The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 230: It's Beautiful.

Haru and Suyin both Lay on the bed wrapped in a gentle embrace as they gave each other time to catch their breaths. Haru stretched out his body and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

He didn't know what to say but neither did she. They just stared at each other awkwardly before Suyin started to crack a smile as she struggled to hold her laughter in any longer. Haru too began to feel stupid as he looked at her.

Nothing had changed really. They still loved each other and that was made obvious by the actions they had just taken to express their feelings for each other. Suyin smiled at him all the while looking directly into his eyes while enjoying the embrace.

"I love it when you smile at me like that. It looks so pure and innocent. But now I know that the Suyin I have known for so long is pretty naughty when it comes to things likes this." Haru whispered before biting her ear to tease her a little.

Her breathing picked up slightly before she exhaled loudly with a sigh before looking him back in the eyes with a look of frustration on her face. 

"That's mean!" She whispered with a tremble before pulling herself up to his face, using his neck to help and then kissing him on the lips.

"That's what you get you, meanie." Suyin smiled like she had won the battle but for Haru, the war was nowhere close to finishing. He quickly shot up and turned her so her back was against the bed and then straddled her. 

"Is that so? Then this is for being so damn cute." Haru smiled before once again kissing her. 

A few hours passed before the sun started to set and at some point, they had both passed out. As Haru awoke he looked outside the window of the hotel to see that the sky now had an orange tint to it.

He hadn't noticed on his way into the room but the view from the balcony had a really beautiful view. It looked out upon a lake that was in the centre of a park. He got out of bed as quietly as he could as not to wake Suyin and then walked toward the balcony.

He opened the doors and then took a step out into the fresh air that the night had brought with it. The breeze was a little chilly but it was quickly taken care of by Kun's power heating his body from within. 

Haru leaned out and watched the city from above. Even as the sun was starting to set the city seemed to be bustling with life. There were flashing lights and neon signs on the sides of buildings to draw in customers and from the balcony he got a better view of the lake below.

That was when something strange stuck out to him. There seemed to be an array placed somewhere in the lake. He couldn't tell where exactly but even from the balcony, he could see the runes that were used to form an array around it. 

'Hm? I wonder what that is about?' Haru thought to himself before hearing the bedsheets rustle from within the room behind him and then the door slowly crept open. 

Suyin had come out to join him on the balcony, dressed in nothing but a blanket. She stood next to Haru and looked down upon the city below them. 

"It's a really pretty view isn't it?" She asked and then looked up at Haru who was staring at her instead of the view in front of them. 

"Yes, it is." He smiled and then put his arms around her once again to keep her warm while they both gazed across the city for a couple of minutes until the wind blew a little too hard and almost pulled the blankets out of Suyin's clutch.

Haru had to hold it down in place for her to make sure that she didn't end up standing on the balcony completely naked so they decided to head back inside. 

"Are you hungry?" Haru asked as they both began to put on clothes once again.

"Hungry? I'm starving." Suyin giggled a little as she was just thinking about suggesting that they went to get food. She hadn't been on a date with Haru for so long and was dying to spend a little more time as she knew that they would both become busy once again. 

"Then let's go somewhere local. It's been a while since I have eaten street food. Do you want to take a walk around the night markets with me?" Haru asked as he finished tying his shoelaces.

"Street food? I would kill for something filling right now so sure. Let's go. I don't really like those fancy restaurants anyway. I feel like people are always so judging in those places." Suyin replied.

"Yeah, I get that feeling too. The last time I was here in Beijing someone offered me a free drink because they thought I was homeless and hanging around to get free things." Haru laughed about what had happened.

"Someone thought you were homeless? Where did you go? It must have been somewhere really expensive if they thought you were homeless. You dress perfectly fine." Suyin looked at how Haru was dressed right now.

"Oh, I was wearing just shorts and a t-shirt because I didn't want to feel uncomfortable on the bus. I ended up staying at the royal imperial hotel because a friend recommended it. They even tried to throw me out until the manager came to greet me." Both Haru and Suyin laughed before Suyin sipped her coat and they were ready to leave.

"Well, at least you know that places like that want their customers to dress respectfully so they don't feel embarrassed. I would have just gone to the next best hotel to embarrass them but I guess that wouldn't work for you would it?"Suyin had started to embrace the life of a celebrity and even now she had put sunglasses on so she wouldn't be recognised by her fans in public.

The last thing she wanted was someone asking for an autograph when she finally got to spend time with Haru. It would ruin her mood and she knew that Haru would also tease her for it if something like that did happen.

They then both headed out into the streets. The night market was less than a mile away from the hotel that Suyin was staying at so they decided to walk just so they could spend as much time as possible together. 

It had been so long since they had last been together and even though Haru didn't show it on the outside he had missed her a lot. How could he not? They had practically lived together for three years, swapping between her family's house and Zen's house. 

She had become a big part of his life and he felt like there was a hole in his heart when she wasn't around. It was only after being apart for so long that he realised how important she was to him.

Suyin refused to let go of his hand as they walked. It wasn't as if Haru minded but he was a bit hesitant just in case someone recognised her and decided to take a picture of them both.  But she didn't care about that anymore. 

She was getting fed up with keeping her relationship a secret and kind of wanted people to find out so that they would leave her alone. Everywhere she went she would meet women who bragged about having handsome son's that wanted to marry her and it was tiring to try not to offend people when rejecting them. 

They arrived at the market just as the sunset over the horizon leaving the city of Beijing completely in darkness. Only being illuminated by the countless lights from buildings and street lights that lined the pavement of every street insight. 

The market consisted of small stalls that had been assembled as soon as the shops nearby had shut for the day and the smell of fragrant spices lingered in the air from the food stalls that were far by the most crowded stalls in the market. 

There were hundreds of people traversing through the market on their way home from work and many just visiting for the great food that was provided for cheap prices. 

Haru and Suyin strolled around before deciding upon getting fried rice and crepes for dessert then taking a walk while they ate. Suyin didn't really know the area but Haru had wanted to look at the array surrounding the lake at the park that he had spotted from the balcony.

So he decided that it would be the perfect place for them to go to. It wouldn't be crowded at night and they would be left alone to spend time together. So that is where Haru led her. 

They both finished their fried rice as they got to the gates surrounding the park and began to eat the desert while they walked hand in hand around the park before stopping at the lake. 

"This would be so pretty during the winter," Suyin commented on the lake as they approached it. It was probably already snowing in Shenzhen but they had managed to escape it by heading more to the east. 

"I agree it would. Haru said for putting his crepe back inside the bag and putting it on a bench that was close to the lake and then began to walk towards the water's edge.

"What are you doing?" Suyin asked as she watched him with confusion. Haru crouched down next to the water and put his fingertips into the lake for a moment before taking a few steps back to be by her side once again. 

"Just watch." Haru smiled. 

'It seems like some cultivators used this spot to get married in the past and forgot to disassemble the array' Haru thought to himself as blue lights began to float up from the water into the air and dance around each other like a light show. 

"It's beautiful…" Suyin whispered as Haru reached down and grabbed her hand. She looked up at him to see that his eyes had yet to trail away from the lights before them and she too wanted to see what would happen next.

They stood there for what seemed like an eternity as the lights danced around the lake before coming to a climax as they shot up into the air like fireworks and expanded to envelop the like in a veil of blue. 

Suyin looked up at Haru once again. This time he was looking back at her and then leaned in to kiss her once again. 

They spent the remainder of the night in Suyin's room talking about the things that they had been up to for the past month until the early hours of the morning when they finally decided to sleep. 

Suyin rested her head against Haru's chest as they both drifted off to sleep.

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