes and his ears. Not only had he been backstabbed, but also the person who had done something like this was no one else but his best buddy.

This was something that he would have never thought possible. They had been partners and friends for a long time, and they knew everything about each other.

They even joked around about being each other's wives, that was how deep they knew each other, and yet at this moment all that seemed like nothing more but a big joke.

His 'live-or-dead' friend had actually stabbed him in the back and was only a few moments from taking his life.

No matter how much Josh didn't want to believe something like that, he had no other option but to actually believe it, as no matter how many times he tried to find a false in the person behind it, he couldn't.

The woman on the other hand seemed a bit disappointed and displeased with what had just happened, as she probably had her own schemes and plans for this guy, but she didn't dare to voice them out.

Her partner was someone who would usually play it cool whenever she had a fling or something similar, but he would completely lose it sometimes.

Josh didn't care about her though, as the only thing going through his mind was,


"Hehehehe~! You didn't expect this, did you, 'best friend'!?

It doesn't really matter anymore though, but I will still explain it to you! I mean your facial expression will be extremely great, I can't let go of such a moment.

The truth is that everything is 'made-up'. I have been an undercover agent for a long time, and everything we went through was for my mission.

All the women you have slept with have been fellow spies! Don't you think this is great!? In a short time, we will leave this place and you will be implicated with charges of espionage and 'terrorism'.

The people you have worked so hard to save and help will see you as a traitor to the country, and its values.

You will no longer be a hidden hero, but an infamous villain!"


Josh couldn't believe what he had heard, he still couldn't believe that this was all real! The person who was supposed to be his 'best friend' actually turned out to be a spy who had played him.

Unfortunately, it didn't matter whether he accepted it or not, whether he liked this or not, he could tell that the guy wasn't lying to him. He had truly played him.

Of course, he deeply regretted the fact that he hadn't been able to notice this before, and it was only now that he was at death's door that he finally realized this, but he couldn't hate the person in front of him.

While the other party had only played his role and acted to the best of his abilities, Josh truly treated and thought of him as his best friend.

"You don't have to worry though, I have no intention of staying as a good and stupid agent all the time! No, from now on I will build my own place, my own empire.

You should feel honored since you are the first stepping stone toward my glorious future! With this system in my hands, everything will be just like I want it to be!"


That was the last and final thought of Josh as he took his last breath and disappeared into the darkness, while the guy who had just killed him looked at the beauty with a weird grin on his face.

"You liked him, didn't you!? After playing the part of his wife for all these years, you fell for him. That was why you didn't reveal your face to him as he died, didn't you!?"


The woman seemed unable to respond, as she started remembering everything she had gone through during these years.

Her fate was bound to be terrible from the moment she realized that she had developed feelings for her target, and even now she had to clench her fists tightly to not make a move.

"Hmph~! So what!? What about your words just now, should I take them as your wish to rebel!? What did you mean!?"

Seeing that she was backed to the wall, the woman decided to fight an eye for an eye, as she immediately started screaming back at her partner.

"Hehheh~! You are right, but those were the stupidest words you could choose! You just taught me a good lesson, no matter what and no matter who, I shouldn't leave any tracks behind.


The woman was unable to react in time when she felt that something elongated from her 'partner's' sword and her throat was pierced from one side to the other.

She had never thought that she would die like that. She was certainly unwilling, unfortunately, no one cared about her willingness to die, and she could only close her eyes to eternal rest.

The moment that she died, some weird shadow came out of her body and joined the shadow of the only remaining human, who now had a mocking grin on his face.

'Police, hands up and get on the ground!'

Just as he was thinking about his next step, the guy suddenly heard the screams of the policemen and immediately got on the ground pretending to be heavily injured, on the verge of death.

It seemed that despite all the instructions, to not make a move without approval first, the guys in charge had decided to barge in.

It was a good thing for them that they did this only now, otherwise, they would all be bleeding on the ground by now.

The cops did their best to control the whole place thoroughly only to find no one else alive, as even the two 'terrorists' had been killed.

They couldn't believe how ruthless and heartless these terrorists were, as many of the victims had been tortured before being killed.

Their late intervention had caused extreme pain and torture for a lot of people, as some of the policemen even fell to the ground alongside the remains of their relatives.

This was just one of the many hot spots in the city as many more were happening simultaneously, with some of them being even more scary and horrifying.

Every big city was implicated in this terrible chaos and terrorism activities, as more than a hundredth of the human population on Earth was wiped out that day.

What made this whole situation even more horrifying and scary was that there were no terrorists captured, and there was no trace of the people behind it.

Still, not even half an hour after everything took place, there was an international net feed being played, as an organization known as Immortal Court took responsibility for what happened.

"Humanity's time has come to an end!

Now it's the age of Immortals and Sages! The beta testers were just the start, soon each and every one of you will receive a system from the Sage King and you will receive the opportunity to become Immortals.

The higher you rise, the more you will live, and the more you will see beyond the veil that has blinded your eyes, and your mind.

This will be a chaotic era, just like the one you witnessed happen! After all, in order to receive more and stand higher, you will need to step on the corpses and greed of others.

Everyone has been given an equal opportunity, now it's in your hands to defend yourselves and walk forward!

I will be waiting for you all at the Zenith of this Mortal World!"

The moment that those words spread through the internet, and all social media many people took them as a joke, or as a bad prank from someone who wanted to be infamous.

There were all kinds of people and all kinds of experts out there, but those thoughts didn't last long, as the next moment the whole of mankind was set before a big choice.

Do you want to get connected to the System of Immortals!?  Yes/No

It was a short and simple question that carried the fate and future of all humankind on Earth. Many people were in front of a dilemma, as they wanted to seek for advice.

Unfortunately, the time was limited and they had only 5 minutes to decide! It was an extremely short time to make a decision, as they couldn't help but try to pry on the people around them.

Surprisingly they were able to see the choices and selections of the people around them, as they couldn't help but look around and wait for what others were going to do.

Nobody knew who lost the nerve and calm first and selected the Yes button, and a big majority followed behind his steps.

The best outcome would be for all of them to reject the game like that at least they would be able to keep going with their normal, boring, and ordinary lives.

Unfortunately, the moment that more than half selected that choice, the people who didn't would suffer at the hands of those that did. There would be a clear disparity between the two sides.

As each and every one of those that could, made his/her personal choice, a wide notification spread around the world…

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