The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 87: Manipulating the patron saint

When he left Quidditch and walked to the greenhouse, Jon saw Draco Malfoy from a distance, surrounded by his two younger brothers Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Gore, back castle.

"My dad is very upset with my injury. He has already complained to the school supervisor and the Ministry of Magic... My dad is very influential, you know." Malfoy exclaimed triumphantly: "That stupid one The big guy actually values ​​Potter so much and dares to ask his pets to hurt me. I'm afraid he will never be a teacher anymore!"

   Malfoy walked crookedly, his right arm wrapped in a bandage and slinged by a sling.

   "Don't you find it awkward to walk like this, Draco!" Jon heard Gore murmur in front of the urn.

   "No, no, it makes me look more like a hero!" Malfoy said confidently, "You, don't understand!"

Jon couldn't help but laugh... Think about it when he was in junior high school, he also deliberately talked back to his teacher, or did some conspicuous and outrageous things in order to get the attention of others...Secondary is everyone's life The only way to go!

   "It's you!" The laughter obviously caught Malfoy's attention, and he turned his head and stared at Jon fiercely.

   Obviously Malfoy recalled that unbearable memory in the carriage the day before school started.

   "Good afternoon!" Jon greeted with a smile.

   "You **** mud... coward, liar, idiot..." Malfoy scolded viciously.

   Jon glanced around, did not respond, and continued to walk towards the castle.

   "Crabbe, Gore... teach him!" Just as Malfoy gave the order.

   "What happened?" A gentle voice came from behind them.

  Professor Remus Lupin glanced at Crabbe and Gore, who were tensing their muscles, and asked with some confusion.

   Crabbe and Gore both stepped back quickly...They didn't have the guts to type in front of the teacher.

   "Nothing, Lupin—Professor!" Malfoy deliberately said the soundproofing between the two words very long, then swaggered away.

  As he walked into the castle, he deliberately said loudly to Crabbe: "He wears worse than my house elf..."


   Jon noticed that Lupin was behind, so he ignored the Malfoy trio and went straight back to the castle.

   He had to go to Snape's office for "potions tuition" at 7 o'clock in the evening, but now he still has more than four hours.

   Jon carried his bag to the front of the responsive house on the eighth floor, looked around and waited until there was no one, opened the door and walked in.

  Only in the responsive room, he can read and study quietly without being disturbed by anyone.

   After a year, he has been innocent and innocent if he has the use of the responsive house. Except for the plane that hides things, for the other common planes, Jon only needs a thought to change the space.

Jon carefully read the new textbooks "Standard Spells, Level 2", "Elementary Transformation Guide-Volume 2" and "Defense Against the Dark Arts Basics"... During the summer vacation he encountered some accidents, so he did not do well. Preview.

   Hogwarts courses are not heavy, and the teachers are not strict at all... Many students can spend most of their time on Quidditch, and then copy their classmates’ homework!

   But Jon is different, he is the one copied. Hufflepuff’s second-year students like Zacharias, Steven and even Eloise all count on copying his homework to deal with the teacher.

   When it was almost six o'clock, Jon repacked all the books into his backpack.

   He walked out of the responsive room, went to the lobby to eat something, and then walked to the potions teacher's office in the basement.


   At 6:55 in the evening, Jon arrived at the door of Snape's office on time.

   He knocked gently on the door.

   "Come in!" Snape's greasy voice came from the room.

   Snape's office was as dim as it always was, and the hundreds of glass bottles filled with specimens were still on the bookshelf as if they hadn't been moved.

   Severus Snape was deploying potions there.

   The crucible in front of him was cooking several herbs...Unfortunately, Jon didn't even know any of them.

   "Professor, what is this?" Jon asked curiously.

   "Wolf's poison potion!" Snape said coldly, "A potion with a very complicated brewing process!"

   Jon frowned, no wonder... The wolf poison potion can be said to be one of the top potions, and there are probably not many wizards in the world that can configure it, otherwise the werewolf would not be so dangerous.

   Jon wanted to go over and take a look, Snape had roughly covered the cauldron.

"Wolfsbane (Wolfsbane) was taken a week before the night of the full moon. Even if the werewolf becomes a wolf, the werewolf will remain sane, making the extremely dangerous werewolf slightly safer; his inventor is Damcos Bell Than..." Snape said as he took off his dragon leather gloves.

  Joon was taken aback for a moment, he didn't ask about the effect of the wolf poison potion!

   And it seemed that the configuration process was done a long time ago. Snape seemed to have deliberately opened the lid of the crucible to arouse his interest.

   However, he was relieved soon.

   "Professor, could it be that one of your friends is a werewolf, and he is too pitiful..." Jon whispered.

   "Shut up!" Snape gave him a vicious look: "Hart, think about it before you speak!"


   Fortunately, Snape didn't have too much obsession with the wolf poison potion. Soon he took Jon and left his office.

   After passing through a few corridors, they came to a familiar classroom... the practical classroom of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

   Snape walked forward a few steps, then turned around and said:

   "I don't understand why Professor Dumbledore asked me to teach you the'Patron God Curse'. In my opinion, this should be the responsibility of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" Snape's face showed contempt:

   "But since you are here, I just hope you be a little smarter, don't make me feel ashamed!"

"The patron saint is a reflection of all your most positive emotions, so before release, you need to remember the happiest thing in your mind..." When Snape mentioned the "happiest thing", Snape paused for a moment: "It Eventually, a semi-figurative positive force can be evoked to drive away some disgusting creatures, such as the dementors hovering around our school."

   "Professor, do you hate dementors too?" Jon asked with a naive face.

   "Shut up, don't ask questions!" Snape gave him a vicious look, which was acquiescence.

   Jon smiled secretly.

   "Now, Hart... show me!" Snape suddenly changed his face and ordered.

   Jon curled his lips, then drew out his wand and carefully aimed at the open space.

  Since Snape is by his side, even if the magic is out of he can safely summon his patron saint and see what's wrong with it!

   "Expectopatronum!" he shouted.

A dazzling silver light appeared at the end of his wand, and the entire room seemed to be surrounded by this silver light, filled with a warm atmosphere... Then, a huge silver shadow sprayed out from the end of his wand... …Then slowly condense into shape.

   Strangely appeared again, Jon once again felt that his two legs became too soft; his right hand holding the wand also began to tremble a little...

   "Idiot!" I only heard Snape's angrily: "You are controlling the patron saint, not the patron saint controlling you... Restrain your wand, don't let the patron saint drain your magic!"

   Jon's expression was shocked, he quickly took a deep breath, trying to control the emission of silver light.

   Unfortunately, a few minutes later, he failed...

   Only a clear explosion was heard, and the guardian **** of the iron-eater was not formed before it was fried into silver powder.

   Snape frowned. He didn't speak, as if thinking about something.

   "Professor?" Jon asked softly.

   "Don't bother me, Hart!" Snape said coldly.

   A bottle of crimson potion flew in front of Jon.

   "Resuscitation potion, drink it, and wait for me here!" Snape left a sentence and walked out of the classroom.

Jon quickly picked up the bottle of potion... The resuscitation potion is a very advanced potion. It is necessary for sixth-grade students to pass the OWLs exam to be eligible to learn in potions class. It can restore a lot of power for a wizard; If you had this kind of potion in your hand during the summer vacation at Charing Cross Road, you wouldn't be so embarrassed.

   drank a whole bottle of medicine, and his physical condition seemed to improve a lot.

   Snape also hurried His cold voice commanded: "Go on!"

   "Expectopatronum!" Jon began to call his patron saint again.

   "Relax!" Snape's voice came from behind.

   "Don't try to control your patron saint..." Snape continued: "Assuming your wand is not in your hand, relax your body completely!"

   Jon was taken aback, this was almost the opposite order from the previous one.

   With the flickering of the silver light, the guardian of the iron-eater appeared in front of Jon again, and it looked a little bigger than before.

   "An ugly bear!" Snape curled his lips. Obviously he didn't recognize the iron-eater... He continued to order: "Communicate with your patron saint, Hart, don't order it?"

   "Communication?" Jon was taken aback again. The book "Summoning the Joy in Your Heart" that he borrowed from the forbidden book zone did not mention communication with the patron saint from beginning to end.

   But he still did, put down the wand in his hand and looked straight into the eyes of the patron saint, Jon tried his best to calm his emotions.

   The patron saint seemed to have realized something too. It ran to Jon lightly, stretched out its furry paws, and touched Jon's face... and then it landed on all fours and ran around Jon.

   Without trying to order the patron saint, Jon no longer felt the pressure from the patron saint, but a very relaxed feeling...

   I don't know how long it took before Jon took back his patron saint.

He succeeded! What he summoned this time was not a mobile explosive bag, but a complete patron saint.

   looked back--

   Severus Snape had already left, no one was seen.

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