The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 172: Are you okay?

"Hey… Are you okay?" Haru asked as he saw the tears streaming from Li Jun's eyes. He had known his teacher for almost four years and had never seen him become even slightly emotional to anything. But he was crying after seeing that scene play out in front of him.

Li Jun looked up at Haru and made eye contact with him for a split second before turning around as fast as he could to hide his face. 

"Yeah, I just have to do a few things." Li Jun replied quickly and then disappeared back inside the dragon emperor ring. Haru stood there speechless. That was one of the weirdest interactions he had had with Li Jun since knowing him but he guessed he was probably embarrassed about being seen crying. If someone of his age even got embarrassed?

As Haru stood there contemplating what could have gotten Li Jun so upset the doorbell rang out once again. 'What is it this time?' He thought as he went back inside his house and walked toward the same control panel from earlier. He looked on the screen and swiped up on the accept button.

"Excuse me. Some of us are trying to sleep. Can you stop with the flashing lights? Or else I will call the police." The same old woman from earlier on in the night had come back to the front of the gate but this time with her husband who was standing behind here. 

Haru looked at the clock built into the gates control panel and noticed in the top corner it said that it was four A.M. 'Why are they still awake at four A.M? There lights definitely aren't bright enough to shine through someone's curtains. So that means they have been spying on me…' Haru thought as he knew for a fact that both times the light was only faint. 

"Stop being so nosy and go back to sleep. If you spy on me again then I will be the one to call the police." Haru said back through the control panel and then ended the connection between the gate and his house. 

A few seconds went by before the control panel rang out again. Haru was quick to decline it before the sound could ring out for long and then walked into the living room and switched on the TV but as soon as he did the control panel rang out again. 

Haru put down the remote for the TV and walked back to the control panel before this time answering it. 

"Now listen here. No one speaks to my wife like that. The last person who spoke to her like that ended up going missing so I would watch your tone if I was you." This time the old man standing beside her stepped up to the camera and shouted. 

Haru remained silent for a few seconds as he looked the man up and down through the camera. He didn't recognise him at all and as he spoke it sounded like he was struggling to come up with a threat. This man was definitely a nobody but was trying to act tough to assert dominance.

"Okay. I might have been a little rude to your wife so I apologise for that. But the closest house is more than fifty meters away from mine so if you saw any light or heard any screaming you must have been watching my house. So the point still stands.

If you invade on my privacy again I really will call the police." Haru sighed. And then ended the connection again. And went back into the living room and sat down on the couch to relax.

'It feels empty here… I got used to living in a house full of people. This just feels like I'm all alone now.' He thought as he tried to distract himself with the late-night comedy shows. But that was no use. The loneliness crept up on him once again so he had no choice to enter his soul ocean for some company. 

He brought his legs up onto the couch and then crossed them before closing his eyes and entering his soul ocean at the perfect time to see Kun swoop down from the sky and fly over his head with a roaring screech. 

"Hey Kun, How's it going?" Haru asked but there was no reply. He hadn't spoken to Kun in a while so he figured that he was mad and didn't want to talk to him anymore. 

"Okay… Nice talk." Haru laughed at himself as Kun flew off into the distance. 

'I should probably start training with void corridors again. It's been a few days since the last time I used it.' He thought about all the things that had happened over the last few days. The people of shanghai were really keeping him busy and he had no time to practise. He just hoped that his new home would provide a quiet place for him to train. 

He spent a few hours hopping around his soul ocean using void corridors until he was taken back to the real world by the sound of his phone this time. He looked down at where he had left it on the couch next to him and saw that it was Yun who was calling. 

"What does she want?" He said out loud before answering.

"Hello?" He asked before his eardrums were almost destroyed by here voice shouting down the phone. 

"Where did you go yesterday!? My dad said he got a phone call saying you walked out of class and then he saw you at a party later on that day where you got into some trouble with a gang! Where are you? Are you okay?" She asked in a rushed voice. She sounded genuinely worried for him which made him feel bad about being disappointed to receive her phone call. 

"It's fine. I got a little upset about what I saw in class and then when I got back to the dorm an old friend invited me to a party. And when I got there someone picked a fight with me. It's nothing to worry about." Haru eased her worrying by making it sound less exciting than it actually was. 

"Is that so? Then where are you now? Your roommates said that you got an eviction notice last night… You didn't sleep on the streets, did you? You know you could have stayed with us if you had no place to go." She asked this time sounding a little less worried but more like she pitied him. 

"I saved up some money when I lived with Zen so I decided to buy a house. So I'm at home. Well, my new home." He said and looked around at the fully furnished mansion. 

"You bought a house?! How much money did you have?! Property prices in Shanghai are almost three times the amount as they are in Shenzhen how could you afford a house here?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well, I worked a lot when I was living with Zen. So I had quite a lot…" Haru said. He wasn't lying but it was less like working and more like people giving him things for his services or out of respect. He felt a little awkward claiming that everything he had was earned by him but he couldn't tell her the truth. She wouldn't even believe it if he told her.

"Then where is it? I want to come over and see if you are really okay. Send me the address. You can show me around once I get there." She said with a little bit of doubt in her voice but she sounded interested to see where he was. 

"Okay, then I will see you when you get here." He didn't give her time to say anything else and then hung up before sending her the address. He decided to take a shower and change clothes before she arrived since it would be weird to be wearing a suit in your own house and then carried his bags upstairs to chose a room for himself.

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