The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 146: Let the massacre begin.

The earth shivered beneath his feet as his Aura grew stronger. The blades of grass around him wilted under the pressure being released from his body as he walked ever closer to the entrance to the gate and the sounds of crackling rung out from his body. 

"Haru stop right now! You will lose yourself if you carry on like this." Li Jun called out as he appeared in front of him.

Haru looked up to see Li Jun. 

"I'm fine. I'm just testing how much power I will be able to release. I won't go overboard, In fact, I feel like I still have a lot of power in reserve." Haru smiled as he continued onwards toward the gate.

"Wait you are conscious? I thought you had been possessed by your rage. It looks like I worried for nothing…" Li Jun sighed and then vanished. 

Haru was angry. But not nearly angry enough to lose himself to rage. Although it seemed like he had nothing to be angry about but, in fact his rage came from his past life. He hated to see civilians killed or even tortured and would always end up causing a scene. And it seemed that after all this time he still felt the same. 

He increased the power of Qi surrounding his body a little more before he reached the gate. And then he stopped. The cursed man that had led him here looked on from a distance so he could avoid the massacre that was sure to happen. But he wondered what was happening as Haru stood in front of the gate.

He then raised his hand and knocked on the gate. With each knock, his hand pounded against the wood with a bit more force. The sounds were fierce, almost like he was beating a drum before a battle.


The knocks echoed throughout the compound, Alerting everyone inside of the intruder waiting at the gate. It sounded like there seemed to be some kind of commotion from within as they decided who would be the one to open the gate.

But a few minutes passed and there was no sign of them coming to greet him at the gate. Haru brought his leg up to waist height and then kicked out toward the wooden boards. With another bang, the door split in half and rained splinters of wood along the streets as they shot out in all directions like shrapnel from a grenade. 

He heard screams from the people within as chunks of wood struck them all over, some were even impaled by large splinters that flew out from the initial blast. 

It seemed like someone was stood directly behind the gate as Haru kicked it open since there was the body of a man hung from the side of a building, held in place by the thick piece of wood that had ripped its way through his chest. 

Blood covered the floor as the group of eleven people in the immediate area crawled along the ground. Some of which succumbing to their injuries and being the first victims of the onslaught to come.

Most of the sect members got to their feet and attempted to make a retreat. But Haru wouldn't let that happen. They had most likely murdered hundreds of innocent people and used their bodies for rituals. He didn't put it past them to keep live captives. So to him, these people were the worst kind of scum. It wouldn't mean anything to him to give them what they deserve. 

As they retreated from him, he held out his hand and outstretched his fingertips as the light began to shoot out from his storage ring. Hidden beneath the brightness of the light Haru drew the sword as he reached out to grab it and in a single step he travelled fifteen metres into the compound. 

The people were all stood behind him, But not for long as one by one they dropped to the ground. Each of the sect members had a large gash along their throats and blood began to pool beneath them as they gasped for air. 

He looked back at the eleven bodies he had already piled up in under three minutes. "I wouldn't mind killing you all three hundred more times. I hope the souls of those you killed can now be at peace knowing you have joined them in the afterlife…" Haru muttered to himself as the last bit of life drained from them.

Suddenly the sound of tiles breaking sounded out from behind him and the sound of something heavy being dragged across the stone floor brought him back to the current situation. It was all still far from over. 

Haru turned to see the biggest looking man he had ever seen. He was over ten feet tall and heavily muscled. His gut stuck out from his clothes making him circular in shape and his face was covered with a burlap sack. He dragged a metal ball with spikes all around it from a chain, ripping up the ground as he walked closer and closer. Haru made eye contact with him for a second before making his mood. 

Qi gathered all around his body before he disappeared in a flash. The man with the chain looked all around but there was no sight of Haru anywhere. It wasn't until he heard the sound of water dripping below him that he looked down.

Haru stood with his sword outstretched towards the man's chest. He held the hilt tightly yet the blade had disappeared into the man's body. The man coughed heavily causing blood to leak through from inside the sack covering his face and stream down his body. 

"You just…" The man's voice sounded gentle and sweet but that changed rapidly as he screamed out in pain. The noise was so loud that it caused Haru to cover his ears. In doing so he opened himself up to an attack. 

Before he could even block. The man's fist had made contact with Haru's body and sent him flying back out through the gates that he had just come from. His body slid across the damp soil for a few seconds before he stood back up. 

The punch hadn't injured him at all but the force was enough to send him flying. 

The cursed man watched on in horror as the man with the sack over his head stomped out into the open field. 

"Why him? Why him of all people!?" The cursed man kept repeating to himself as all the confidence he had in Haru's strength vanished. 

"Haru! Runaway. He is like me! He is a reanimated corpse too! There is no way to kill him, You can't win!?" He shouted out from the rock that he had found to hide behind. 

"I can't win? Maybe I won't be able to kill you but I wonder what will happen if I cut off all your limbs?" Haru looked up at the burlap sack wearing corpse before him and then his eyes locked on to the sword still stuck in his chest. 

He then reached out toward the sword and dashed toward it as fast as he could. 


A blast of dust shot up into the air as Haru's body was sent flying through the air once again. As he slid across the soil once more. A thought came to him. 

'He thinks I can only use my sword to fight… So he is trying to keep me from getting to it. But what if I…?' Haru thought before jumping to his feet and testing out his new theory. 

As the dust settled he could see the behemoth of a man stood there covered in his own blood. He then continued on toward Haru as soon as he found where his body had landed. 

He locked eyes with him from beneath his mask and then began to speed up. He now ran toward him full force with every step making the ground shake.

"Get out of there! It's okay! You don't need to die for my revenge! You can have the stupid stone!" The man shouted out from behind his rock once again as he doubted Haru's strength. But he had yet to try his plan that he had just come up with. 

Haru stood his ground as the giant sprinted towards him. He simply held out his arm and swiped it across in a horizontal pattern. A void corridor opened up over the man's head and then he immediately closed it. 

His body fell lifeless as his head disappeared from his shoulders into the abyss. He stopped mid-stride falling forward and then tumbled across the ground, Making a deep trench as the weight of his body ripped up the grass and soil from the ground, in turn, showering Haru in dirt. 

The man's lifeless body stopped just before Haru's feet as all of the blood began to drain from it. There was no longer any Qi surrounding his body and the curse seemed to be lifted. 

It seemed well preserved before but as the curse lifted, the smell of rotten flesh took over as the body began to break down into little chunks. The soil began to shift as maggots and other insects crawled toward the body and began to devour it. 

He stepped over the lifeless corpse while making sure not to make any more of a mess to his clothes. As he got far enough away from the stench produced by the rotten pile of meat, he used Kun's power of fire to purify the dirt and any other filth that might have stuck to his clothes. 

His body seemed to be engulfed by golden light for a brief moment before he walked back toward the gate.

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