The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 42: Tom Riddle's Diary

   Principal Albus Dumbledore resigned?

   There is no doubt that this is not exciting news.

"They are crazy!" Zacharias-Smith commented: "Professor Dumbledore may be the only target that can make Slytherin heirs jealous... Could it be that the monsters in the secret room were sent by the Ministry of Magic? from?"

In the Hufflepuff common room, many familiar faces have already left... Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Steven Lucas and many other junior students, all of them advanced for various reasons. Left school.

   There is no longer the laughter of the past in the common room, and it looks a bit deserted.

   Jon sits quietly by the fireplace, thinking quietly.

   There is no doubt that the situation is very unfavorable... You should know that it is only February 15th, and Professor Dumbledore has left the school. It's hard to imagine what terrible things will happen in the future. Whether the basilisk ravages the castle or the complete closure of Hogwarts, it is a pretty bad thing.

   So he must do something to change this situation!

   Jon turned his eyes to the humble portrait of a witch on the fireplace.

   "Professor, what should I do?" He whispered to Helga Hufflepuff on the portrait.

   The kind witch looked at Jon tenderly, with a smile on her mouth; she didn't say anything, just nodded slightly...At this moment, Jon seemed to feel a strong momentum appearing all over her body.

   "Thank you, professor..."



   "What's the matter, Jon?" When Zacharias Smith was about to go to bed, he was stopped by Jon Hart.

   "I have to ask you for help with something." Jon said with a serious face, "Come with me!"

   "Okay, okay..." Zacharias followed Jon lazily and walked into his dormitory.

   Looking at the piles of books on the bedside and desk, Zacharias couldn't help but curl his lips: "You are so hard, Jon..."

   "Diligence is Hufflepuff's traditional virtue." Jon said casually, and also took out a black diary from the pile of books, and then asked: "Do you know this?"

"What?" Zacharias glanced at this diary casually. The small, thin, tattered black cover seemed to have been soaked in water, obviously some years old: "Where did you get it from? This old antique?"

"I picked it up!" Jon said calmly, "I picked it up in a bathroom the other day. I don't know who it was... The terrible attack the day before yesterday, plus I was injured a little bit, so I almost got it. I forgot this."

   "Have you asked Ernie and Wayne about them?"

"I've asked, none of them dropped it. I suspect it was dropped by students from other colleges..." Jon said, "But you know that Slytherin monsters are rampant in the school recently, and I was born as a Muggle. So I don't dare to show up too much."

   "Understood, understood!" Zacharias said carelessly: "Leave it to me, I will ask the students in Gryffindor and Slytherin at the restaurant tomorrow if they lost it!"

   "Okay, thank you very much."

"it's okay no problem!"


   Early the next morning, Jon and a group of Hufflepuff students were escorted by Filch and just arrived at the restaurant when they heard Zacharias’s loud voice:

"Have you ever lost a black diary?" Zacharys-Smith shouted at the long table in Gryffindor: ", I picked it up in the bathroom a few days ago. There is one, shabby, old, like goods from decades ago, with the name of a Muggle bookstore printed on it..."

   "No, okay, then I'll go to Ravenclaw and ask."

   While Zacharias was yelling there, Jon gnawed on a bun while secretly watching the other tables.

   It's a pity that the restaurant is a little messy and there are more people. He didn't observe any effective information.

   After eating breakfast, they did not have class in the morning, and returned to the Hufflepuff common room under Filch's escort.

   Watching one classmate after another got into the barrel, Jon stayed at the end intentionally or unintentionally.

   The last one got into the tunnel. He didn't climb over, but stayed...for a few seconds, after feeling Filch had left, he climbed out of the barrel again.

   But Jon didn't leave the surroundings... He ran directly to a portrait of a silver bowl full of fruits.

   He sneaked into the kitchen.


   Next to the Forbidden Forest, inside the cabin of Professor Silvanos-Ketterborn, the teacher of the protection of magical animals.

   At this moment, several adult wizards were squeezed into the narrow hut.

Minerva McGonagall, Felius Flivi, Pomona Sprout and Severus Snape, the deans of the four colleges escorted their students and quickly gathered Here; there is also Guidro Lockhart, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

   Professor Kettleborn squatted in the middle of the crowd, carefully observing a piece of blood-stained white paper in his hand.

   "This is the blood stain collected on the spot when Mr. Weasley was killed. Principal Dumbledore asked me to analyze it... I can be sure that it is a kind of snake blood!" His old voice became a little more haggard.

   "So, Sivanos... I should have mentioned to you..." Professor Sprout's voice trembled.

" should be correct..." Professor Keitelburn said shuddering: "A terrifying creature...There are many terrifying beasts and monsters roaming all over Europe, among which the most bizarre and lethal There is nothing more like the Basilisk, also known as the Snake King."

"The size of this snake is huge, and the way it kills is amazing. In addition to its deadly fangs, the stare of the basilisk can also cause death. Anyone who is caught by its gaze will immediately die. Spiders. You will run away when you see the basilisk, because the basilisk is the deadly enemy of spiders, and the basilisk will only run away if he hears the rooster's cry, because the rooster's cry is also fatal to it..."

"Every time there is an attack, the spider will feel fear, and even be scared to death; Hagrid's roosters are all killed because the rooster's cry is fatal to it..." Professor Sprout asked bitterly. .

"Potter and his friends always show up at the scene of the crime the first time..." Snape said in amazement, "Because he is a snakeboy? Can he hear the sound of a basilisk and be attracted to him. ?"

   Professor Kettleborn nodded gently.

"No one has died..." Professor Flitwick lowered his head and analyzed: "Because none of them looked at it directly... Mr. Crevy saw it through the camera, Mr. Finley should It was seen through Sir Nicholas, and Mr. Weasley was through the mirror in his hand... As for Miss Crevat?"

   "Knocker..." Professor McGonagall said: "The reflection through the bronze She was attacked; the doorknocker was damaged."

   "Unbelievable!" Professor Sprout roared angrily: "Such a dirty monster has been rampant on our campus for so long!"

   "We have to find a way to kill it!" Professor Flitwick pulled out his wand from his waist.

   "Is, you are right!" Professor Lockhart stretched lazily, but he noticed the unkind eyes of several colleagues and quickly changed his words.

   Suddenly, a clear explosion made several teachers look at him.

   "What's the matter!" Snape had already raised his wand.

   "Wait... Severus!" Sprout stopped him. "It's a house elf!"

   She turned her gaze to the ugly "little monster" that the phantom had transformed, and asked gently: "What's the matter, Logno?"

   The house elf named "Logno" respectfully bowed to Professor Sprout, and then saluted several other teachers in turn.

"An intruder, she tried to break into Hufflepuff’s common room, and we caught her..." the house elf said with a sharp voice: "According to the usual practice, we will pour her vinegar. , And then let go; but Klein told me that something terrible has happened at Hogwarts recently, and we should also pay attention."

   "So, dear Professor Sprout... I brought the intruder here!"

   While talking, Logno snapped his fingers.

   Six house elves apparated and appeared beside Professor Keitelburn’s cabin. They carried a thin girl.

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