The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2197 Immortal Realm Reserve Team

Some time ago, Shi Kan kept a few of Li Yun's pills and studied the secrets of them desperately. However, what made him feel incredible was that no matter how he tried to explore, he could not penetrate the outer layer of the pill!

Later, it was confirmed that there was actually a protective formation on the outer layer. This formation seemed to be naturally formed during the refining process of pill pills, but it was of extremely high level!

This alchemy technique surprised Shi Kan!

Because he has never seen that the outer layer of pills can form a natural protective formation. Generally speaking, few people will set up protective formations for pills. If they do, they should be carved on them later with the power of fairy spirits. Rather than being naturally formed.

However, Li Yun's elixir opened Shi Kan's eyes, and he realized that if the elixir refining technique is clever, the elixir can naturally form a protective formation when it comes out of the furnace to ensure that its color, aroma, taste and The freshness is not affected!

Shi Kan was extremely impressed, but he understood that such a refining technique could not be developed in a short time. Now that he was on the battlefield in the demon world, he did not have enough time to study it. He could only wait until he returned to his own power in the fairy world. carry out this matter.

In addition, due to being blocked by the formation, Shi Kan's attempt to study the composition ratio and elixir theory of the elixirs failed. Therefore, he could only suggest to King Shou to purchase a large amount of Li Yun's elixirs to treat plague patients.

After King Shou listened to his words last time, he was naturally willing to buy Li Yun's pills so that he could take them back to the fairy world and make a fortune. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep even one of the first batch of pills he purchased, and they all went to the demon world. The powerful mouth of the clan.

This time when Yu Jiang came again, Shou Wang of course quit. After buying a large amount from Yu Jiang, he kept more than half of it. The remaining few pills were reluctantly given to Shi Kan to treat patients.

This was of course what Li Yun had expected, and it didn't matter to him. Just as he said to Yu Jiang, the more people this pill could cure, the better it would be for his vitality and medicine. Even if he was If Shou Wang buys it, it will also fall into the hands of some patients in the future, and the benefits cannot escape.

But Li Yun gave Yu Jiang a sufficient amount of pill pills this time in order to eliminate the plague disease in the demon world, so it must be given to those patients. Therefore, after selling a batch of pill pills to Shou Wang, other This goal was achieved through the hands of Yu Jiang and Shi Kan.

Shi Kan naturally knew the value of these pills. Seeing Li Yun's people-oriented approach, he was moved to tears. Of course, he did his best to sell pills for Li Yun, and only charged one high-grade demon crystal for each pill. This was very important to the various demon clans. It's not a big burden to say.

The treatment operation was carried out quietly. After taking the pill pills, the bodies of the plague patients from various monster clans were recovering rapidly. The effect could be described as the pills curing the disease, which shocked Shi Kan extremely!

Thinking of the plague that he couldn't deal with despite all his efforts, but Li Yun had solved all the problems with just one pill, Shi Kan felt extremely ashamed and helpless, and became even more interested in this magical pill. He devoted all his energy to it. I also bought a large number of pill pills from Yujiang. On the one hand, it was naturally to hoard and make a fortune, and on the other hand, it was also for my own research...

After the demon plague patients took the elixir, not only did their pain disappear, but they also felt that their energy and condition were better and stronger than before the illness. They couldn't help but be ecstatic. They were grateful to Yu Jiang and Shi Kan, and prayed for their blessings. , no end!

The recovery and enhancement of the demon clan's combat power has greatly improved the overall strength of the fairy army, because the demon clan is no longer a burden, but an effective assistance, and even the marching speed is much faster...

This situation caught the eye of Shou Wang, Wu Ling and others.

I am happy in my heart that I finally no longer have to worry about the safety of the demon clan. In the future, there will be many more powerful cannon fodder to fight against the Zerg clan...

"Sir, the immortal army is in much better condition than before, and is already qualified to be a good bait!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's true! A team of millions of monsters is no ordinary person. They can resist several Zerg teams..." Li Yun agreed.

"My little slave also discovered something!"

"what's the situation?"

"A group of war boats appeared near the entrance of the Demon Realm's passage to immortality. They seemed to be of various kinds, but they should undoubtedly come from the Immortal Realm." Xiaoxing said.

He fired the light screen, and sure enough, the war boats at the entrance were of various kinds, different from those in Xianting, but some of them were quite distinctive.

"It seems that these war boats are not sent by Immortal Court. What are they here for? Are they also here to suppress insects?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"It can be confirmed from their conversation that they are indeed here to suppress insects. However, they are mainly children of the major forces in the immortal world, and they have also recruited many folk wild immortal masters to form a team together. The purpose is to come They assist the Immortal Army in exterminating insects and protecting the demon clan, while the purpose of those folk wild immortals is more pure, which is to gain military merit and gain the opportunity to enter the Immortal Class..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's it! It seems that the action of the Immortal Army this time must have attracted widespread attention in the Immortal World, and everyone wants to join in the fun." Li Yun suddenly said.

"These war boats are basically a mob. The major forces are not convinced by anyone, and their actions cannot be unified. Now they have already become a quarrel when they arrived in the demon world. They don't know which direction to go..." Xiaoxing reminded.

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this. Forget about such reinforcements. Basically, they just want to join in the fun, reap the benefits, and get a share of the pie. If they really encounter the Zerg, they will suffer!

In addition, the appearance of these war boats may also distract the Zerg, thereby affecting the progress of their own side's plan.

"How about using the words of King Shou and Wu Ling and asking them to wait at the entrance so as not to disturb the situation in the demon world!" Li Yun thought.

"That's what the adults are saying! In fact, it's too late for them to come here now, because the Zerg on that side have basically been attracted to this side by the fairy army. They may not see many Zerg, or even see them at all! Xiaoxing smiled.

"That's good, but their arrival also has certain benefits, that is, it can give us a general understanding of the major forces in the fairy world. You can collect a lot of information from their war boats and their conversations... "Li Yun muttered.

"Hehe, that's right, they are simply an exhibition for all the major forces, delivering goods to your doorstep..." Xiao Xing said happily.

He immediately sent a talisman to the group of war boats, telling them to organize and wait where they were, and wait for an opportunity to move!

At the same time, the underground network was mobilized to increase monitoring of them and collect information...

After receiving the letter talisman, the leaders of each warship were greatly surprised. They did not expect that Prince Shou Wang and Commander Wu Lingwu would receive the message so quickly and send instructions, so they immediately gathered together to discuss.

For them, when they arrived in the demon world, they had to obey King Shou's instructions. If he hadn't discovered them, they could act as they pleased. But now that King Shou had discovered them and issued instructions, it was best to obey them. , Otherwise, the Immortal Army has strict discipline, and if one person is not good enough, he may lose his head, which no one wants.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to doubt the authenticity of this letter. Such a letter talisman is not a piece of cabbage. It does not exist in the demon world. It is sent by no one except King Shou!

After discussion, these leaders decided to stay put and wait...

However, what troubled them was that within a few days, the wild fairies they had recruited couldn't bear it anymore and came over to ask why.

For these wild immortals, their fighting enthusiasm is much greater than that of the children of the big forces, because they do not have mountains to back them and can only rely on their own struggles to accumulate military merit and achieve their goal of entering the immortal class.

If you keep waiting like this, when will you be able to achieve military success?

Wouldn't it be a big joke if he returned to the fairy world without even killing a single insect?

The leaders of the major forces also felt a little helpless when faced with this group of excited wild fairies. Of course they understood the thoughts of the wild fairies. Besides, their own power issued a recruitment mission and had to pay to recruit them. If this is the case, If you let them stay, the money your own power spends will be wasted...

So, while they took out King Shou's order to suppress the wild immortals first, they gathered again to discuss countermeasures.

At present, the major forces have formed the first group, including the Xuannv team of Jiutian Xuannv, the Ehuang team of Western Ehuang, the Zixia team of Dongxia Zhenjun, the Bodhi team of Bodhi Zen Immortal, and the Shanhui team of Master Shanhui. Team Hui, and Team Hanshan of Shenjun Hanshan.

Of course, there is also the Xianji Team of the Xianji Department Yuan Yixianzun, but they play more of a role in making plans. Everyone knows that fighting without information is impossible, so the Xianji Team is mainly responsible for information collection and war planning. of.

The role of the Xianji Team is relatively obvious and its positioning is clear, so it will not compete with other teams for leadership, but the other six teams in the First Group are different. They are just like Xiaoxing said, no one obeys anyone, because everyone Behind each team are powerful forces in the fairy world, each commanding a side of the fairy land. They are so awesome!

Even the Immortal Court had no way to deal with them. When the Holy Emperor saw the founders of the big forces, he had to smile and treat them as honored guests, because the rule of the Immortal Court also needed the support of pillars like them.

And now, these big forces did not disappoint the Holy Emperor. They spontaneously organized a team and went to the Demon Realm to help the Immortal Army destroy the Zerg. From this point of view, they still stood with the Holy Emperor, which was worthy of praise.

Due to the special status of the major forces, they have no reason to listen to the orders of people from other forces. People from each force are extremely confident and believe that only they can lead these reserve teams to defeat the Zerg and help the fairy army.

Now, the leaders of the seven major forces are gathered together. Their faces are as dark as water, and they are extremely scheming. The atmosphere is almost frozen. If people with insufficient cultivation are here, I am afraid they will also be affected by their Qi. solidification…

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