The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2125 Zhan Wanli who fled

Before Xiaoxing intervened to give guidance, the Xianjun was like a blind man in the back world of the spirit world, acting purely on intuition. Moreover, he felt that the Zerg seemed to be getting more and more powerful, and the psychological pressure was also getting greater and greater.

For life, the most terrifying thing is not the known things, but the unknown things. Because of the unknown and lack of understanding, people can imagine it to an extremely terrifying level, so they will become more and more afraid.

Just like people in the mortal world imagine ghosts, since they cannot be seen or touched at all, mortals will imagine things like spirits to be extremely scary, and sometimes they will be scared to death.

The Immortal Army also imagined the Zerg in the same way. After being frustrated, they began to be wary of the Zerg. Even An Yi and Mu Gui were no longer calm and calm.

And because the research on the Zerg has not made much progress, the more research they do, the more advantages they feel, making the entire fairy army fall into an inexplicable panic...

However, after cooperating with Li Yun, the Xianjun soldiers finally slowly regained some confidence!

In some recent operations, An Yi and Fairy Mu Gui, under the guidance of Xiaoxing, actually eliminated several groups of small Zerg, and their own losses were not too great, which greatly boosted the morale of the fairy army!

The two finally regained the exhilarating feeling of being powerful and fighting on the battlefield in the past, and their mood was extremely high!

Of course, the two of them also admired Xiaoxing, who they thought was Ling Daozi.

They found that after Ling Daozi's guidance, their sense of control over the world behind the spiritual world greatly increased, and before long, they had a basic understanding of the situation in this world.

The number of Zerg is indeed huge, but it is relatively scattered, which is conducive to the development of the strategy of defeating them one by one.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon, because the Zerg are constantly moving, dividing, reuniting, gathering and dispersing. If the information cannot be tracked, it will soon become a mess, just like before.

But now with Ling Daozi's light screen guidance, they not only know the Zerg's actions very well, but can also make predictions, which is of great help in carrying out their own actions!

It can be said that with the help of this information and the abilities of An Yi and Mu Gui, the Xian Army will not be too embarrassed, and winning one or two battles is not a big problem.

Now, the fairy army maintains a continuous attack on the Zerg, which has caused the Zerg everywhere to get the message. Of course, they also feel something bad. Unexpectedly, this fairy army becomes more and more courageous as it fights.

If they are allowed to continue like this, the future of the Zerg will be extremely bleak, which is what the leaders of the Zerg do not want to see.

They hate the Immortal Army with all their heart, and the conflict with the Immortal Army has reached the point of life and death.

Yes, either the immortal army will die or the Zerg will die. The leaders of the Zerg tribe made up their minds and began to gather on a large scale, actively looking for the immortal army for a duel!

This ending is exactly what Li Yun and Xiaoxing want to see...

The mountains are rolling, the peaks are towering, the sea of ​​clouds is vast, the sky is misty...

Li Yun looked at the scene in front of him and felt infinite emotion in his heart. Zhuan Tianshan really lived up to its reputation.

Along the way, besides mountains, there are still mountains. There are mountains outside the mountains, and peaks beyond the peaks. There is no end!

I don’t know where the highest peak is, because almost all the mountain tops are hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, and the depths of the clouds are unknown...

"Xiaoxing, are we almost covering this area?" Li Yun sighed.

"Almost! It's almost enough to build three more formations here." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What? You want three formations?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"Yes! The mountains here are too dense and there are many blind spots. One formation cannot take care of them. Only three formations can achieve the purpose of control." Xiaoxing explained.

"It makes sense, it seems we will be busy for a while..."

"Sir, there's a situation!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"What's going on?!" Li Yun was startled.

Xiaoxing opened a light curtain, and what was playing on it was a complicated and chaotic scene, while the background was the magnificent scenery of the Tiantian Mountain.

Li Yun looked at the panicked flying birds and transformed people among them, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Are these people trying to escape?!"

"My lord is right! They are indeed fleeing, and they are being chased by a group of soul insects!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"It's a soul insect again?! It actually came to this mountain!" Li Yun was stunned.

"We previously discovered that there was a small group of Zerg in the Zhuantian Mountain area, and now it seems that they are stronger and more ferocious!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Eh?! There's a human race among them?" Li Yunhui's eyes flashed and he said in surprise.

This situation is really surprising, because the Zhuantian Mountain area is extremely dangerous and very few lives live here. Li Yun has been here for a while and has not encountered any life inhabiting it, but he did when he was building formations in the surrounding areas. It has been found that Chongming birds, including the real bird family, live in the Chongming Mountain area, but it is still quite far away from the core area of ​​Zuantian Mountain.

Therefore, the lives that appeared in Zhuantian Mountain were either relatively small groups, or a few scattered people, as well as some very high-level life races. Human races with lower blood levels had never been seen before. Unexpectedly, among these fleeing lives, , unexpectedly discovered a human race, what a small surprise!

The light curtain kept approaching, and the human being was continuously magnified, and finally he could be seen clearly. He had a leopard-like appearance, a face full of beards, but a chubby figure and a well-fed body.

What's even more amazing is that he was surrounded by, or escorted by, a group of strange-looking birds.

"These birds...couldn't they be the ring-eyed silver-backed falcon of Zhanshan?" Li Yun quickly identified them.

"That is indeed a Ring-eyed Silver-backed Falcon, but it is not from Zhanshan." Xiaoxing said.

"Of course, the falcons in Zhanshan are not of such a high level. It seems that they may have been tamed by this person. However, it is not an easy task to tame such a large group of ring-eyed silver-backed falcons..." Li Yun pondered.

"Hehe, he is a professional falcon breeder. He is an old friend of Zhanshan named Zhan Wanli. Zhanshan's ring-eyed silver-backed falcon was purchased from him." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's it! I didn't expect that he would go to Zuantian Mountain to raise falcons. It's really impressive!" Li Yun praised.

"Your Majesty, you have forgotten that he is helping us raise falcons right now. Last time we asked Zhanshan to place a big order for him. He took our deposit and has not yet delivered the goods."

"Yeah..." Li Yun quickly remembered this.

He immediately called Zhan Shan out of the Universiade Palace and told him about the matter.

Zhan Shan didn't expect that he would come to the legendary Zhuantian Mountain. He couldn't control his excitement. When he heard that Zhan Wanli had been discovered, he immediately wanted to go find him to get the bird.

"Don't worry, Zhan Wanli and the others are fleeing now..." Li Yun reminded.

When Zhan Shan saw the light curtain, he was startled and said anxiously: "Sir, what is going on?"

"They are surrounded by Zerg!"

Li Yun's location was not too far away from those people. Through the information transmission of the underground network, he had basically seen the situation clearly. Zhan Wanli and the others were running away frantically in front, while the soul worms were chasing after them in a leisurely manner, but this It does not mean that the soul worms will allow these people to escape. On the contrary, they have already made arrangements, and there are soul worms lying in wait everywhere around them, just waiting for these people to fall into the encirclement...

"Oh my god! Will the adults save them?" Zhan Shan asked.

"Of course! These Zerg tribe actually came here to harm the living beings, it's really too rampant..."

Li Yun took Zhan Shan and Sheyang into Xingyun No. 1 and flew forward...

Although these Zerg are small in size, they are already very powerful. They drive them everywhere, making it difficult for some powerful figures and local creatures living in seclusion in Zhuantian Mountain to resist, and they all join the ranks of the refugees. The scene is as chaotic as it sounds. How chaotic it is, and Zhan Wanli is just an insignificant part of it.

No one knows where these terrible bugs come from, but everyone who encounters them has now become their prey, so no one dares to hesitate at all, and they all do their best. The ability is to fly and escape, fearing that once exhausted, it will be eaten by insects...

In order to escape, these people can be said to have used all their magic weapons. Some wield swords, some use flying talismans, some use their own magic weapons, and some use their naturally strong wings. Some have lower cultivation levels and do not have advanced flying magic weapons. People are now in danger, because the distance between the insects behind them is constantly getting closer...

Although Zhan Wanli is not very good at cultivation, fortunately he has his own domesticated silver-backed falcons. It feels good to be escorted by these falcons, so he still has time to observe everywhere to see where it is safer to fly.

What he was observing was naturally the falcons he had arranged a long time ago. Due to his large amount of domestication, many falcons basically flew in the air, forming an extremely huge net, which played a role in monitoring, and the monitoring The scope is extremely wide, reaching an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles in radius.

It's a pity that such a giant net cannot warn the insect disaster in advance. It should be that the ring-eyed silver-backed falcon does not know the soul insect at all and is not aware of its serious threat. It was not until a falcon was devoured by the insect that it realized the serious problem. , and quickly issued a warning, which allowed Zhan Wanli to escape first, otherwise, with Zhan Wanli's cultivation level, he would have fallen into the worm's belly.

"No! Why do insects seem to be found everywhere?" Zhan Wanli saw the flying posture of those falcons and immediately understood what they wanted to express, and couldn't help but feel panicked.

Looking at this situation, no matter which direction you flee, you will encounter Chong Chong. Isn’t that the end? !

He immediately passed on the situation. Since many people here knew him and knew that he had the ability to monitor, everyone was shocked when they heard what Zhan Wanli said!

Unexpectedly, those Chongchong had already prepared, and actually set up ambushes in all directions, and then came to drive away the crowd. This was a rhythm that wanted to catch them all...

"It's over, it's over..."

"Where did these damn bugs come from?"

"We can't run away anymore! Let's fight them!"



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