The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 141: Roommate.

He followed the rest of his class out through the same door that he had entered the building and then looked around for Yun, But she was nowhere to be seen. 'She said she would be right here' He thought before pulling out his phone and checking the time.

It was eleven thirty-eight and he thought he remembered hearing someone mention that classes would be three hours long in the morning all the way up to twelve o'clock.

'So I have half an hour to kill while I wait for Yun's class to finish? I wonder what I should do?' He thought while still holding the stack of paper his teacher had given to him. 

'I guess I can't carry this around with me all day. I might as well go and see my room also. I don't even know if it is furnished.' He wondered as he decided to make his way back to his dorm that he had only stepped foot in for less than five minutes. 

He made his way over to the building and then pulled out his key once he reached the door. It was only then when he realised the sticker with a number three written on one of the keys. He opened the front door and then walked inside. 

It was silent inside giving the impression that no one was inside but Haru felt someone's presence in there with him. The had almost no Qi at all so it didn't raise any red flags until a bang sounded out from one of the rooms like something had fallen over. 


"What the fuck! You were supposed to have my back! I died for no fucking reason!" A males voice shouted out from the room with marked with a number two on the door. 

"I don't care if you didn't see him! You should have been covering our backs… Dude, whatever. I'm going to make some food." The voice called out again before the sound of something sliding crashed against the wall followed by footsteps along the creaky floorboards coming closer and closer to the door. Suddenly the door handle clicked and out stepped a man who looked to be in his early twenties. 

"What the fuck! Who are you!?" The man jumped as he saw Haru standing in the doorway. He pressed himself against the wall before taking deep breathes. 

"Fuck, You're the new guy aren't you? You almost gave me a heart attack." The man said as rainbow coloured lights flooded out from the room he just came from. 

Haru laughed in response. 

"Sorry about that. I was just looking for my room. I didn't get the chance to look around yesterday I just dropped my bags off." He said before lowering the stack of papers in his hand. 

"Don't sweat it. You are just around the corner." The man then pointed down the corridor where it seemed to open up into a bigger room.

"Thanks." Haru nodded in response and then made his way down the corridor. The man followed behind him almost uncomfortably close. 

"The name's Ah Jin. But you can just call me AJ… And you are?" He asked after not getting a response as he stated his name. 

"Haru Kitagawa," Haru said as he turned the corner seeing the white door with the number three painted on it. He then pulled out his set of keys and put the one with the number marked on it into the lock before turning it. 

A click resounded from the lock before the door whined open with just the slightest push. Haru looked around his new room. It was empty. The only things in his room were a wooden desk that was screwed into the wall and what looked to be the remains of a bed frame from the previous tenant. 

"I have a lot of work to do." He said aloud as he looked at the empty room. He then pulled out his phone and searched for stores that sold mattresses. He found one that looked like it would fit and ordered it with his card. He made sure to click the option that was for same-day delivery. It was a little more expensive but it didn't matter since he needed a bed in his room.

He then opened a map and looked for the nearest supermarket. There was one less than a mile away from the university so he memorised the route since he would have to go there to buy things such as bed sheets or even a laptop to help him with his classes. 

He then walked over to his locker and brought his belongings into his room and then locked them inside. 

"Hey, You hungry?" AJ asked from the couch that was in the centre of the room.

"Hungry? I'm starving." Haru laughed and then looked down at his phone. It was almost time for classes to end. He would need to go back and meet Yun soon. 

"Good. I was thinking that we can go and get lunch together. Think of it as roommate bonding time." AJ laughed at his own joke as he offered to grab lunch with him. He then cast his gaze up toward the door that was on the other side of the room marked with the number one. 

"I don't know what time roomie number one gets back but he isn't really the talkative type if you know what I mean?" He laughed again before awaiting Haru's response. 

"You want to get lunch together? I mean we could but I have to meet my cousin first if you are okay with that. Then sure." Haru smiled and then looked back at his phone. There were only five minutes left until Yun's class would finish. 

"You're cousin goes here too? That's nice and sure I don't mind. The more the merrier. Let's go." AJ then raced off back to his room to put on his shoes and a jacket and then met Haru by the door. 

The walked over to the science department while discussing each other's lives. AJ was twenty-three years old and was majoring in computer programing. Haru shared a little information about himself before they arrived outside the building. 

"You and your cousin are both majoring in chemistry. You must be pretty close if you both decided to take the same subject." AJ said and then looked back to Haru just as the doors to the building opened up and a sea of students made there way out like water rushing from a broken dam.

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