The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 136: The Youngest Daughter...

Haru sat there on the bed next to Mei and talked for hours. They shared stories from each other's past and talked about the future. Haru wasn't one to really talk with people but he was forced into a situation where that was his only option. 

He didn't want to be the weird relative that didn't talk to anyone so he tried his best to relate to her life as they talked. As Mei was mid-sentence the door to her room shot open. 

"I thought I told you to stay out of my room? I can do my own laundry!" A youthful yet angry voice emerged from the doorway as the younger of to the two sisters came in to start an argument with her older sister.

"I didn't touch your things. It must have been mom. Go and take it out on her, I'm busy." Mei said back as the girl walked into the room. 

Her hair was dyed a bright shade of red and her face was pale with makeup. She looked like she was trying to stand up to the beauty standards and her clothes were all designer branded. 

She looked at Haru for a minute as she stepped into the room and then looked back at Mei before taking another look at Haru. She couldn't believe her eyes. 

'Mei brought a guy home? I wonder how dad will react when he finds out? But… Isn't he a little too handsome?' She thought as she looked at the boy sat beside her sister. 

"Does dad know?" Yun asked Mei with a suspicious grin forming on her face. 

"Does dad know what?" She asked in confusion. She had no idea what she meant. 

"That you brought a guy home. You know what he always warned us about." Yun said with a smirk. 

Mei looked at Haru for a moment and that back at Yun who was still stood in the doorway before bursting into a fit of laughter. Yun didn't know how to react. At first, she thought that Mei was crying but when she began to point at her while clutching her stomach she knew that she was being laughed at. 

"What's so funny? I will really tell him that you have a guy in your room." Yun said now looking slightly frustrated with her sister's lack of seriousness. 

"Oh really? Then go ahead and tell him. He was the one who picked him up from the train station this morning." Mei laughed some more at her sister. 

"What!? Why would he do that?" Yun asked in disbelief. 

Mei carried on laughing before putting her arm around Haru's shoulder. 

"Because this is our cousin. Haru… Who did you think he was?" Mei asked trying to hold in her laughter once more. 

"Our cousin…? You mean the one who got into some kind of accident so he couldn't come over?" Yun asked. She looked back at Haru for a moment and inspected him for a few seconds. 

"Do you really expect me to believe that he just magically got better and ended up here without me knowing? You are just trying to trick me so I don't tell dad aren't you?" Yun asked again without giving Mei a chance to reply. 

"I actually woke up a few days ago. It wasn't anything serious so I had Zen let your dad know when to pick me up from the station." Haru made his way into the conversation since he saw it was going nowhere and It kind of irritated him to have people talk about him when he was right in front of them.

"Hmm… So you are saying that you just woke up from a coma and then decided to take a train to another city right away? Do you really expect me to believe that? She must have told you exactly what to say didn't she?" Yun didn't believe a word that Haru said. 

"Well, I had to attend university at some time, didn't I? I wanted to go right away so I didn't fall behind the rest of the class. If you don't believe me then feel free to ask your dad." Haru insisted and then stared blankly at the girl in the doorway. 

"You know what? I will do just that… DAD!!!" She said before screaming. A few seconds went by before her fathers running footsteps came from the kitchen and then to the room they were in. 

"What is it now? I swear if you two are fighting again!" Andrew said before appearing at the door behind Yun.

He looked down at his daughter and then into the room where Haru sat next to his other daughter. He then noticed Haru's hair.

"You let Mei cut your hair? She's great, isn't she? I let her cut mine all the time." Andrew bragged and then patted the top of his head. 

"Yeah, I needed to get it cut eventually so I thought why not now?" Haru laughed as he answered Andrew.

Andrew smiled before turning his attention back to Yun who hadn't said anything about why she called for him to come over. 

"So what is it?" He asked. 

"Wait… He is really our cousin?" Yun asked with panic now showing on her face. She was sure that he wasn't so she decided to tell him that he was lying. Now she felt embarrassed to learn the truth. 

"You mean Haru? Yeah, of course, he is your cousin? Did you think I would let any random boy come into my house and sit in the same room as my daughter?" Andrew laughed and then looked at Yun while she squirmed for a way out of the awkward situation. 

"Is that all you wanted? Why couldn't you just ask your sister?" Andrew said with a sigh as he looked down at her once again.

"Yeah… That's it…" Yun said and hung her head in shame. 

The scent of something burning rose from the kitchen once more as the smoke alarm began to scream out. Andrew looked back toward the way he had just come from. 

"Oh shit… I left your mom alone in the kitchen." Andrew said before taking off running back into the cloud of smoke. 

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