The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 192: Fame.

"Hm?" The security who was holding Haru by his arms looked up to the second floor of the building where there was a man with slightly grey hair looking over the edge of the balcony. 

"M-manager!? What is this about? Is something wrong?" The woman stood up from the desk and addressed the man as he made his way down the stairs toward the commotion downstairs. 

"Yes, something is wrong. Very wrong. I just had a phone call from our bar staff saying that a young man had come in and not ordered anything. He was just sitting and eating the free peanuts." The old man spoke with authority as he reached the bottom step.

"Yes Manager Sir, It was this young man here. One of the waiters said that he might be looking to steal something since he couldn't afford anything in the restaurant." The security guard said in reply.

"Let me finish!" The old man snapped back and the whole room went completely silent. Even the people having business meetings in the cafe on the far side of the lobby looked over to see what was happening. The woman behind the desk looked up at the security guard, confused about what was happening.

"A member of the bar staff served the young man a drink for free because she felt bad for him. But he insisted that he would pay for it so he tipped her some money. And then I got a phone call from the bar manager saying that she quit her job." The manager said and then paused.

"What does the bar staff quitting their job have anything to do with this situation?" The woman asked.

"Because the amount the young man tipped her was enough for her to pay off her student loans. She didn't need to work for us anymore. But that's not all. 

I got a phone call from President Lan a few minutes ago saying that he was booking the presidential room for a young man around this age and he described him to me with a lot of detail. 

So I am here to tell you both that you are fired. Not only did you judge someone for how they decide to dress but you also offended President Lan's guest, Get your things and leave immediately." The manager said in front of everyone.

The woman couldn't believe what had just happened. 

"What!? You can't do this! I need this job." The woman yelled at the manager but he didn't care in the least.

"You should have thought about that before offending someone you couldn't afford to. Security! Escort both of them to collect their things and then ban them from setting foot in here ever again." The Manager called for the other security guards that were standing nearby.

"Yes, Mr Manager." One of them said before grabbing the woman by her arm.

"No! Get off me!" She yelled and then began to fight back and tried to pull away from the guard.

"Miss, please don't cause a scene. It won't look well for you." The security guard insisted but she didn't listen.

"Cause a scene!? This is outrageous! Let go of me at once!" She yelled again and then fell down to the floor to make it difficult for the security guard to escort her anywhere. But that was quickly solved as another one grabbed her legs and they carried her out of the front door. 

Almost everyone in the lobby had pulled out their phones to film what was happening as Haru stood confused. 'How am I going to get the key for my room now?' He wondered as the woman was thrown out into the street and the security guard was taken into a backroom to collect his belongings.

"Excuse me. I have been awaiting your arrival, Sir, I'm sorry about all of this and we didn't have a long time to prepare so I will get everything ready for you in just a minute." The manager explained and then leaned over the desk and picked up a device resembling a radio and spoke into it.

"The guest staying in the presidential room has arrived." He said into the radio and suddenly the music they were playing in the lobby stopped and it fell completely silent. 

Suddenly all of the security guards dressed in black suits lined up in the lobby and the chefs all came out of the restaurant and stood by as two men carrying what looked like a red rug before stopping at the top of the staircase and letting go. Haru watched as what he thought was a rug rolled down the stairs perfectly before stopping directly at his feet.

"Welcome, Sir!" All of the employees of the hotel had now gotten to the lobby and had said while bowing to Haru.

"So what do you think?" The manager asked Haru with a smile on his face.

"Honestly… Its a bit too much." Haru said, feeling embarrassed as all of the guests turned to look at him before pointing their phones and taking pictures of Haru and all of the hotel staff.

"I think so too. But this is what happens when someone books the presidential room. We even fly a golden flag above the hotel to announce that someone very important is staying here." The manager smiled again as Haru looked around.

"Can I see my room now?" Haru asked the manager, wanting to get away from the people that were filming him. 

"Of course. Follow me, sir." The manager said and led Haru up the stairs where they had rolled out a red carpet and then to an elevator on the second floor. They took it to the top floor which and then walked to the end of the corridor where a black coloured door stuck out from the rest of the brown doors on the floor. 

"This is it. We hope you enjoy your stay Mr …" The manager said and held out a golden key in his hand but then stopped as he realised that he hadn't gotten his name yet.

"Kitagawa," Haru announced before taking the key from his hand and unlocking the door.

"We hope you enjoy your stay, Mr Kitagawa." The manager smiled and then bowed his head as Haru entered the room.

Haru closed the door behind him and then finally laid down his bags. He had previously had both backpacks slung over his shoulders which probably contributed to him looking like a homeless person. But that didn't bother him one bit. Until he had time to settle down when he received a text message from Yun.

"Look Haru! You're in the news!" The text message read and then had a link to an online news site.

'Not again' He thought before checking the link she had sent. This time it was bad. They had pictures of his face. And there was even a video.

He read a few lines of the article written about him and almost popped a blood vessel during the process.

"Who is this mysterious young man? Reports say that he turned up at the Royal Imperial Hotel just before lunchtime and was causing trouble for the staff. One eye wittiness said that a security guard was about to throw him out before the manager of the hotel turned up to intervene. 

The manager then lectured the security guard and secretary who wanted to throw him out and then fired them both on the spot before having them both removed and then releasing a full show of honour by raising the golden flag that hasn't been flown in five years since a member of a foreign royal family stayed over at the hotel in the summer. 

We inquired into the identity of the young man but the Hotel's staff have refused to answer any questions. We are willing to reward anyone with insight into who this person is." The article was all an attempt to find out who he was and he didn't appreciate it one bit. 

Haru sat down and turned on the TV to take his mind off things before the phone in the room connected to the lobby rung.

"What is it this time?" He thought before going to answer it. 

"Sorry for disturbing you Sir, But President Lan from the Lan company is on his way up to your room." A man's voice said with an apologetic tone to it.

"It's okay, Thank you for letting me know," Haru said and then hung up before walking over to the full-sized bar within the room and pouring two glasses of whiskey.

It wasn't even three PM but he wanted to make sure his first meeting with the father of the kids he saved was done correctly. 

He finished pouring the drinks when he heard a knock upon the door. 

'That must be him.' He thought before opening the door to be greeted with the barrel of a gun. 

"How dare you seduce my daughter! You son of a bitch!" A man in a black overcoat said as he pressed the barrel of a sawed-off shotgun to the front of Haru's head.

Haru slowly forced his Qi into the shotgun before lifting it up into the air without even moving his hand causing the man to lift up from the floor for a few seconds before he let go and looked defenceless now that he didn't have a weapon. 

"That little shit. I already rejected her. What else does she want?" Haru muttered to himself.

"You're the father of the two girls I saved? Don't worry I'm not interested in kids and I made that pretty clear to her… I thought you were coming to thank me so I poured you a drink. But If you're just going to stand there like an idiot then go away already." Haru sighed and walked over to the bar with his back turned to President Lan He was leaving the decision up to him.

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