The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 54: Bogut in the closet (part 2)


   The whole class said in unison.

"Very good!" Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "But this alone is not enough... The spell to repel Bogut is very simple, but it also requires the willpower of the wizard; what really scares Bogut back is Laugh, what you have to do is force it to become what you think is ridiculous!"

   "Laughable image?" According to Dumbledore's orders, the whole class bowed their heads and began to think.

   Jon also pressed his lips lightly.

   Bogut will become the image he fears in his heart, what will it be?

   Become a basilisk?

   That's impossible. The only time I faced the basilisk, I closed my eyes tightly the whole time, and I didn't even see what the basilisk looked like... if I really wanted to change, it would only become a black and strange thing.

   Or will it become a zero-point college entrance examination report card?

   So many years have passed since the college entrance examination, even if Bogut turned into a flower, he wouldn't be scared!

   Or is it turned into an AN-602 Czar bomb that has already activated the explosive procedure?

   This... is so big, can it fit in the classroom... And if such a hydrogen bomb has openly appeared in front of so many students, will it affect it?

   Jon was there thinking wildly, and Albus Dumbledore took two steps forward and said:

   "Very good, everyone can try it... Miss Selwyn, would you like to be the first one!"

   Slytherin's first-year girl, Selwyn, took two steps forward bravely, trembling a little, pulling out his wand and pointing to the wardrobe.

"Don't be nervous." Dumbledore comforted: "Imagine what you find ridiculous... Other students, everyone takes a few steps back and gives Miss Selwyn a bit of space... I will call the next student forward. "

   Everyone backed away to the wall, leaving Selwyn to stand alone by the closet.

   Her face was pale and she looked scared.

   "I count to three, Miss Selwyn..." Dumbledore said gently, and he pointed his wand at the closet: "One, two, three, start!"

   A spark shot from the top of the elder wand. The spark hit the handle of the closet door, and the closet door was opened.

   A large golden lion with a smooth body and no mane crawled out of the closet, staring straight at Selwyn, and roaring in anger.

   Dumbledore frowned slightly, and then said, “A Tsavo man-eating lion from Tanzania...Miss Selwyn, hurry up and imagine what you find funny...”

   Selwyn took a few steps back in fright, her wand was raised, but her mouth was speechless and speechless.

   The lion crawled towards her step by step, getting closer and closer.

   "Slip...Slip...Riddiculus!" Selwyn screamed.

   The whole body of the lion was quickly surrounded by flames...It had little hair, and the flames burned out in a few seconds, turning into a cloud of black coal.

   "Hahaha!" The students laughed cheerfully.

   "Good job, Miss Selwyn... Next one, Mr. Smith."

   Zacharys-Smith walked forward.

   The black charcoal that never slipped away from the autumn walked around him twice, and then began to turn into a human form a little bit.

   It became a middle-aged woman in her forties, with sternness and anger on her face...

   The middle-aged woman forced her toward Zacharias aggressively and put her hand in her robe.

   "Mom...Mom..." Zacharias said tremblingly, lowering his head.

   A few Hufflepuff students let out a low laugh, Smith, who looked carefree and fearless, actually feared his mother so much.

   "Don't be nervous, Mr. Smith, remember this is just a Bogut." Dumbledore said lazily.

   Zacharias woke up like a dream, raising his magic wand: "Riddiculus!"

   Mrs. Smith was repelled by the spell a few steps, and then she was covered with butter cake all over her body, and she was wiping around in a daze.

   Zacharias couldn't help laughing.

   All the students laughed out loud, even Jon was no exception.

   Dumbledore looked down at the roster: "Miss Midgan!"

   Bogut turned into a blood-stained mummy in front of her.

   But soon, the bandages on the mummy fell away, and it bumped and fell down.

   "Next... Mr. Avery!"

   The fallen mummy turned into a huge Welsh green dragon, its body almost filled the entire classroom.

   Only a few seconds later, the Welsh Green Dragon turned into a rat with an upside down tail.

   "Bogut has become weak. Next one, Miss Greengrass."

   Astoria was still with Selwyn just now, laughing at the rat that was hanging upside down; she soon walked out of the crowd.

   The little mouse hanging in the air still made "squeak" and "squeak" sounds, but its eyes turned to Astoria.

   It began to deform a little bit again, slowly... This time, it became a mirror.

   Jon frowned, and the students next to him started to whisper.

This is a very beautiful bronze mirror with elegant patterns carved on both sides of the top and many inscriptions; other than that, nothing unusual is visible... the mirror floats in the air, a little bit towards Astori Ya floated.

   But the imaginary phrase "Riddiculus" never came When Jon turned his gaze to Astoria, his face changed.

   "Wait a minute!" he shouted loudly.

Astoria Greengrass's face has never been so pale... She stood there shuddering, sweat lingering from her forehead, trembling all over her body, as if she could not stand at any time. stable.

   "Puff!" With a crisp soft sound, her willow wand fell to the ground.

   Jon couldn't care too much, he rushed out of the crowd and supported Astoria.

   The blonde girl fell into his arms, and Jon quickly hugged it...The girl collapsed weakly in his arms, shaking and crying uncontrollably, her voice full of fear and helplessness.

   She can't even make a sound.

   Dumbledore also came, in fact he was stopped between Bogut and Astoria a few seconds ago.

   The mirror began to deform again, turning into a black misty strange creature exuding a cold air.

   "Riddiculus!" Jon felt a ray of anger in Dumbledore's chanting voice.

   became a silent Bogut, almost crushed by him.

   "Professor Dumbledore, she needs to go to the hospital!" Jon said anxiously.

   "I think you are right, Mr. Hart." Dumbledore nodded solemnly.

   With Dumbledore’s permission, Jon hurriedly picked up the weakened Astoria and walked out of the classroom step by step.

At the same time, I heard Dumbledore say behind him: "Miss Selwyn, please go to the curse classroom and tell Miss Daphne Greengrass to go to the school hospital quickly. Her sister's physical condition has a little problem. "

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