The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 237: What did you do now?

Haru awoke to the sound of Suyin zipping up her suitcase while sitting on the rug in the center of the room. As he moved to get a better look at her, Suyin's head popped up over the edge of the bed. She smiled when she saw that he had woken up. 

"Good morning. I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful." Suyin said while finishing up packing her bags. They had agreed that they would both check out of the hotel together in the morning to get a head start on the travelling. But she had decided to let him sleep for a little longer because he looked like he needed it. 

Haru smiled and then got out of bed two before crawling to the edge and holding out his hand for Suyin to take. Once she put her hand on his he pulled her back and she ended up falling on top of him on the bed. He kissed her before letting go. 

"Good morning to you too." Haru smiled and began to sit up. Suyin was now sitting in his lap at the edge of the bed while facing him. 

"You know. I'm really going to miss this. I have been so busy recently that I forgot how to have fun. I know that we only spent a couple of days together but I had so much fun being able to spend time with you. I will visit you more often. I promise." Suyin said and then held out her pinky to make a promise. 

Haru couldn't help but laugh at her. 

"What's so funny? I'm serious." Suyin said with a frown. She felt like he was making fun of her by laughing. But that wasn't the case. He laughed at himself for forgetting how cute she was. He felt like an idiot for not going to visit her sooner. He could have done so whenever he wanted to. But he avoided it because he thought that she would be too busy for work to spend time with him.

And that was the same for Suyin. She could have visited him anytime that she wanted to but avoided doing so because she thought that he would be too busy at university. But the plans for that would have to be delayed until Haru could deal with the demon problem. He couldn't do anything that he wanted to until that had passed. 

He didn't even want to go into closed-door cultivation like he had done in the basement at Zen's house out of fear that the fighting would already be over by the time he emerged once again. He couldn't let people fight on his behalf without being there himself to do whatever he could to lessen the burden on them. It wouldn't feel right. 

After helping Suyin pack her things up he carried her bags down to the lobby hotel and handed them to the manager that had come to the door the previous day. He took the bags without hesitation but seemed to struggle to pick them up. Haru ended up feeling bad for him and helped by carrying one of the bags to the car himself. Suyin got into the car before anyone could recognise her and The manager closed the trunk after putting the bags in. 

Haru walked around to the side of the car and said goodbye to Suyin with a kiss before deciding that he should make his way back. He was interested in the other sect that Granny Lin had mentioned but he also remembered that she said that the leader of that sect was the reason why Teacher Lin had been avoiding her for ninety years. He felt bad and wanted to help her out so he decided that he would stay far away from that sect even if their help would make things a lot easier. 

Haru made his way to the edge of the city until he was out of sight from everyone before taking off up into the sky once again. He had gotten used to flying by using magic in his previous life but it still amazed him. He had never gotten over the thrill he would get when soaring through the sky like a hawk. 

He remembered the direction that he had come from when he was on his way to Beijing so going back would be much easier for him. He didn't need to constantly look at a map and he could take in his surroundings. As he was flying he quickly began to get a headache from the sound of the wind passing past his ears and then remembered that he had some headphone in one of the bags that were still stored in his storage ring. So he put them in and played music while flying. 

It was even more peaceful this time. It felt as though he was in his own little bubble as he was far away from anyone. But it might not have been a good idea to listen to music while he was flying. He had drifted a little higher so that he could get over the top of a mountain that was blocking the way but without realising he had flown into a flight path for planes.

And because he was playing music he didn't hear the engines as the plane flew right towards him. Compared to a jumbo jet a human would look like an insect so the pilots didn't realise they were heading for a person until it was too late. 

"Is that a man!?" One of the pilots shouted in confusion as they headed towards Haru, who was flying just a little slower than the plan. 

"You really are a newbie aren't you. You see things stranger than flying people in this line of work. It's fine we won't hit him." The other pilot bragged before yanking down on the stick and gaining a little more altitude.

Haru didn't even notice the plane until a dark shadow passed over him and he looked up to see the painted metal body of the commercial airline. 

"They didn't see me did they?" Haru said to himself as dread set in. He thought that he would be alone up in the sky but he didn't consider the fact that planes would be able to see him. He had gotten lucky before since he hadn't run into one before but this incident made him conscious of his surroundings. And he decided to descend a little bit so he could keep out of the way. 

He was flying over the wilderness right now and did not need to hide. Since the chances of someone seeing him was low. But even so, he couldn't help but worry now. And as he flew he kept his spiritual sense out in front of him so he would know if there was anyone that might see him. 

Haru brushed the tips of the trees with his hand as he flew back to Shanghai and eventually he saw the same skyline that he was familiar with. It had taken him around forty minutes to get back. Somewhere along the way he had picked up speed and ended up home quicker than he was anticipating. He made his way home first to check on Lao and Meiling.

He wasn't sure how much he had done and was genuinely more concerned if he had killed anyone. He knew that Lao's short temper would eventually be the death of someone. And the people he had sent Lao to bring back to Shanghai were proud so they would be offended if he said anything that hurt their pride. 

But as he opened his front door he noticed that everything was silent. There was no sign of Lao but it was quite obvious that Meiling had been here recently by the stacks of pillows on the floor and the fort that had been built using the chairs from the kitchen and a couple of blankets. 

Haru smiled. After everything she had been through, he was happy to see that she was still acting like a kid. When he was her age he had already been forced to kill someone and that had changed him. He wasn't sure how she was going to end up after the trauma she had been through but it seemed like she didn't let it bother her. 

He had forgotten that he had no way to contact Lao since he didn't have a phone so he decided to wait. He waited in the living room and ended up cleaning up after Meiling and improving on her fort as a surprise but when the sun started to set he became a little worried. He had no idea what they would be doing out all this time and had even less of an idea of where they would be. 

He just hoped that Lao wasn't sitting in a holding cell somewhere. He was getting fed up with waiting and decided to switch on the TV to kill time. Only to be instantly met by one of the local news channels. 

Just as he was about to switch channels to something more entertaining it suddenly switched to a scene of the serpentine resort. There were hundreds of cars parked up along the street and it had been the main source of news in Shanghai all day. 

"No one knows what is going on but many of the cars you see parked up here today belong to the government. It seems like there is an exclusive event going on for those people at the top of the social hierarchy and the police have already blocked off the streets in the surrounding area." The news reporter said. 

"Government vehicles at the serpentine resort? Lao… what did you do now!?" Haru began to panic before rushing out and flying across the city to see what was going on for himself. But as soon as he arrived he was met by the scene that he had previously seen on the TV. 

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