The Legendary Spearman Returns

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

The constant drum of footsteps made the Lion King laugh out loud.

“You’re like an onion. The more I peel you, the more layers seem to appear.” The Lion King shook his head. He looked like he wasn’t even surprised anymore at how Joshua was keeping pace with the knights on horseback by running.

In addition, Joshua had been running for about half a day now, yet he seemed like he would never get tired. Honestly, it felt like Joshua was holding back so that the Wilhelm Knights could keep up with his pace.

“Hah. At this rate, we’ll reach southern Avalon in less than a week. Normally it’d take fifteen days.” They had been running for half a day now, but they already covered two days' worth of distance. “But more importantly… Why did the Lion King come with us?”

“Hm?” The Lion King flinched upon hearing his name. “What? Are you saying that you wanted to have fun by yourself and make me take care of the mess afterward?”

“That's not what I—”

“Come on! We’ve known each other for a long time, haven’t we? Don’t be so distant. I have to be up close and personal with certain matters, you know? It’ll be great if I can find my replacement in the middle of all this. That's why I gave him the hexagonal plate.”

The Lion King glanced at Leo de Grans and smiled bitterly when he didn’t reply. “Anyway, you should think about how we’re going to cross the border. Unlike him, we’re basically uninvited guests.”

“I can’t think of that.”

“What?” asked the Lion King, seemingly surprised.

“I can’t think of anything. I’m too busy chasing after His Majesty.”

“...” The Lion King was dumbfounded to hear that. However, he closed his mouth without saying anything.

‘Now that I think about it… Joshua’s acting like me. Considering the kind of person Leo de Grans is, you’re definitely in for a world of trouble, Your Majesty,’?thought the Lion King while staring at Joshua’s back.


They ran far—far away from Fendra Castle’s eastern gates.

Soon, a huge field of reeds appeared in front of Charles.

Haah… hah…

“My lady, it’s there! Once we’re past that field of reeds, we won’t be far from where the horses are tied.”

The faces of the people in the group lit up at Baron Ashbal’s words.

The group consisted of three knights, Verdot, Icarus, Charles, and a few others. Their numbers were far from ideal, considering how many people wanted a chunk of the huge pie known as the Pontier Family.

“Everyone… stay strong. It’s just a little trek… it’s nothing much.”

“My Lady…”

Charles was a delicate woman, so she was having a hard time. Despite that, she was still worried about the others in the group, and the other members of the group stared at her with pitying eyes.

However, there was someone else who wasn’t staring at her.

“Something’s off.” Icarus's beautiful blue eyes seemed dull, and they proved that she was as exhausted as Charles.

The reed field was an excellent place to set a trap. From their perspective, it promised death as much as it promised salvation. If the enemy was indeed hiding there, the Pontier Family was doomed.

‘How could a seasoned veteran like Baron Ashbal not know about something so basic—’?Icarus' expression fell.

“Baron Ashbal,” Icarus called out.

“...?” Baron Ashbal turned to look at Icarus, seemingly in confusion.

“Did you really witness Sir Cain’s death?”

Charles had been moving her feet around so that she could soothe the pain in her legs, but she stopped moving altogether when she heard Icarus’ words. There had been many traitors in the family, but Charles considered herself to be the reason for Cain’s death.

Cain was just an outsider, but he sacrificed himself for the Pontier Family.

“What kind of question is that?” Baron Ashbal shot back. “Does that even matter?”

“Yes, it does matter,” Icarus firmly replied, “I also want to know why did you think I was a traitor when Sir Cain and I had nothing to gain from helping this family.”

“Icarus-nim, that’s…” Charles wanted to say something.


However, Baron Ashbal stopped in his tracks, interrupting Charles’ words.



The eyes of the group members widened at the sound of approaching footsteps.

“If you’re going to waste our time like this, I’ll cut your head off.” Baron Ashbal shot Icarus a venomous glare. The group took a few steps backward as the air between Icarus and Baron Ashbal heated up.

“Do you really think that you can still do something? Look around! The family you’re helping is falling apart, so we have every reason to suspect you and your friend,” said Baron Ashbal.

Charles clenched her fists.

“I think we have to make things clear here,” said Icarus.


“I don't think Sir Cain is dead. There’s no way that man would let himself die in vain in a place like this.”

“Now, you’re spouting nonsense?” Baron Ashbal chuckled. He looked at Icarus and said, “He’s gone. He’s a real knight, unlike you. If he hadn’t given up his life for us, we would have—”

“You should have died.” Icarus interrupted.

Baron Ashbal’s expression darkened. “You…!”

“If he died, then you should have died as well. There’s no way he would give his own life up for you. You’re not even our master. And Sir Cain? He hasn’t even held a woman’s hand in his life. Do you really think that he’s going to lay down his life for someone who isn’t his master? Never.”



Icarus’ words were so shocking that no one had no idea what to do.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Icarus asked the stunned group. “Especially when we’re talking about Baron Ashbal. Don’t you remember all the times he talked about Cain’s bad luck?”

At that, a few of the knights spoke up.

“It’s weird. None of us saw any signs of sabotage before the castle caught on fire. It’s true that Count Cox has betrayed us, but there was no way his sabotage could have gone unnoticed unless he has a collaborator.”

A deafening silence enveloped the group.

“Moreover…” Icarus stared right at Baron Ashbal. “I think it’s beyond ridiculous for Baron Ashbal to say that he has no idea about what happened, even though he’s the one responsible for His Grace’s safety. You had one job, and you failed, but you didn’t even get reprimanded, am I right?”

“Well, the family just works that way—” Count Verdot tried to speak up.

“That’s not all…” Icarus interrupted and continued.

“Fendra Castle sits at the deepest part of the basin. It’s strange how so many of the vassals managed to retreat safely when enemies can be found all over the basin after Marquis Crombell crossed over through the Dennis River. It’s strange unless over half of the vassals back then were traitors as well.”

“I know the territory like the back of my hand. I know some routes that the enemies don’t know,” Baron Ashbal replied confidently.

“So, why did you not use those unknown routes, then? Why did you pick this route? Are you an idiot?”

“You bastard…!” Baron Ashbal’s face reddened at the sentence.

“A-are you suspecting him of being a traitor?” Count Verdot asked.

Icarus shook her head and said, “There aren’t really any rules against having more than one kind of traitor. If there are enemies hiding in the reeds, we’re in serious trouble.”

Ah…!” Icarus turned to the dumbfounded group and asked, “Isn’t it strange how quiet our surroundings have become? It’s about time the enemy caught up with us.”

“Now that I think about it…”

Doubt started creeping in as the members of the group started muttering among themselves.

Baron Ashbal’s eyes darted left and right, seemingly nervous. Icarus saw that, and she stepped forward. The uneasy Baron Ashbal unsheathed his sword, and the members of the group stared wide-eyed at Icarus because she continued walking to the former.

“If you're so sure, you should go first.”


“If Baron Ashbal’s skills are close to A-Class, you should be able to crush anyone hiding in the reeds, right?”

“...” Baron Ashbal went completely silent at Icarus’ sarcastic words. A few moments later, he covered his mouth with his palm and started laughing.

“Pffft!” A low laugh slipped between Baron Ashbal’s teeth. “Kukuku…!

“B-baron Ashbal?”

“What a shame. I went through so much trouble just to see Lady Charles’ sad face one more time.” With that, Baron Ashbal retrieved a magic flare out of his clothes and tossed it into the air.

There was a swish and a boom, and the reed field rippled with movement. At least two hundred knights clad in silver full-plate armor emerged from the reeds.

“The 3rd Knights…!”

“Baron Glent and the 4th Knights…!”

The three other knights with Charles couldn't believe their eyes.

“Sir, are you crazy?!” One of the three knights awakened from their stupor. He turned to look at Baron Ashbal and shouted, “Aren’t you ashamed of turning your back on your family? Do you value your life above your honor as a knight?!”

“You know, you’re welcome to join us.”

Ha!” The knight carrying the Pontier Family’s meager supplies snorted and said, “I will do the right thing, even if I ended up losing my life.”

“They’re going to let me keep my job under Marquis Crombell. It’s expensive to move, you know? And honor? Is it honorable to drown in a sinking ship? If a random ant dies, are you going to build a monument for it?” Baron Ashbal smirked and said, “History is written by the victors. You lot will forever be remembered as incompetent losers.”

“Don’t even try to rationalize your wickedness!”

Icarus furrowed her brows without saying anything. Finally, it had become clear to her why the Pontier Family collapsed so quickly.

‘The entire family is fucked. Their merchants, so most of them are supposed to be smart. I guess a rotten apple will truly infect its neighbors.’

“Yes, you’re right. However, that’s the last thing I’m worried about as a leader.” Baron Ashbal revealed a strange smile. “If you really think that way, then I guess you’re prepared to die for your ideals, then?”


Baron Ashbal’s sword let out a resonant hum as an aura ensconced over it.

The three knights responded by unsheathing their swords.

“This is wrong...” Charles looked like a husk of the woman she once was, and Icarus was desperately searching for options. Not only did they need to deal with Baron Ashbal, but they also had to escape the iron wall of knights surrounding them.

They were truly in a life-and-death crisis.

“Is there really no other way?” Icarus desperately shook her head while biting her lip as she wracked her head for ideas.

All of a sudden, Icarus found Charles’ hand resting on her shoulder.

“L-Lady Charles?”

“It’s going to be fine, Icarus. I’m sorry for getting you involved in all this.”

Icarus felt a sense of foreboding when she noted how calm and placid Charles sounded as she spoke to her.

Icarus’ worry quickly came true as Charles stepped forward with her back straight and said, “Let them go.”

“If the aim of this war is to take over the Pontier Family, then my father and I should be enough, am I right?”

“My apologies, my lady, but I always tie up every loose end.”

“If you spare them, then I’ll marry that boy Gehog.”

“My lady?!” Icarus exclaimed in disbelief.

“Are you… serious?” Baron Ashbal asked, seemingly doubtful about the idea.

“I think Marquis Crombell will be more than happy with this arrangement.”

This way, Marquis Crombell would be able to absorb the remaining forces of the Pontier Family forces. He wouldn’t have to deal with the remnant forces of the Pontier Family, who might engage in guerilla warfare.

“However, you have to guarantee their safety,” added Charles.

“My lady, I’d rather die fighting than let you sacrifice your life for us!”

“Our lives aren’t important, my lady!”

“Please reconsider, my lady!”

“For me, your lives are more valuable than anything else.” Charles’ revealed a rueful smile as she swept her gaze across the remaining faithful members of her family. “You helped me a lot when I was just an immature young lady…”

”Now, please allow me to help you in my own way.”

The members of the group were moved.

Count Verdot shut his eyes tightly and silently looked away.

“You’ve made a great decision, my lady,” said Baron Ashbal as he made his way over to Charles.

“How dare—” the knights were about to kick up a fuss.

“Enough!” However, Charles interrupted them. “It’s fine…”

“My lady...”

“Hahaha…!” Baron Ashbal erupted into boisterous laughter. He laughed so hard that his face turned red. After arriving in front of Charles, he lifted her chin with his hand and said, “It’s my honor to meet you, my lady—no, I guess it will be Your Grace from now on?”

“...” Charles shut her eyes tightly without saying anything.

‘People have been praising me for how smart I am, but why can’t I think of any way to salvage this situation at such a critical juncture!’?Icarus scolded herself while tearing apart her long hair out of frustration.

Count Verdot revealed a defeated look. The knights were ready to fight, but even they knew that there was no way that the tables could still be turned at this point.

All of a sudden, screams tore through the air.


“Take your hands off of her, you asshole!”

A roar tore through the air as well, and the voice sounded very familiar to everyone.

So he was alive...

‘I-I’ve been waiting for you…’?

Tears dripped down Icarus’ cheeks as she started crying. “You idiot…!”

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