The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2113 The Collapse of Fairy Mu Gui

Her orders are mainly conveyed through the internal communication device of the Qinglong warship. Since there are more than a hundred warships, they are conveyed in different levels.

More than a hundred war ships were divided into four teams, and each team was divided into the lower layers. This was transmitted layer by layer. By the time the signal reached the lowest war ship, the upper war ships had already begun to use assault guns to attack the Zerg!

Such signal transmission speed does not have much impact on the current battlefield, but if it is placed in a wider interstellar space, such control will definitely not be able to keep up with the ever-changing situation on the battlefield.

But this is already one of the top flying boat teams in the Xuanling world. All configurations have reached the advanced level of the fairy world, and the people who control it are also experienced and extremely high-level people.

Therefore, it is unlikely that level three civilizations want to travel through the universe, and it will be difficult for them to get out of the world at their own level.

Putting aside everything else, if their spaceship encounters a spacecraft of level 4 civilization in space, it will be difficult to match them. After an interstellar war, the entire army may have been wiped out!

For higher-level civilizations, people from lower-level civilizations are like ants in their eyes. If they don't like them, they can be exterminated easily. It just depends on your luck.

Of course, not every person with advanced civilization is a vicious person. Higher civilization and stronger strength also mean that they have greater confidence, and they will not be so direct and rough in dealing with others, attacking and killing them. If you can't beat them, just run away. This is exactly what some space pirates do.

People with truly high-level civilizations will respect the rules of the universe more, and will also respect or protect people with low-level civilizations, because they understand that without these low-level civilizations as the support at the base of the tower, the civilization on the top of the tower will one day find itself Too lonely, there is no meaning in living.

However, just as where there are people, there are top, middle and bottom, and there are good and bad people. As long as there are some bad people, they will pose a threat to all the good people.

The same is true for each level of civilization, because there will always be some evil forces, there will always be some careerists and space pirates and the like. They are not only a great danger to people of low-level civilizations, but also to It is also a great unrest factor for the positive forces of this level of civilization.

Therefore, for people with low-level civilizations, the best strategy is to keep a low profile and hide their traces, and then work hard to improve themselves as quickly as possible and jump over the huge gap between civilization levels. Entering a higher level of civilized world is the best way to protect yourself!

However, people in low-level civilizations often do not have this awareness, and some of them even try their best to send information about their own civilization to the outside world for some purpose.

It's their business to seek death themselves, but it's a deep sadness for others because no one can stop them from doing so...

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

Each Qinglong warship team received the order from Fairy Mu Gui and launched assault cannon attacks one after another. Although these artillery fires were not as fierce as the fairy cannons, they were better than being able to stop. After a group of assault cannons were fired, they needed to be cooled down and recharged. When it was possible, another group of attacks could follow up, which caused the insect vortex to be continuously hit. Some weaker insects on the periphery could not keep up with the large army, and were hit by assault cannons and died!

The insects continued to fall down, and the insect vortex master saw that it was not good. They instinctively gathered closer and closer, which further improved the defense of the insect vortex and made the flyby faster. The fairy army was chasing while chasing. While shooting, the energy consumption increases and the speed decreases unconsciously...

Suddenly, the speed of the insect vortex suddenly increased. After throwing away a large number of low-end insects, the main insects all condensed into a top-shaped flying boat and quickly disappeared from the sight of the fairy army...

"Oh my god..." Everyone was shocked!

I didn’t expect that the Zerg tribe would have such a powerful escape weapon. It’s so outrageous!

Fairy Mugui covered her mouth with one hand, with an incredible look in her eyes...

Shang Wang, Zhang Liang, Yi Kuan, Zhan Yi and others were all stunned. They completely refreshed their understanding of the Zerg and raised them to the same level as themselves.

It turns out that I really underestimated the Zerg!

It is precisely because of this that they are passive everywhere. With so many Qinglong war boats encircling and suppressing a group of Zerg, it has lost more than half of its main force...

"Aunt Mu, what should we do now?" King Shang came to his senses and asked.

"Let's not chase for the moment! We must first study the Zerg carefully and find their weaknesses. In addition, we must search for our lost fairy arrows and take stock of our remaining combat power..." Fairy Mu Gui sighed.

"It should indeed be so!" King Shang agreed.

The fairy army quickly carried out the order of Fairy Mu Gui. Many fairy boats were sent out to search for fairy arrows, while others cleaned the battlefield and collected insect corpses for research...

Soon, Fairy Mu Gui investigated the consumption of the fairy army this time, and the result drove her crazy. The fairy arrows were almost all consumed, and only one third of the fairy catching nets were recovered, and the fairy catching nets recovered could no longer be used. , because all the net spirits in it are useless.

This situation is the same as the recovered fairy arrows. The arrow spirits in the fairy arrows are almost completely useless. Moreover, the number of recovered fairy arrows is only 10% of the original number. The rest are either lost or must have been devoured by the Zerg.

In addition, the shooting of the assault cannon also consumed a large amount of spiritual crystals and fairy stones, which caused the combat readiness level of the Qinglong War Boat to drop sharply!

"Impossible! How is this possible?!" Fairy Mugui screamed, feeling extremely incredible about this situation!

Based on her many years of experience in leading troops, she has never been so depressed. The enemy did not capture many enemies, but her own losses were far higher than expected. If this continues, not to mention defeating all the Zerg races, I am afraid that they will not be able to defeat them. Several Zerg teams, but I don't even have the energy to escape...

King Shang, Zhang Liang and others were also speechless for a moment, as if their hearts were pressed by a huge stone...

Seeing this result, a strong sense of crisis suddenly enveloped these leading figures.

The problem now is no longer how to defeat the Zerg one by one, but how to defeat the Zerg simply and effectively, while maintaining its own combat readiness level. Otherwise, before long, the combat power will decline, and the fairy army will encounter a strong counterattack by the Zerg. It will be miserable then...

"Aunt Mu, do you want to go and see those insect corpses?" King Shang asked tentatively after receiving the message from the army.

"Insect corpse..." Fairy Mugui felt a sense of nausea in her heart, and her expression was slightly stunned.

Normally, she would have stayed away from the insect corpses, but now the situation was pressing. As a coach, it was impossible not to do some research, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go!"

When everyone came to the place where the insect corpses were piled up, an extremely disgusting smell hit their faces. Fairy Mu Gui and the others quickly secretly used their magical power to seal off the smell sense.

However, if the smell cannot be smelled, a research project has been lost. In addition, if it can be seen with the eyes and touched with the skin, it is still very uncomfortable...

Seeing bugs during the war was not a big deal, but now after seeing their corpses with their own eyes, everyone was instantly stunned by the bugs they had never seen before!

These bugs are extremely ferocious in appearance, their bodies are jet black, mixed with some different body colors, their bodies are very hard, sharp as fairy weapons, sparkling...

Looking at their bodies, they all seem to have internal spaces of different sizes. Some humanoid bugs have internal spaces comparable to those of immortals, which shows that their bloodline level is extremely high...

In addition, Fairy Mu Gui and others also discovered that those humanoid bugs seemed to be born hermaphrodites. Although not in a perfect state, they could ensure that they could reproduce on their own. In this way, as long as one such bug escaped, it would not take long. , it is possible to reproduce a large group...

Looking at the source of their power, we found that their power is almost concentrated in the spiritual part, and the brain is a huge proportion. It is no wonder that they can gather powerful power of the soul to directly freeze the net spirit and arrow spirit, allowing the immortal army to Both the Immortal Net and the Immortal Arrow were declared useless...

Everyone felt a chill coming from the bottom of their hearts, and the coldness spread all over their bodies!

Where did such terrifying bugs come from? !

It is impossible for a bug of this level to be born in the spiritual world, because this bug is simply much more powerful than the famous fairy bugs in the fairy world!

Fairy Mu Gui's delicate body trembled slightly, her expression was extremely cold, her teeth were chattering, she couldn't speak, she looked like she might have collapsed...

This scene fell into the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and they almost burst into laughter!

"Sir, they have only now realized how powerful the soul worms are. It's really pathetic!" Xiaoxing teased.

"It's no wonder they are the ones that the great soul master Tuke spent countless efforts to cultivate, and they have gone through countless generations of reproduction and evolution. Now even Tuke can't control them..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"If Fairy Mu Gui and the others knew that these soul bugs were only the visible parts, and that there were also a large number of invisible bugs, they might be scared to death, right?" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Looking at their looks, I'm afraid this is really the case! The power of the soul worms is beyond their imagination. Therefore, our last victory was by no means as simple and easy as it seemed on the surface, but a real victory. !" Li Yun said proudly.

"Of course! If we hadn't thoroughly studied all the soul worms, we wouldn't have been able to wipe them all out with that method! If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid they would have been even more embarrassed than the Immortal Army..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Okay, let's not brag. We have now completed the creation of the teleportation formations in the Phoenix Territory and the Dragon Territory. The next step is to go to the Tianshan Mountains and the Boundless Sea. I hope that after they are completed, we can catch up with the big event in the Great Triangle area. Encirclement and suppression!" Li Yun said.

"From a time point of view, it should be possible, but if we complete it sooner, we will have more time to arrange it calmly, and the certainty will be greater!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That makes sense!"

"I hope the immortal army can survive until then..."

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