The Lesbian Demon Lord Conquers the World!

Counting Down


This chapter contains transphobic slurs and threats of sexual violence.

As the White Moon dipped low towards the horizon, streaming godrays through the clouds in a spectacular sunset of yellow and orange, the beams cast the gleaming city of Arcryid and the west-facing Mycaeron Bay it abutted in long ink-dark shadows. Within one of these shadows, four glamour-cloaked demons lead their leashed serpenthedes on foot as they approached the city limits of Arcryid’s Outer District.

“You mean to tell me the city has no defenses?” Metokai said, her voice split between incredulity and disappointment.

“Welllll…” Nyze said sheepishly, “it’s not so much that. All roads leading into Arcryid have checkpoints.”

“Sometimes tollbooths too, if it’s a busy road,” Valex added.

“And fences, to mark boundaries,” Rixu concluded. “They’re in various states of repair, depending on the level of corruption among the soldiers of the local garrison. So there are defenses leading into the Outer District, yes.”

“Then why,” Metokai said, tapping her glamour-cloaked hoof impatiently and glaring up at Nyze, “did you suggest we just ‘sneak in’ like it was a trivial task, serpent?”

Nyze grinned mischievously. “Because those checkpoints and tollbooths and fences are only on the official roads. There are plenty of back alleyways that nobody monitors.”

“Not to mention cisterns and sewers. I’ve snuck through many of those while on covert ops,” Valex added, sounding strangely proud of that fact.

Rixu retched. “And should we not want to wade through the collective shit of five million people, we could easily bribe some guards into looking the other way, like we did when crossing the Anti-Demon Wall.”

Metokai shook her head in abject disbelief. “To think the Saimonican capital city is so poorly defended. They don’t even patrol their own sewers?! Madness! Why, the Whispers could take this city in a week if they put their minds to it!”

“That’s a good thing, right?” Nyze asked, tilting her head quizzically. “It means we can invade with little bloodshed when the time comes.”

Metokai frowned. “Granted, but I was expecting… I don’t know, more of a challenge. If this whole war is easy, I will be sorely disappointed.” The way her voice rumbled made that last bit sound like a threat, which caused Rixu and Valex to twitch at the thought of an angry Metokai.

Nyze, meanwhile, seemed unbothered and simply chuckled. “Only you would be mad about a war being too easy, Metokai.”

The baphomet huffed indignantly. “War is an art, serpent. A well-executed strategy is a thing of beauty. If the enemy is weak, however, the entire canvas becomes marred by tedium. There is neither honor nor glory in such a victory.”

Nyze rolled her eyes. “If you say so. Fortunately for our little soiree, we won’t need to go wading through any sewers. There’s a hidden smuggler’s road about a half-mile south where we’ll blend right in, with nary a guard in sight.”

Metokai sighed in resignation. “Fine. Lead the way, serpent.”


Diane hummed cheerily as she strode towards the front door of the Crimson Coterie, stopping in front of a full-length mirror in the foyer to admire herself… an indulgence she’d been practicing quite a bit lately. An involuntary grin lifted her cheeks as she twirled around a bit, centripetal force raising the hem of her green floral print dress. She had good reason to be peppy; she still wasn’t in love with her reflection, but she did like the improvements a whole lot.

Although she’d only been on the apothecary-provided potions for a few weeks, the minor shaping magics woven into them had worked in perfect concert with interlaced estrogen to accomplish what would have taken non-magical hormones a full year. Her subcutaneous fat tissue was being redistributed, making her face softer, her cheeks fuller, her hips and butt rounder, and even forming the beginning buds of breasts on her chest.

Adding to that, Tessaria’s expert assistance on fashion and makeup had proved invaluable. Having gone through this process herself, she knew exactly what dress cut would diminish broad shoulders or what style of makeup would soften a strong jawline, and she shared this knowledge with Diane freely and enthusiastically. Between the cosmetics, the hormones, the dresses and the ever-changing assortment of flowers stuck in her hair, Diane was finally starting to feel like a woman, and it was a feeling she adored utterly.

With that euphoria, however, came trepidation. There was always that lurking doubt in the back of her mind; she’d catch a glimpse of an unshaven hair on her chin, or be reminded of her clumsy oversized hands, and suddenly the doubt that she was simply a pretender playing dress-up would assail her mind. It was in those moments that she used her combat experience as the ex-Hero to bludgeon those thoughts into oblivion… metaphorically speaking.

Still, she wished the changes would happen faster. If only she hadn’t lost her severance pay from the Church, maybe she could pay a powerful shaper mage upfront to…

“BOO!” exclaimed a bratty voice into her ear, causing her skeleton to leap three feet out of her skin… once again, metaphorically. Soothing her frayed nerds, Diane schooled her face into a pout and turned her head to glare at a smirking Tessaria.

“Don’t DO that!” Diane protested, stamping her foot.

“Pay attention to your surroundings,” Tess retorted. “Getting lost in your baby greys again, eh?”

Diane’s eyes darted to the floor as she blushed. “M-Maybe…”

Tess grinned and slapped Diane on the back, making her wince slightly. “Hey, girl, I get it. I went through the same thing. Just watch where you’re pointing your feet, okay?”

Diane nodded bashfully.

“What’s with the basket, anyway?” Tess asked, her gaze snaking down to Diane’s arm. “You going out at this hour?”

Diane self-consciously rubbed her arm. “Yeah. I noticed we were out of pepper and a few other things, so I’m going to make a small grocery run before the customers start to arrive.”

Tess pulled back and planted her hands on her hips. “I dunno, Diane. It’s getting kinda late and we aren’t in the best part of town…”

Diane smiled warmly at her concern. “It’s fine, Tess. I’m only going two blocks over. Besides, there are still plenty of guards patrolling at this hour.”

Tess scowled, leaning forwards and booping Diane on the nose gently; the latter girl obligingly flinched. “What did I tell you, Diane? Don’t trust the guards. For every good egg like Rixu, there’s two hundred bad eggs who would just as soon rob you or worse. Girls like us are especially at risk.”

“I know, I know. I’ll be careful, I promise,” Diane replied, finding herself a bit shocked at just how quickly Tess’ attitude towards her had shifted from seething hostility to motherly protectionism. “I won’t be gone long.” She gave a cheery wave as she turned towards the entrance.

Tess watched her leave, and her violet eyes bored holes into the door that closed behind Diane for nearly a full minute before she allowed herself to blink. She hoped her glare would cast an aura of protection around the newly hatched flower girl, scaring off surly miscreants on the streets who might wish her harm… because if anything happened to Diane, Tess would personally hunt down the people responsible and carve the true meaning of horror into their bones.

Metaphorically speaking, of course.


After Nyze and company stabled their serpenthedes at a seedy no-questions-asked ranch just within the city limits of Arcryid, they strolled through the streets inconspicuously while Rixu got his bearings. Metokai, meanwhile, could barely disguise her culture shock.

“There’s filth in the streets, serpent,” she hissed at Nyze, who was quite unused to being on the receiving end of snakelike onomatopoeia instead of vice versa. “Animal feces, garbage, rat corpses…”

Nyze nodded sadly. “These are the slums, Metokai,” she whispered back, gazing at an unhoused man who was begging for coin on a street corner. “The only ones who clean the streets are the local residents. What few guards you find around here are mostly corrupt, either on the payroll of organized crime or engaging in their own protection rackets.”

As Metokai and Nyze walked past the beggar, the baphomet covertly slipped some coins into his cup, with hand motions far too fast for any mortal eye to see. Nyze noticed, of course, and half-smiled. “For all your angry bluster, you’re a kind soul.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, serpent,” Metokai sniffed haughtily. “Still, if things are this bad, we can’t conquer Arcryid soon enough. Speaking of, Rixu, have you found your sense of direction yet?”

Rixu, who’d been walking ahead with Valex, turned around and nodded. “We’re about twenty blocks west of Vel’s place. We should be able to make it there just as he’s opening for the night and blend in with the customers if necessary. On that matter, I think it would be better if Valex and I went on ahead so we can explain the situation and secure lodging before we introduce him to… you two.”

In almost-perfect sync, Metokai and Nyze folded their arms and glared. “What do you mean by that?” Nyze said grumpily, already knowing her answer to her question but wanting to hear it said out loud all the same.

Rixu raised an eyebrow at the perfectly matched pair. “It’s just you two are… a lot to handle. I’d feel like bringing three demons into Vel’s place with no introduction might overwhelm him, glamours or not. And for all your prowess in battle, Valex is a little better at… shall we say… blending in.”

“I am an ex-ninja, after all,” Valex said with a smile and a wink.

Nyze and Metokai’s glares withered, and they shot each other resigned glances. “Fine, fine, we get it,” Nyze grumbled. “We’ll just walk around and look inconspicuous while you handle the secret stuff.”

“We’ll make it as fast as we can,” Valex added. “In the meantime, please try to stay out of trouble?”

“Who, us? Cause trouble? Perish the thought!” Nyze riposted.

“Well said, serpent,” Metokai added, nodding resolutely.


As Diane exited the spice shop, laden basket over her right arm, she noticed a couple of men eyeing her from across the street. She averted her eyes and briskly walked away from them, trying her best not to be noticed, but the sound of heavy footsteps behind her sent chills up her spine.

She whirled around and confronted the two men. “Can I help you?” she asked icily.

“I think you can,” said the taller one, licking his lips. “You work at that whorehouse, right?”

“None of your business,” she shot back.

“Don’t try and dodge us, missy. I’ve seen you hanging around there,” the shorter one said. “You’re one of those shemales like Tessaria, right? A man all trussed up to look like a lady?”

Diane’s stomach sank, and she bit her lip.

“Yeah, you definitely are,” the taller one said, grinning lasciviously. “I’ve always found you perverts hot. C’mon baby, why not give us a little demonstration in that alley over there?”

“No thank you,” Diane muttered, turning on her heel and trying to walk away. She didn’t make it a half-step before she was halted by a sweaty hand gripping her upper arm. “Hey! Let go of me!”

“I don’t think so,” the taller man said, half-dragging her along. “Stop your protesting. This will go easier if you don’t resist.”

Diane’s basket clattered to the ground, and she struggled and screamed at the top of her lungs. All around, pedestrians looked the other way and kept walking.


Four blocks away, Nyze and Metokai were strolling along covertly handing out coin to any beggars they ran across when they stopped cold in their tracks, ears prickling.

“Did you hear that?” Nyze said, eyes searching.

“I did. It sounded like a scream,” Metokai said, eyes shining pink as she muttered a scrying spell under her breath. “The source is three miles south-southeast. Are we going to…”

Of course we are,” Nyze said, already setting off at a half-sprint.

Metokai easily kept pace. “After all that shit you gave me when I healed that man in Lyzikanth?”

“We’ll be inconspicuous this time,” Nyze retorted. “And I never said we shouldn’t help people, just… be careful about it. Are you really opposed to this?”

“Not at all, serpent,” Metokai said, grinning triumphantly. “I just wanted to seek clarity and preserve this moment in memory next time you deign to criticize my benevolence.”

“Duly noted,” Nyze replied drily, returning Metokai’s grin. The two then broke into a full run, darting around pedestrians as they went. It didn’t take them long to close the distance, only to be greeted by a curiously empty street that everyone else seemed to be avoiding. Even the windows of the shops were shuttered, and their doors barred.

“Where…” Nyze asked, catching her breath.

Metokai’s eyes glowed pink again, and she pointed to a shadowy alley near the end of the street. “There.”

As they charged into the alley, they were greeted by the sight of two men hovering over a frightened woman, whose back was pressed against the wall. The taller man had his hand gripped around her arm, and the shorter one was giggling grossly to himself as he undressed her with his eyes.

“FUCKERS!” Nyze screeched at the top of her lungs.

The two men, startled, turned to face her; their confusion soon twisted to hatred. “Back off, bitches, if you know what’s good for you,” the taller one growled.

“You have five seconds to surrender,” Metokai replied coldly, “in which case I will knock you both out painlessly. Otherwise, I will break every single one of your fingers on both of your hands. Choose wisely, scum.”

The two men, threatened by what they thought to be a child, burst into laughter. Meanwhile, Metokai tersely counted down. “Five. Four. Three. Two. One…”

At the unspoken zero, both Nyze and Metokai vanished from the men’s vision. As they began to cry out in confusion, the shorter man felt an excruciating pain in his gut and looked down to see Nyze’s fist buried deep in his intestines. Moaning in pain, he sank to the ground and began to cough up blood.

The taller man gasped as his world pivoted; he caught a fleeting glimpse of Metokai sweeping his legs out from under him with a low kick. As he slammed into the ground, Metokai placed one of her feet on his neck to pin him and grabbed his hand in her own.

“One,” she said with tranquil fury, shattering the bones in his pinky finger. The man screamed in pain, but the sound didn’t travel further than a few feet, absorbed by a silencing field of illusion magic Metokai had conjured around the whole alleyway.

“Two,” she said, cracking his ring finger.

The man’s screaming turned to begging. “Please, don’t, I…”

“You had your chance to surrender, worm,” Metokai retorted, snapping his middle finger next. “Three.”

“I’ll give you anything… I…” he managed through sobs.

“You didn’t show that poor girl any mercy when you were threatening to rape her, did you?” Metokai spat back. “Why should I listen to your hypocritical pleas?” She twisted his index finger, snapping its bones into shards. “Four.”

The man was incoherent now, and rapidly losing consciousness. The last sight he saw before slipping into the abyss was Metokai’s scowling face as her lips formed one last word.


Metokai twisted his thumb far further than nature ever intended, relishing the popping squish it made. She then released the man’s hand, watching him slump to the ground insensate before unceremoniously smashing her foot into his other hand and pulping all its bones at once.

“Damn, Metokai, that was brutal,” Nyze said in half-admiration, half-horror.

“I have no sympathy to spare for rapist scum,” Metokai said, although there was no triumph in her voice. She looked over to the shorter man, who was also unconscious and still spilling blood from his mouth. “They’ll both live, although they’ll need a lot of healing when they wake up.”

“Meh, not our problem,” Nyze said, turning to the girl. Her eyes were shock-wide as she looked upon her two unlikely rescuers; Nyze noted her dress, a pretty green affair printed with white flowers, was ruined.

“Are you alright? Do you need healing?” Nyze asked gently.

“I-I’m fine…” Diane responded. “Just a bit bruised on my arm. Thank the Gods you two arrived when you did. I don’t know what I would have done if they…”

She stopped as Metokai ran a hand lambent with teal light over her bruised arm and breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the pain fade.

“We’re just glad you’re alright,” Nyze said. “Can we escort you home? We are…” Her voice trailed off as she got a good look at Diane’s face. Something about it was familiar, something she couldn’t place. Maybe her eyes? Grey eyes… even accented with eyeshadow, they seemed so familiar somehow. But she couldn’t quite remember…

“DIARN?!” she gasped in pure shock as the realization hit her.

Diane cringed upon hearing that name; she wasn’t sure how this strange woman knew her and raced through memories for some sign of familiarity. Her brown hair and eyes were unremarkable, yet something about her voice seemed familiar. Something intimate, and yet distant, like the transient flash of a shooting star…

“NYZE?!” she yelped as everything clicked into place.

The alley was utterly silent, and not because of the spell. Even the distant bustle of the city seemed to fade away as the two former-lovers and maybe-enemies stared at each other, not sure what to say.

“Well,” Metokai said after a moment as she watched the odd reunion, “this is awkward.”

Whew! I accidentally had another longer-than-expected gap between chapters, for which you have my sincerest apologies, dear readers. I mentioned this in the author notes of my latest Giant Robot Reincarnation chapter, but I've been dealing with a lot of stress and personal crises these last few months... the latest of which was the death of my beloved cat Nova last Monday. That said, I will ever strive to increase my writing output so y'all aren't waiting too long for the resolution of above cliffhanger. Please look forward to the awkward culmination of Nyze and Diane's reunion, coming soon!

I have a discord dedicated to my wonderful queer audience, which hosts many other authors besides me; one of my friends Vyria (who writes the joyful Catnip story) is going to be streaming Elden Ring there in the upcoming days. If you'd like to see that, please stop by sometime!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.