The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 205: AJ's Past.

Unlike the first time, Haru had been inside the banquet room inside the resort the layout had changed. Instead of many tables. They had all been cleared out of the way and there were only a few chairs within the room. Where they had served food in the centre they now only served alcohol.

The room was lit by only four huge lights that were hanging from the ceiling, creating a dark atmosphere yet remaining light enough for them to see what they were doing. And as they entered Haru immediately spotted a group of people who were waving them over.

"Jessie is here! Come on it's time for shots!" One of the men in the group upon seeing them enter the room when suddenly the attention shifted to Haru who was walking beside them. His looks alone were enough to make them envious of him. And the fact that he was walking beside two beautiful women wasn't helping things.

Even people who weren't a part of the small group that had been waiting for Jessie and Fan had turned to look at Haru who was now causing a scene until someone stepped through the crowd and called out.

"Haru! Where have you been buddy? A few guys came by last week and told us you were moving out of the dorm. Did something happen?" AJ stepped out from behind them and walked over to both Yun and Haru.

"They did huh?… I just decided to live on my own that is it. There's no need to worry." Haru replied. He was surprised to hear that is what happened. Meng had told him that he had sent people to get him evicted from the dorm but as it turned out he was just bluffing to stop him from rejecting the house that Han had given to him.

"So you have your own place huh? Then what are you waiting for? We have to drink to that. Come one follow me." AJ grabbed Haru by the arm and led him into the crowd of people that were all dancing and partying to the sounds of music that was playing from the overhead speakers. 

"I thought you said he was new here? How is he friends with Ah Jin?" Jessie asked as he was dragged off into the crowd. 

"Ah, Jin? You know him too? They were roommates I believe." Yun asked, confused why she was asking like it was a big deal. For all that she knew. AJ was just a regular student but Jessie had made it sound like he had a unique background. 

"You didn't hear what happened last year? Ah, Jin was the guy who got into a lot of trouble last year with the upperclassmen. He ended up having an affair with Leung Li's girlfriend and he got beat pretty bad for it. 

I heard rumours that they even broke his legs and that is why he walks with a limp. He got kicked out of his sports scholarship and had to take another class.

I don't think it's a smart thing for your cousin to be hanging around with someone like that. It might make him a target for those arrogant pricks." Jessie scorned at the seven people drinking at the bar and in the middle of them sat a young man with hair that was died purple and was wearing a leather bikers jacket. 

"So that's why he has a limp?" Yun asked, surprised. She didn't know about that before and hardly even noticed his limp but now that it was mentioned she could see it clearly.

"Don't worry so much. I will make sure he doesn't get into trouble. How about we go and join them so no one barges in unannounced?" Fan suggested after hearing what was going on and then led his group of friends over to the bar to join Haru and AJ. 

A few hours of drinking passed and Haru was beginning to get bored. He had been challenged to drinking competitions all night but no one had managed to beat him as expected. He then looked over at Yun who's cheeks were slightly pink from all of the alcohol that had been consumed. 

He didn't even have time to ask her what Leung Li looked like and he knew that at this rate she would only get drunker. If he didn't act now then he would be waiting all night. He decided to get up from the barstool, Leaving AJ and the other people who were struggling to handle their drinks and sat down beside Yun with the music still blasting throughout the hall. 

"Haru! This is a great party, right? Are you enjoying it?" Yun asked loudly to try to project her voice over the music. Haru couldn't quite make sense of what she had to say since her words were merged with the lyrics of a song. So instead of taking her, somewhere quiet to talk. He decided to bring somewhere quiet to them. 

He knew the rune that was used to create a sound barrier but the problem was that he didn't have any ink or a brush to use to draw it. So he decided to try the trick that he had seen Li Jun do. By releasing Liquefied Qi from his fingertips he drew the rune in the air. 

Before he did so he made sure to size up everyone In the room to make sure that there wasn't anyone nearby who was strong enough to see the liquefied Qi but luckily enough the strongest person in the room beside him was only at the earthly spirit stage which was three stages behind Haru's. There was no one at all who would even be able to sense the Qi let alone see it so he went ahead and did it. 

A light yellow bubble formed around both Haru and Yun to keep all sound outside far away and not let any sound from the inside escape. 

"You said you would tell me about Leung Li. So is he here? Which one is he?" Haru asked. He was getting impatient. He enjoyed hanging out with AJ for a little while but now wasn't the time for that. Every second that he wasted was another second closer to him finding out that his plan didn't work.

If Leung Li was a smart man and knew Haru was now looking for him. He would surround himself with guards and ask his uncle for help. He didn't want to give him the chance to notify anyone before he had finished dealing with him.

"Shh… Keep it down! Do you want everyone to find out that you are going to fight with him?" Yun said drunkenly and loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear if not for the sound barrier around them.

"God, you are so drunk…" Haru rubbed to the bridge of his nose in disappointment. He didn't even know how she had managed to get into this state. He had taken his eyes off her for less than an hour and she was drunk enough to not even realise that the music around them had stopped and there was no ambient noise from people talking. 

"No one can hear us, it's fine. Now tell me. Where is Leung Li?" Haru asked to which Yun sighed. 

"That's him right there." Yun pointed to the opposite side of the bar where the man with purple hair was sitting down wearing a black leather jacket. 

'You have got to be kidding me… I was sitting this close to him and she didn't even mention he was there? What is she playing at?' Haru thought as he looked over at the group of men in their early twenties sitting no more than ten metres away from their group when suddenly he noticed that Leung Li was looking across the bar toward Haru's new group of friends.

Haru looked back over to their side of the bar to see that a man with long black hair was holding Fan by his shirt as the rest of the people nearby tried to calm the situation. 

Haru quickly deactivated the barrier and headed back over to see what was happening. He hadn't known Fan for long but he was nice enough to apologise for the way he acted when they met over a few drinks. So he wasn't about to let anyone disturb his plans for the night. 

"What's it to you!? You know I have always hated your face. You pretend you are good looking and stare at yourself in the mirror for hours but I saw you putting on makeup before you came here tonight." Fan laughed and shouted at the man who was holding him by the neck shirt. 

"Fan… I'm not going to warn you again. Don't get involved with this if you can't afford to bear the consequences." The black-haired man warned Fan but he wasn't ready to listen to someone else's opinion. 

"Consequences? What could possibly happen to me? You know dad will wipe the floor with anyone who messes with me. So I'm not going to let you bully my friends. Okay? Now go back to your little boyfriend and-" Fan was cut off as the man's fist hit him in the stomach before falling to his knees. 

"I have told you this before. Even dad can't do anything against the Leung family. If you stop me from doing this then our whole family will be destroyed. Now, are you willing to watch me and dad die while Mom and Liqin sold to be used as whores? If you aren't willing to see that happen then stay out of my way." The man then pushed Fan out of the way before walking over to AJ who was talking to the barmaid with a smile on his face. 

"Hey fuck face. I have a message from Leung Li. You had better stay away from his territory." The black-haired man spun AJ around on his chair and said to him before bringing his hand back behind his head.


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