The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 187: Disappointment.

Ryan woke up in shock as the whole bus shook around before coming to a complete stop against an old oak tree. He looked over at Haru he remained unfazed by what had just happened. He continued to sit with one leg over the other as everyone else was thrown into disarray.

"What the?" Ryan said while looking at Haru sat calmly like nothing had happened when suddenly another jolt hit the bus as the sounds engines could be heard revving through the now broken windows. 

Ryan jumped to his feet and opened the briefcase that he kept by his side. A flash of light appeared as a sliver metallic gun similar to the one Haru had gotten from his Lux when he was younger came out and appeared in his hands. 

"I will explain everything later I just need you to follow my instructions," Ryan said to Haru as he looked down upon the other people who were all laying on the floor. The side of the bus in the centre had caved in which had sent them all to the ground as they took the full force.

Haru sighed upon seeing how disorganised these people were. They weren't special forces or they would have all been on their feet by now. They barely acted like PMCs which only left the conclusion that they were regular bodyguards.

Haru had severely overestimated them. He thought for sure that they would be enough to take care of any problem that would arise but that didn't seem to be the case. 

But as he looked over the people in the group he noticed five or so men including the one with the scar on his face all lined up with their guns ready. They seemed to be the real deal unlike the mess of civilians on the floor. They had already taken the two girls by the hand and were guarding them in a circular formation.

"Sure," Haru stated in response to Ryan who then led him to the front of the bus where they met up with the men and the two girls.

"You did a good job rookie. I thought for sure you would be just like those failures. But I'm glad you took the initiative to protect the civilian." The man with the scar praised Ryan as he met up with them. 

"Thank you, sir, but what do we do now? Do you know what is going on yet?" Ryan asked as he didn't have time to assess the situation for himself.

The man with the scar sighed and then pointed to the window.

"We are surrounded. Look at all those headlights out there. They have at least five cars full of people. And then that truck managed to run us off the road is also an unknown factor." He spoke with anger in his voice as he saw the obvious disadvantage they were at.

"Then what do we do sir?" Ryan asked once again. His training probably hadn't covered what to do when you are surrounded and outnumbered by hostiles but the man who was leading them had obviously been in this situation before.

"I have three options in mind. But the outcome won't be good no matter what we decide on.

Number one is that we gather as many people as we can from those lot and try to shoot our way out of this but the success rate of that is nearly zero.

Number two is that we call in back up and hope that they can get here in time before we all lose our lives.

And number three is we give them what they want. I'm guessing all they want is these two girls. So if we just hand them over then they shouldn't have much of a problem with letting the rest of us go." The man with the scar considered all of the options that he had but it already sounded like he had made up his mind.

"But sir. You can't be considering that? What about the job? We all signed a contract to say we would protect these girls with our lives." Ryan said in protest to the five men but they didn't care for his opinion.

"I understand your concern but as long as we all get out of this with our lives then there is nothing else to be worried about. Who cares if we signed a contract. It is the bosses fault for not taking the security of his daughters seriously. If we had just a bit more manpower or well-trained soldiers with us this would have been a breeze.

But unfortunately, he decided to give these weapons to regular security guards and hope for the best. The only one at fault here is the father of these two girls." The man with the scar said before taking a step back with the two girls behind him who were now trembling with fear as one of the men ripped off a bit of his shirt and stuck it to the end of his rifle and held it out of the window to tell them that they surrender.

But as soon as he did a beam of light shot out from one of the cars that surrounded the bus and the man cried out in pain for a brief moment before falling to the floor. They were using the same type of guns. 

'Why do both sides have military-grade firearms? Even the police can't carry things like this.' Haru thought as he recognised the telltale sign of magic firearms being that the wound was cauterized immediately. The man who had tried to tell them that they surrendered was now lying on the ground with a hole the size of a tennis ball in his chest. 

"Fuck. It seems like they aren't open for negotiations. It looks like we are going to have to shoot our way out of here. You boy get one of those guns and try to wake up that pathetic lot while you are at it." The man with the scar on his face ordered Haru.

Haru just stood stationary despite him ordering him to do something.

"Didn't you hear me!? I said!" The man with the scar began to shout before Haru cut him off with his voice surprisingly calm for a teenager stuck in a life or death situation.

"I don't take orders from anyone. If you want something done then do it yourself. I don't care what happens to you guys. This is your business, not mine. I only came along to watch." Haru stated in a cold and hateful voice that made even Ryan take a step back.

"What are you saying? This is the best way we can preserve our safety. The people outside are merciless they will kill us all to make sure there are no witnesses. What do you think will happen after we all go outside. Do you think they will just leave you be because you aren't connected to us?" Ryan said outraged by what Haru had just said.

They hadn't known each other long but it seemed that he judged Haru too soon. He was beginning to regret sharing a meal with him. When suddenly the young girl from earlier Lan Tao reached up and grabbed Haru's hand.

"Please Haru. Can you help keep me and my sister safe?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Haru then looked over at the older girl Lan Yan who was outright crying.

Then surprising everyone on the bus he knelt down next to Yan Tao and whispered something in her ear.

"Of course I will keep both you and your sister safe. All you have to do is stay here with these men okay?" He reassured the young girl that he would protect them and then looked up at the six men all looking at him with suspicion.

"Move," Haru stated bluntly.

"Excuse me?" The man with the scar asked. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. As if a boy this young would be so desperate to die? Did he not see what just happened to the man who had tried to surrender on their behalf? He would have to be out of his mind to want to go outside.

"You heard me. You're blocking the way to the exit so get out of the way." Haru said releasing a bit of Qi to pressure them all to move from where they were standing. 

The man with the scar on his face took a deep breath before gasping as he recognised the familiar feeling of Qi pressuring his body. His eyes widened now as he looked at Haru with unfound respect. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't know…" He tried to apologise for ordering Haru but that didn't concern him.

Once they were all sufficiently out of the way Haru made his way to the front door of the bus and opened it. The lights from all of the cars outside shone upon his face as they tried to identify who he was.

It caused confusion within their ranks as they waited for the order on what to do but Haru had already located Everyone's position before they even attempted to run them off the road. He had been watching them all like a hawk since they had started to follow them.

The only reason he didn't act earlier is that he was expecting a good show from what he thought might have been special forces but now he was in a foul mood after learning that they were nothing other than regular security guards.

The disappointment on Haru's face was mistaken for anger and rage as one of the men raised his gun towards his location but as soon as the sights touched Haru's located the man's head was split in two.

"Man down! They have a sniper! Quickly get to cover!" One of the other men behind the same car that the first one was shouted as he looked around for signs of a sniper.

Haru climbed down from the bus and stepped out into the open so everyone could get a good shot of him if they wanted to. He was curious to see how they would handle the situation. If they aimed at him he would release a bit of Qi as he did to the first poor soul unlucky enough to think about shooting at him.

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