The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 170: Goahen.

As Haru lay on the floor recovering from the information being burned into his brain a ringing sound came from the front door. It almost sounded like a phone ringing. He got to his feet with difficulty as his body was drenched in sweat and then approached the front door where he saw a control panel looking thing next to it with a screen.

The ringing sound seemed to be coming from that and when he took a closer look he noticed that little green and red buttons had lit up on the screen with the words "Answer or Ignore" 

'Is this one of those doorbell security systems?' He thought before swiping up on the answer button to see who was calling at this time of the night. As soon as he answered a view of his gate opened up where he saw an elderly woman stood in a nightdress at the gate. 

"Hello? I was just stopping by to see if everything is okay. My husband and eye heard a lot of screaming and saw a bright light…" The woman spoke into the microphone of the camera as she knew exactly where it was. 

'Nosy neighbours… Great…' Haru thought before answering here.

"Yeah, Everything is fine. I was just watching a movie and turned the volume up a little too much. Thank you though." He replied to her and then ended the call. The camera remained on for him but the sound was just cut off. As he waited for her to walk away he felt unnerved as she just looked up at the camera and shook her head in disapproval before walking away.

"Did she know I was still watching her?" Haru thought before Li Jun interrupted him once again. 

"Here. I will give you all night to memorise it." Li Jun held out a dark green book with a scaled pattern on it, much like the scales that were on Lao's body. 

"So this will teach me everything?" Haru asked while inspecting the book. It was pretty thin. No more than ten pages in total and he doubted that it would have everything that he needed to be able to read and write the language.

"Well. Yeah, the book is filled with all three hundred runes with translations in Halran underneath them and a list of how they are used with each other in the back three pages. If you already know how to speak the language it should be easy for you to learn the runes. 

"If that's all I will go. I still have some things to talk about with Lao." Li Jun stated before vanishing back into the golden ring on Haru's finger. 

Without skipping a beat Haru took the book into the living room and sat down and opened the first page to see that the weird shapes similar to what was written in the soul tempering grounds were now readable and he could understand them just as much as he did with Japanese and Chinese. 

The book was split into two parts like Low had said. The first part was all of the runes like the alphabet and the second part was information on how to use them in conjunction with each other to create words. But since Haru knew most of the words all he had to do was use the runes and put them in order to what they sounded like when he spoke.

Which was easy since the goahen language had no two runes that sounded the same. After about two hours he became confident enough to try writing words for himself. He took a pen and sheet of paper from his bag that was still at the front door and then sat back down. 

He started simple. With words for specific foods, colours and numbers. He wanted to make sure that he got them all right. But as he was writing down words he got the idea to write a sentence. So he pulled out one of the science books that Suyin had bought him before he started college and decided to translate a few sentences to Goahen before asking Li Jun if they were right. 

"Black holes are so dense that not even light can escape its surface." He wrote down on the paper in Goahen. The language of dragons. Although Li Jun did warn him that the words alone held power. Haru didn't know enough about the power and mistakenly wrote down something he shouldn't have.

The room began to vibrate as the paper collapsed in on its self. Leaving behind what looked to be a small circle no bigger than the head of a pin. But the pulling force was so great that the coffee table he was using to write on was picked up into the air before warping into a thin line and fading into the small circle. 

"Li Jun! I fucked up! Help, I fucked up!" Haru shouted as loud as he could, almost forgetting to use his spiritual sense to communicate to him within the ring. 

"What did you do?" Li Jun sighed as he appeared before him. Just as he appeared a few books from the bookshelf in the corner of the room flew over and condensed themself into a size small enough to enter the tiny black hole in the living room. One by one the floorboards began to pop as the screws that held them in place were sucked into oblivion. 

"Fucked up is an understatement!" Li Jun shouted in disbelief before holding out his hand toward the tiny dot. And just as soon as it appeared it vanished from existence. A little trail of what looked to be black smoke came from Li Jun's hand but gave out a strange feeling it was like it was the embodiment of rage.

"What were you doing!? How did you manage to create a black hole?" Li Jun asked angrily. He had never seen such a mistake before. He handed Haru a book and he almost created a world-ending catastrophe. What kind of incompetence was this?

"You told me to learn the language so I tried to translate a few sentences…" Haru tried to make an excuse but nothing came out. He realised how stupid what he had done was. He was warned about the power the words held but underestimated it severely.

"I'm sorry…" He hung his head in shame when he couldn't think of anything else to say. 

"Well, As long as you know what you did wrong I can't be mad." Li Jun said and then stood there assessing the damage to the room. 

"So much for your new house huh? This place is going to need refurbishing already." Haru laughed before raising his hand once again. A faint golden light beamed out from his hand and the things in the room began to organize themselves and went back to their original place. 

"I can't recreate the stuff that vanished but this should help you out a little" Li Jun smiled. But something didn't quite sit right with Haru.

The black smoke that came from Li Jun's hand. He felt like he had seen it somewhere before. 'That wasn't smoke… It was a mist.' Haru thought as he realised what the black mist was. 

He remembered back to when he helped transport the coffin to the black star sect. The black mist that took on his form when he approached it was the same mist that came from Li Jun's hand. 

"That black mist…" Haru stated with suspicion. Li Jun turned his head with questioning eyes. 

"What about it?" He asked nonchalantly like it didn't matter to him. 

"I've seen it before. When you were "sleeping," The sect master of the black star sect asked me to visit him and when I decided to I joined a transport convoy to get there. They were carrying a black coffin filled with that stuff…" Haru said with even more suspicion. Did Li Jun lie about sleeping all that time? Was he actually awake and stole it or something? 

"A coffin filled with chaos… No… How could that end up here? Where did you take it to?" Li Jun asked with an expression that made it seem like he was scheming something. His eyes widened and mouth formed a sinister grin. 

"I'm not sure. The sect master hired a group of mercenaries to transport it and they were the ones to unload it too. But it sounded like he wasn't going to get rid of it if that's of any help?" Haru didn't know what Li Jun was thinking but he was sure that he wanted to know more about the mist he called chaos.

Well, that settles it. After we find a new body for Lao we will go and pay a visit to the sect master…" Li Jun smiled the same sinister grin as he spoke and then looked out to the garden through the window in the living room. 

"Do you think you know enough about Gaohen to be able to set a simple array yet?" He asked with his left brow slightly raised and then looked back at Haru. 

"If it's not too difficult then I should be able to." He answered proudly. After all, it wasn't every day you came across someone could master an entire language within a couple of hours. He had every right to be proud. 

"Come on outside. Let's see if you're right." Li Jun slightly doubted him but he didn't let his hope fade. Haru had surprised him many times up to now so he knew that if he did manage to set an array it would be a sight to see. Even he didn't master array creation until he was one hundred and thirty-eight years old. 

And Haru claimed to do so after only two hours. It was simply unthinkable but he kept his mind open before leading Haru out into the back yard and pulling out another sheet of paper. With words written in Goahen on it. 

"Write whatever I tell you to" He smiled and then held the paper up so he could see the words for himself. It looked like it was his first time seeing this too as he squinted. 

"Okay here take this." He then handed Haru a calligraphy brush of his own with a pot of ink that smelled like lemons.

"Start when you're ready." He smiled and watched as Haru dipped the brush into the ink.

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