The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 228: Miss Suyin.

Haru walked down the corridor and then back down the staircase that they had come upstairs from and then headed back to the main party to find Lan Yan again. But as he continued to head toward the big hall that everyone was standing in before Haru began to recognise the sound of music getting louder and louder the closer that he got to the room. 

But it wasn't just any music, it was the sound of Suyin's voice singing her soul out. It sounded a bit different than what he had heard on the radio so he decided to take a closer look. He had tried to avoid listening to Suyin's music so that they could listen to it together but it was hard to avoid if he ever went anywhere and had to listen to the radio on the way. If he took a taxi or a bus. 

Suyin was getting more and more popular in China and a quick Internet of her name would make hundreds of news articles and videos of her music on music streaming platforms. Although Haru hadn't heard her music he was proud of her even if he had more pressing matters at hand. 

As he got closer to the hall he heard many whispered voices talking as the music rang out.

"That's Suyin? The real Suyin? Who would have thought that the Hong family could even get a professional musician here to sing for their daughter?" Said one of the people as Haru walked toward the hall. 

He then noticed that everyone was standing in the hall, many of them with their phones pointing at the stage and others were waving their flashlight as if they were at a concert. 

Haru looked up at the stage to see that Suyin was indeed up there. She was sitting on a stool in the centre of the stage with a guitar in her hands and was playing a stripped-back acoustic version of one of her songs that Haru had yet to hear yet. He then began to push his way through the crowd to get a closer look. 

"Hey, dude. I was here first!" One of the people Haru pushed back complained but was quickly silenced as Haru pushed him away with one hand against his face. He then made his way to the front row and then looked up at his girlfriend who had now become a national treasure in the music industry despite still being new. 

He couldn't help but smile as he watched her sing without her realising that he was there yet. As the song came to an end she opened her eyes and began to look around the room. She still didn't have the confidence that came with experience from singing in front of many people and was a little nervous as the people in the crowd were looking at her silently even after the song had ended. 

Until she heard a faint clap come from the front row of the stage in front of her. She looked down with confusion to see a man around her age clapping his hands… She didn't think anything of it until the dim spotlight in the room changed location slightly and she saw that it was Haru. She had been looking forward to meeting him all day and didn't think that they would end up meeting while she was singing for a rich families party. 

She was slightly embarrassed but after Haru had started to clap the room suddenly erupted into cheers and claps from all around. She still couldn't believe how people loved her music so much but appreciated the praise for her hard work. 

A few seconds went by before the cheering died down and Suyin couldn't take her eyes off Haru who was smiling up at her from below the stage.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you." Haru used his spiritual sense to direct his thoughts into her mind all the while still smiling at her with a gentle and loving expression. Suyin couldn't help but blush slightly before jumping slightly as the voice of her manager came in through her in-ear monitors. 

"What's wrong? You're taking too long to move on to the next song." Her manager said in a questioning tone.

Suyin was quick to pull the microphone a little closer to her mouth. 

"Thank you for listening. I had a setlist that I was planning to play but suddenly I feel really happy. So I want to play a song that I have yet to sing to anyone. I was keeping it hidden because it is about love and that's a little embarrassing." Suyin spoke in a soft voice all the while glancing down at Haru who couldn't stop smiling at her. It had been almost a month since they had last seen each other and they could see how much each other had grown while living independent lives.

Haru had developed more of a presence to the point where even in the crowd. The people around him didn't get within his personal space. And Suyin had grown more confident. She was previously quite shy and would keep to herself. But even now as she sat upon the stage she looked approachable and confident in herself.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to stick to the list that the Hong family chose for you. You can't offend them; they are one of the imperial families." Suyin's manager began to speak to her through her monitors.

Suyin took them out and then tapped her ears slightly since cold air quickly rushed inside them. She was singing acoustically with just a mic and a single amp so there was no need for her to use monitors but her manager still insisted so that she could instruct Suyin on what to do. 

"Who cares, am I right? This song is called "Unrequited" I hope you enjoy it." Suyin said and then quickly began strumming a melancholic chord pattern. A few seconds went by as she played each string of the guitar and then added a bit of delay to the amp. 

She then began to sing. Each lyric felt like it was directed towards Haru since she couldn't keep her eyes off him while she was singing. It was as if everyone else in the room had faded and it was just the two of them. 

The song stuck out to Haru as awfully sad since the lyrics seemed to be about being left alone while he was out doing amazing things others could only dream about and she was feeling like she wasn't enough. But then as the song began to come to a close the lyrics changed to things that she loved.

The lyrics became oddly specific to the point where she even mentioned the sword-shaped pendant that they had gotten when they had gone on a date with each other back in Shenzhen. It was something that only she and Haru would have known yet she decided to put that into her song despite the fact that it might have been seen as embarrassing for them both. 

Haru then caught the faint glimpse of the golden necklace around her neck and knew instantly that she was wearing it still. He felt relieved. When he thought of the idea he didn't know if she would like it or not but it seemed like he had worried for nothing. He knew that even though they hadn't been together for a while that she still loved him. And it was the same with him. He had felt like there was a part of him missing since they had gone their separate ways. 

But now that he could see her again all of the feelings that he had shut away while living in shanghai began to rush back to him with much more intensity than they had before. It felt like his body was compelling him to head up onto the stage with her and proclaim to the world that she was his. But he knew that he couldn't do that. It would cause a scandal and could possibly damage her career if he decided to do that so he held back how he was feeling until she had finished singing. 

Suyin looked him in the eyes for a moment and he saw that she seemed to be feeling the same way. Her breathing had increased from singing and she seemed a little tired. It was still the middle of the day yet he wanted to take her away from everyone and have her all to himself. 

"The crowd fell silent once again. The song that she had just sung was sad yet beautiful and was a roller coaster of emotions before finally ending on a happy note. Suddenly her manager walked out onto the stage with a microphone of her own. 

"We're going to take a twenty-minute break for Mr Hong to thank you all on behalf of his daughter for attending this wonderful party." The manager announced to everyone before taking Suyin backstage to talk to her. Suyin followed her back behind the thick black curtains and out of sight from her new fans that were watching with eager eyes. 

"What was that!?" Her manager shouted as soon as they were out of sight. 

Suyin felt attacked. She had expected it though since she had taken out here monitors and gone against her suggestions. 

"Well… I-" She struggled to come up with an excuse for her actions but unexpectedly her manager began to smile. 

"That was amazing! I can't believe you were hiding that from us. I don't even know how fast your career would have taken off if that was the song you used as your debut. It was wonderful. We have to get you in the studio as soon as possible to record that." Her manager began talking with excitement in her voice. 

"I don't feel ready for that song to be released yet. It is…" Suyin began to say but her manager wasn't listening at all. Suddenly footsteps thudded against the floor before She felt pressure around her waist as someone hugged her from behind.

She instantly felt Haru's presence. How could she not? They had practically lived together for the last three years. 

"Hello there Miss Suyin. Do you think I could get an autograph? I'm a big fan of your work." Haru teased her slightly as her manager looked up to see them hugging each other. 

"What!? Who are you? How did you get back here!"

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