The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2204 Super Worm Swirl

This strategic change of the Zerg can also show that their level of evolution has been extremely high!

An initial strategy cannot govern a long-term war. As time goes by and the situation on the battlefield continues to change, strategies and tactics must be adjusted accordingly. This is a manifestation of flexibility.

Obviously, the Zerg have performed well enough in this regard.

The powerful people of the Zerg race knew that the reason for arranging the decisive battle in Huangquan Daze was because they misjudged the strength of the fairy army and thought they were very powerful, so they decided to go all out and conduct the decisive battle there in order to take advantage of the harsh local conditions to lock down the enemy. Live in the immortal army's war boat, so that you can give full play to your own advantages.

But if we really do that, the Zerg themselves will suffer huge casualties. This is unavoidable, because the harsh conditions are the same for both sides. Although the Zerg is sure that they can keep out the cold, that is also for the realm of cultivation. For the higher-end insects and most of the low-end insects, it is extremely difficult to withstand the severe cold of Huangquan Daze, and most of them will be swallowed up by it...

Therefore, the decisive battle in Huangquan Daze was a fierce battle that killed one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses. The result was probably that both sides would lose, which is what the Zerg do not want to see now.

Therefore, after seeing clearly the strength of the fairy army and the demon clan, the Zerg immediately adjusted their strategy, which was to pursue and intercept them. As long as they were entangled, I believe they would not be able to escape!

In this case, the Zerg can destroy the immortal army and demon clan without having to pay such heavy casualties. At that time, as long as the immortal army and demon clan are devoured, it will not only be beneficial to improving the realm of cultivation, but it will not be a problem even if they have to leave the demon world...

In fact, what they don't know is that their accomplices from the demon world have already entered the interstellar space before them...

This seems to be a fate after the birth of the Soul Zerg. Due to their huge number, they need to constantly devour resources to maintain their scale in order to maintain and improve their combat power. Therefore, they cannot stay for a long time no matter which interface they are in. The final result will inevitably be Entering interstellar space and constantly migrating between various living interfaces.

This is a bit like a demon locust clan that once appeared in the demon world. After destroying one area of ​​vegetation, it will move to another area to continue destroying vegetation, becoming an extremely disgusting insect clan in the demon world. Fortunately, this demon locust clan itself is too powerful. Weak, and their lifespan is relatively short, they always disappear automatically after a period of time, and will not reappear until a certain time.

But the Soul Zerg tribe is different. They are powerful, even more powerful than the Immortal Army, and their devouring ability is even better. They can eat almost everything, even the Boundary Trees will not be spared. I am afraid that when there is no vegetation left, they will even eat the soil. Eat it all!

This is one of the reasons why they can rise so quickly in a short period of time!

It can be said that with their development up to now, they are almost no weaker than the original Tiantian Dou. If the Tiantian Dou had not been greatly evolved in the hands of Li Yun, I am afraid that even they would not be able to become the nemesis of the Zerg.

It can be seen that saying which race is the nemesis of which race also has timeliness, regionality and individual differences. It is not always the case. In nature and the law of the jungle, the relationship between prey and hunter is always stimulating each other. , promote each other, and even transform each other.

If a race does not want to make progress, indulges in entertainment, and indulges in enjoyment, it will abandon its martial arts and degrade its spiritual intelligence. It will easily change from a hunter to a prey in the eyes of others, and it will not be far from annihilation...

At this time, the Zerg army has been completely formed, like a huge whirlpool dancing in the air, transforming into a huge black bird, chasing the group of incomparably small fairy army and monsters!

The majestic, thrilling and exciting scene makes everyone who sees it fall in love...

Everyone in Xingyun No. 1 was dumbfounded.

Screaming again and again, face flushed, sweating all over...

Zhifeng, Ruan Yingxiong and others could not even continue to recite sutras. They were shocked to see this unprecedented scene, and their whole bodies were shaking. They felt that they were so weak, just like a speck of dust, in such a huge There is nothing in front of the whirlpool, we can only let it flow north, south, west and east...

But there are some people who don't believe in this evil. Of course, they are Li Yun and Xiaoxing. This huge vortex was originally formed under their guidance. Now, they are using the small fairy army and the demon clan to The team leads the direction of the whirlpool dance. The scene will never stop until it is amazing. They just want to perform this good show to the end and make everyone marvel at it!

However, they themselves have no time to enjoy such a chase show. Instead, they are processing the massive information coming from all parties extremely quickly, and calculating an optimal route from these extremely complex data to guide the immortal army and The way forward for the demon clan team!

I saw this team sometimes turning to the left, sometimes crossing to the right, sometimes raising up, sometimes diving down, as fast as a meteor, and as powerful as lightning, bringing the advantages of the war boat to the extreme!

Some of the demon clans are disadvantaged in flying, but these demon clans are integrated into the war boats of other demon clans so as not to slow down the overall speed.

The demon clan's war boat is not their advantage. They can reach the current level naturally because of the addition of fairy stones as energy. At the same time, under the guidance of the fairy army's war boat, the entire team has formed a potential energy, so it can exert Beyond the normal level!

"Sir, it's a good thing that Huangquan Daze is coming soon. Otherwise, if they keep flying like this, these monster war ships will soon fall apart, and many monsters will fall into the insect's mouth..." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, I can already feel that their war boat is about to have problems..." Li Yunhan said.

"Don't worry, Xiaonu's calculation will not go wrong, and it will not collapse before reaching Huangquan Daze..."

"I hope so…"

In fact, even Xiaoxing cannot completely guarantee that his calculations are correct. If some demon war ships collapse in the process, there is nothing that can be done. After all, it seems unlikely that there will be no casualties in such a war.

I saw the sharp arrows of the immortal army and the demon tribe riding the wind and waves, across the sky. Under the guidance of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and with everyone's prayers, they finally roared into the Huangquan Daze area, like a spinning top. Spin!

The Zerg from all directions also poured into this space almost at the same time, and then swirled, forming a huge rotating lead cloud. The control area was getting larger and larger, and it was pressing down hard!


The lead cloud is so huge and thick that it has formed a terrifying potential energy. Even the Zerg army itself cannot control it to slow down. All the Zerg are mixed in it, screaming crazily and spinning involuntarily, faster and faster...

This is an insect vortex that has never been seen before. In other words, all the Zerg teams gathered together at this time and turned into a super insect vortex!

Everyone is confused!

With the super insect whirlpool in Huangquan Daze as the center, the surrounding air rotates in circles like waves, expanding outwards, endlessly...

The fairy army and the demon clan team were like the top point of this super insect whirlpool. They turned lower and lower, and kept drilling down, until they finally submerged into the surface of the lake below and disappeared! ! !

The super insect whirlpool seemed not to notice this, and continued to spin endlessly, making a horrifying whistling sound that was terrifying to hear...

The birth of the super insect vortex was not unexpected, but was within Xiaoxing's calculation model. However, this insect vortex was different from the insect vortex actively formed by the Zerg. It was formed passively, and even the Zerg themselves could not control it. In fact, they It has become a mess, and even all the original team organizations have completely fallen apart. Therefore, not to mention the soul power cannon, even the soul power shield cannot be formed. Many low-end insects cannot adapt to this extremely terrifying insect vortex and have fallen into coma. Falling down…

But compared to such a huge insect vortex, these fallen people are almost a drop in the bucket and cannot be seen at all.

The formation of the super insect vortex was very beneficial to Li Yun and Xiaoxing's capture operations, because the insect vortex formed a terrible potential energy, which brought all the insects in, and was fixed in the underworld by the sharp thorn of the fairy army. Above the marsh, it is impossible to fly out and escape. In this way, the Chaos Formation can take the opportunity to activate and cover the entire Zerg army!

Not a single Zerg can escape, and every one of them is spinning involuntarily in this super insect vortex, and many of them have fallen into a state of confusion!

This situation can also be found in many events where crowds gather too much. The more people there are, the more likely they are to squeeze, collide, trample on each other, and have difficulty breathing. In this way, people are more likely to fall into coma and have accidents. In such events, many people It is precisely because people are confused that they cannot help themselves and cannot escape...

Li Yun immediately began to control the ventilation. For the current situation, he could ventilate safely and boldly, much faster than the previous two times in the spirit world, because there was no need to worry about what the Zerg would find, and he only needed to maintain the formation inside and outside. The air pressure can be balanced.

A large amount of chaotic gas poured into the formation like the Yangtze River, and the original gas in the formation was pumped into the Tianyun World, and the conversion speed was unparalleled!

"Great! If this continues, it will only take one day!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Indeed, the Zerg are now collectively in a state of confusion and unable to resist..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"It's so perfect, even Xiaonu himself has to brag about it!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"It's really dangerous this time. All the monster war ships have collapsed. If it were delayed for a moment and a half, I'm afraid they would all be in the insect vortex at this time, which would be very troublesome..." Li Yun wiped his sweat and said .

"Hey, they are also great fortune tellers! Now they are all watching in the small space we temporarily opened..."

There is a small space at the edge of the Chaos Formation. The fairy army and demon clan team that just disappeared into the underworld are hiding here. Everyone looks at the huge dark cloud that is spinning crazily in the distance and feels that they are Trembling all over...

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