The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 83: Magic Quidditch Ball

   Remus Lupin conquered almost all the students in the school in just a few days.

  He is very knowledgeable, very funny in lectures, and very responsible to every classmate...Of course, the more important thing is to rely on former Dark Demon defense teachers like Lockhart and Quirrell to set off!

   "Professor Lupin is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher I have ever seen...except Professor Dumbledore!" Jon heard this voice more than once.

   I just don’t know if they will continue to make this noise when they know that Lupin is actually a werewolf?

   But it's normal. Werewolves are too dangerous; as long as they are bitten by them at the full moon, they will either die or be cursed! I am afraid that very few people would be willing to stay with such a creature, no matter how kind and harmless he is.

   Jon finished reading the book "Under the Moon Shadow" borrowed from the forbidden book area as early as the summer vacation, and has a certain understanding of the physiological structure of werewolves.

   He also came up with some plans:

For example, taking Lupin’s saliva on the night of the full moon, inactivating it, and injecting it into African green apes or chimpanzees, and then drawing the chimpanzee’s blood... I wonder if we can use such a simple immune method to extract from blood that can resist wolf poisoning Immunoglobulin.

   But the risk of this kind of experiment is too great. With the terrifying power displayed by the wolf poison, you may be infected with a little carelessness.

   So although he has a certain interest, Jon decided to postpone this exploratory experiment until a few years later, and then consider it when his strength becomes stronger.


   Some other courses are basically the same as last semester.

   For example, the curse class and the transfiguration class, which completely followed the content of the previous semester, did not even change the textbook; the astronomy class and the history of magic are basically the same.

   On Friday noon, Jon came to the hall, sat down at Hufflepuff’s table and started eating lunch.

   A large number of students in yellow and black Hufflepuff uniforms entered the restaurant together.

   "Good noon, Jon!" Zacharias-Smith walked in front of the crowd, raising his head high.

   "Hello!" Jon greeted lazily.

   "I said buddy!" Zacharias hurriedly ran to Jon: "Can you just look at me?"

   "Huh?" Jon turned his head in confusion, and asked in surprise: "Are you in the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?"

   "Yes, the pre-selection passed!" Zacharias laughed loudly: "Seeker!"

   "Seeker?" Jon repeated it somewhat incredible.

   "Substitute!" Cedric walked over with the rest of the Hufflepuff Quidditch players, and he smiled.

"Substitute...I'm also a member of the Quidditch team..." Zacharias grinned and said: "There are only 226 second-year students selected for their respective college teams in this century. I am honored to be one of them. member!"

   "By the way, Jon!" Cedric stopped. "You need to retake the flight lesson?"

   Jon was taken aback: "How do you know?"

   "Draco Malfoy!" Cedric glanced at Slytherin's dining table: "When he meets people these days, he will say that you are going to retake flying lessons. Now the whole school basically knows!"

   Jon curled his lips, but he didn't care much about it... Isn't it ashamed to rely on the skill and improve the class?

   "We are going to have Quidditch training this afternoon!" Cedric said with a look of Chen Chen, "Or you can practice together!"

   "Yes!" Zacharias quickly added: "Practice more, it will definitely help your grades."

   Seeing the two people’s sincere expressions, Jon was not too good to refuse, anyway, he didn’t have any lessons in the afternoon... This week, only Saturday afternoon flight lessons and evening potions lessons are left...

   So he nodded: "Okay, thanks a lot!"


   At six o'clock in the afternoon, Cedric and Zacharias returned to Hufflepuff’s common room with a bandage all over their bodies, like a mummy.

   "Huh?" Hannah Abbot in the common room exclaimed a little surprised: "Did you start the Halloween setting so early?"

   "No... Hannah..." Cedric shook his head and said in a low voice, "This is Jon..."

   "Jon?" Innocent Hannah didn't react for a while.

   "Jon Hart!" Zacharias sighed.

   "I was hit by a walking ball four times..."

   "Fall off the broomstick six times..."

   "I hit the goal post once..."

   You and I talked about the tragedy that happened in the afternoon.

   "Jon, are you okay?" Hannah asked quickly.

  "Ms. Pomfrey said, it was all skin can recover after one night of rest..." Zacharias answered for him.

   "It's my fault!" Cedric lowered his head in shame, "I shouldn't take him to the Quidditch training ground... If I don't take him to the Quidditch training ground, I will..."

   "How can there be... Quidditch... such a stupid exercise in this world..." Under the bandage Jon said with a trembling voice, laboriously.

  According to Zacharias's character, he must always come to theory.

   At this time, he just glanced sympathetically at Jon, then shook his head.


   Saturday morning.

   Astoria Greengrass came to the library early.

   "Are you hurt?" She hurried to a desk in the library and asked Jon with concern.

   "It's okay... now I'm almost recovered!" Jon grinned reluctantly.

   Astoria stroked the unhealed scar on the boy's face with some distress, and said faintly, "Let's go find Madam Pomfrey again!"

"No need!" Jon shook his head with a serious face, and then said: "Astoria, through yesterday's events, I have realized one thing...that is, in my life, it should be impossible to pass the flight class. Take the exam!"

   "Don't lose faith like this, Jon!" Astoria said quickly, "Believe in yourself, it's okay!"

   "No, I didn't lose my confidence!" Jon said confidently, "but found a shortcut!"

After    finished, he handed a piece of parchment to the girl: "Look at the part where I drew the circle."

   "Hogwarts school rules Article 67!" Astoria read softly: "Students who have made outstanding contributions to the course can be exempted from passing the final exam of the course..."

   She raised her head with some doubts: "Jon, I don't understand?"

   "Do me a favor!" Jon didn't explain, but he moved his gaze to the pile of scrolls on the desk: "Help me organize the data on these scrolls..."

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