The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 293: Sparring match.

Kaira felt confused. There was no possible way for anyone to know that she was pregnant since she hadn't even gone to the hospital yet. But Haru somehow knew. She looked at him for a few seconds to see that his gaze had drifted to the stage where her husband was fighting. 

Haru was smiling while looking up at them both fighting when suddenly Kazuo dodged an attack from the Siberian man and then launched an ice spell. 

[Glacier Spear] 

Kazuo raised his hand in the air after avoiding a fire attack and gathered mana in his hand. Suddenly a ball of blue light shot from his arm, forming a spear made out of ice as it travelled through the air before coming to a quick stop as it slammed into the man's chest. 

Blood splattered across the ring as the man dropped to his knees. He wasn't dead, just heavily injured, but before he could do anything else. Kazuo raised his hand back out towards the man. 

[Frozen fountain] 

He opened his palm as wide as he could, causing the spear of ice in the man's chest to expand and begin to travel across the surface of his skin. The ice invaded his bloodstream and froze the inside of his veins and arteries as it travelled to his heart, stopping it as his body was enveloped in ice. 

As the man kneeled down lifelessly, it looked as though the water was spurting from his body and then froze in the air. Exactly like what would happen if you were to freeze a water fountain. Haru smiled upon seeing Kazuo win. Since he was about to become a father, he didn't want to see him leave his child behind.

Kaira looked up in awe at her husband's performance as he quickly became the champion of the deathmatch and began to clap and praise him for his victory. The whole stadium erupted into chaos as the people who had bet on the Siberian man had lost all of their money, and then people who had bet on Kazuo won a lot of money. 

People danced around, and others remained seated with self-pity as they all glared down at Kazuo. 

"Well, what do you know? The reigning champion wins once again. It seems like nobody can knock Kazuo Satou down. As a one time event here at the Izu Arena, we have decided to give a lucky member of the audience a chance to spar with the reigning champion. 

I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to go head to head with our champion here after watching something like that? If you think you have what it takes. Then come on down to the ring. But be warned, only the first person here will have a chance to fight against the great Kazuo!" The announcement voice shouted out as the room fell silent once again. 

Everyone in the audience looked back and forth at each other to see if anyone was going to take the offer and spar with a mage who they had just seen kill a person. But none of them budged. 

"Are you crazy? Who would willingly walk into the hands of death?!" A man shouted from the seat behind Haru. But as he did so, Kaira noticed a grin on Haru's face, unlike anything she had seen before.

"What are you thinking?" Kaira asked Haru, confused as to what his intentions were. 

"Well, I think I should give your husband a wedding gift since I missed out on it." Haru smiled once again before standing up from his seat and walking out towards the stage. 

The room fell silent once again as the camera that was floating around the ring suddenly focused on Haru as he walked towards the ring. 

"Oh, It looks like we have a contender. How about we give a round of applause for this brave young man?" The announcer shouted out once again, but the room remained silent. 

"You're gonna die out there, boy!" A voice shouted from the crowd as Haru walked over to the referee that was standing outside the ring as two men went in to drag away the body of the Siberian man. 

"Listen here, boy. I don't know who told you to come up here, but you should probably get out of here as fast as you can. Although this is just a sparring match, there are no rules about killing your opponent. If you are lucky, then you will get a few broken bones, but if you piss him off, you won't be leaving this arena alive." The referee warned Haru before he could say anything else and then turned around to signal that Haru had changed his mind, but he hadn't even thought about changing his mind. 

Before the referee could say anything else, Haru walked past him and up a set of stairs to get into the ring. 

"I think I can decide for myself, thank you very much." Haru laughed as he walked up into the arena to face Kazuo. 

"Nice to meet you. Don't worry. I'm in a good mood today, so I won't go too hard on you, so try not to be afraid, okay?" Kazuo asked and held out his hand for Haru to shake. But as soon as he did, he looked Haru in the eyes and suddenly retracted his hand.

"You're that boy from school? Haru, wasn't it? I thought that you had died or something. Where have you been hiding this whole time?" Kazuo asked as he looked at Haru.

"Well, I thought that I would try experiencing the world a little while I was still young." Haru smiled as he looked at Kazuo. Now he had met two people he had not seen in four years. He was beginning to feel like his life so far was way too short. 

Although it had been a while since he had met with Kazuo and Kaira, he remembered everything perfectly now that he was up close to them. It seemed to be a side effect of his cultivation. 

He had known for a long time that training your soul would make you be able to remember things that would be seen as impossible for other people, but he hadn't experienced it until now. It seemed like everything that had happened since he left japan took place over the span of a few days, but it was, in fact, four years. 

"Would you look at that? It looks like the great Kazuo is having a conversation with the young man who had entered the ring. Maybe they know each other?" The announcer said as the camera's once again zoomed in on both Haru and Kazuo. 

On the other hand, Kaira felt a pit in her stomach as she looked up at the ring. She believed in her husband's strength being unrivalled, but she thought about how she had seen Haru using military-grade magic while he was just fifteen. She couldn't explain it, but she felt as though there was a thick shroud covering Haru constantly. It seemed like he had reached a height that no one had achieved before, and she couldn't help but worry about what would happen. 

"So you have just been slacking off all this time? You know, when I asked you to spar with me all those years ago, it was because I thought you were a threat to me. I thought that you might be able to rival me in a fight and take my spot as the number one mage at school.

Why would you tell me that you have been slacking off for the past four years and have now come back to spar with me? That's like saying you don't think that I can grow as a mage in four years. Do you understand how arrogant that makes you sound?" Kazuo criticised Haru as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"That's what you interpreted from my words? Well, you're a little bit wrong. The reason I came to spar with you now is as a wedding gift and to congratulate you." Haru said with a smile. 

"Congratulate me? Congratulate me for what? I beat people like that guy every week." Kazuo said, thinking that Haru was referring to winning the fight with the man that he had just killed. 

"I will tell you if you manage to defeat me." Haru smiled before looking up at the camera's to see that they were recording him. 

'If I show my fighting strength right now and it gets back to someone at the military, then they might put me in some elite squad or something when they contact me. I'm not in the mood to deal with something like that right now.' Haru thought as he awaited a response from Kazuo.

"You think that you stand a chance against me now? I'm an S Rank mage, you know? And if you haven't progressed any since you were in school, then that means you're still an F Rank, right? There is no chance in hell of you beating me, so you might as well just tell me right now, and I won't humiliate you in front of everyone." Kazuo smirked while thinking that he had the upper hand on Haru, but as soon as he finished speaking, Haru raised a single hand and brought forth the flame that tied his hair in place. 

The flame drifted from the back of his head and hovered above his index finger, causing his hair to fall back down and rest on the back of his neck.

"What are you going to do with a tiny flame like that? It looks like you just lit a match." Kazuo laughed at the size of the flame Haru was wielding until suddenly it began to grow.

The flame began bigger and bigger as Haru fueled it with his Qi. The flame suddenly shouts out around the transparent barrier that was put in place to stop the audience from getting hurt and then surrounded it with a mysterious red fire to block the view of the cameras and the spectators on the outside. 

"You were saying?" Haru asked as he looked back to Kazuo, who raised his brows at the thought of someone controlling flames without casting a spell. 

"What was that?" Kazuo gulped as the people on the outside went crazy now that they couldn't see anything.

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